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locAl           Thursday 9 July 2020

            Family hike at the park

            ST.CRUZ  —  National  Park  Old  plantation  (Cunucus)
            Arikok  organizes  a  fam-   sites tell the story of an ac-
            ily  hike  were  knowledge-  tive  yet  challenging  agri-
            able park rangers will share  cultural past.
            their  insights  of  our  natural  These  Cunucus  were  also
            and historical richness, this  residential areas for the few
            coming Friday July 10th be-  families  that  worked  the
            tween 4 and 6pm. Meeting  land.  These  families  found
            point is at the park’s visitor’s  ways  to  survive  in  the  dif-
            center.                      ficult conditions, and were
                                         able  to  erect  their  homes
            The  hike  will  go  from  the  with materials found in the
            visitor’s  center  to  the  Cu-  area.
            nucu Arikok and back. This  Park  rangers  are  learning
            site recalls Aruba’s agricul-  many  of  the  old  building
            tural  past.  Different  types  techniques in order to pre-
            of  plants  were  cultivated  serve  this  unique  Aruban
            at  this  site.  An  old  farm-  mud-house.
            house made from adobe is  The protected area of Na-
            a  reminder  of  those  times.  tional  Park  Arikok  was  of-  cated at the north-eastern  great geological complex-  Park,  to  protect  and  pre-
            Cactus hedges and stone-     ficially  established  in  2000.  part  of  Aruba  which  con-  ity.                   serve the flora, fauna, geol-
            walls  were  built  to  protect  Arikok  National  Park  is  a  tains  examples  of  most  of  Approximately  18%  of  the  ogy  and  historical  remains
            against  goats,  sheep,  and  34  square  kilometers  (7907  the  island’s  flora  and  fau-  total  land  area  of  Aruba  present  within  Arikok  Na-
            donkeys.                     acres)  of  natural  area,  lo-  na  against  a  backdrop  of  is  assigned  as  a  National  tional Park.q

            Health, aging and pensions minor information meeting

            ORANJESTAD — University of Aruba provides in-
            sight into the increasing aging. Aruba is aging                                                   About Center for Lifelong Learning (CLL)
            at a very rapid pace. By 2030, 20% of our popu-                                                   One  of  the  key  issues  in  the  strategic  de-
            lation will be older than 65. This is a doubling of                                               velopment of the University of Aruba (UA) is
            the number of people in this age category since                                                   the need to orient its service more explicitly
            2012 and it implies that then there are only three                                                towards  the  development  of  the  Aruban
            working people left for every person over 65.                                                     society. CLL extends the mission and vision
                                                                                                              of the University of Aruba and does so with
            These developments have a major impact on                                                         a  focus  on  offering  learning  opportunities
            our healthcare and pensions. To be better pre-                                                    throughout  life  to  various  stakeholders  in
            pared for this, the University of Aruba (UA) start-                                               our society at the individual, organizational
            ed last year with a new program, called "Health,                                                  as well as national level. CLL has as motto
            Aging and Pensions" (HAP). This program is very                                                   “Enabling Growth”.  This growth is achieved
            relevant  for  professionals  and  managers  who                                                  by  means  of  providing  continuous  educa-
            work  for  the  government,  healthcare  sector,                                                  tion  for  holistic  human  development  and
            human  resources,  trade  unions,  pensions  and                                                  personal growth. More information: https://
            insurers. The program, also known as the Minor,                                         
            is (optional) part of the 4th year of the Faculty
            for Accounting, Finance and Marketing (FEF) of
            the UA.
            In this minor, managers, professionals and stu-
            dents  will  learn  how  different  kinds  of  Health-
            care and Pension systems work, both in Aruba
            as internationally. Challenges and opportunities  Free webinar
            for  future  policy  issues  and  operational  man-  The minor starts in the week of August 29, 2020.
            agement are discussed.                          The  lectures  take  place  on  Thursday  evening
            The  minor  will  also  focus  on  Healthy  Aging,  and  Friday  morning  and  afternoon.  The  total
            where the focus is on how health influences the  minor consists of 6 courses, spread over 2 blocks
            process of aging and employment, as well as  of 7 weeks. It is also possible to attend only one
            on the Personal Life Cycle Management, which  or  more  courses  and  receive  a  certificate  for
            relates  to  choices  that  people  make  during  the  completed  courses.  If  you  are  interested,
            their  lives  with  regard  to  education,  work,  liv-  you are very welcome at the free information
            ing,  family,  savings  and  the  mutual  influences  meeting on Thursday, July 9 from 4 to 5 pm via
            of these choices on the individual life cycle.  zoom webinar. q
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