Page 8 - min.ttc sept 2,2015
P. 8
Wednesday 2 September
Le Vent Condominiums Has Recently Reached Its Highest Point!
nience store. The complex
will be gated with 24/7 se-
To date the project has
sold about 87% of its inven-
tory and delivery is sched-
uled for April 2016.
The management of Le
Vent would like to take this
opportunity to express grat-
itude to all those who have
contributed to the project
reaching its highest point
what locally is celebrated
as the “Spantenbier” (Top-
ping Out). Especially, the
management would like
to thank the construction
crews who are making this
We look forward to deliver
the project in April 2016.q
EAGLE BEACH - Today Le vestment of around US$ 18 materials which will trans-
Vent Condominiums Aruba million. The project consists late into lower energy con-
is achieving another impor- of 60 luxurious apartment sumption once the building
tant construction milestone units and 5 luxurious town- is completed allowing the
as the highest construction houses all being built with owners to lower their over-
point has been reached. high end and top quality all utilities costs.
Le Vent Condominiums is material. The overall management
a condominium project lo- The construction materials and construction is the re-
cated in the Eagle Beach are imported from several sponsibility of the same
area considered one of the international suppliers lo- local investors develop-
most beautiful beaches in cated in several countries ing the project. Le Vent
the world. and which are prepared Condominiums will have a
Le Vent, an initiative of a using leading technologies large pool, several Jacuzz-
local development group, in the area of construction. is, landscaping, walking
currently employs around The developers are putting paths, gym, meeting room,
100 construction employ- significant emphasize on front desk, bbq area, kids
ees and entails a total in- construction methods and play ground, and a conve-