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A26    U.S. NEWS
                      Thursday 9 July 2020
            Vindman retiring from Army, lawyer blames Trump

            By JILL COLVIN and LOLITA                                                                                           ergy  company  Burisma  in
            C. BALDOR                                                                                                           Ukraine.  And  he  told  im-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    peachment     investigators
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Lt.                                                                                            that  he  twice  raised  con-
            Col.  Alexander  Vindman,                                                                                           cerns  over  the  administra-
            a  national  security  aide                                                                                         tion's push to have Ukraine
            who  played  a  central  role                                                                                       investigate the Bidens.
            in President Donald Trump's                                                                                         In  the  aftermath,  senior
            impeachment  case,  an-                                                                                             Pentagon  leaders  insisted
            nounced     his   retirement                                                                                        that  Vindman  would  not
            from the Army on Wednes-                                                                                            see any retaliation as a re-
            day in a scathing statement                                                                                         sult  of  the  testimony.  Talk-
            that accused the president                                                                                          ing  to  reporters  in  Novem-
            of running a "campaign of                                                                                           ber, Esper said the depart-
            bullying,  intimidation,  and                                                                                       ment  has  protections  for
            retaliation."                                                                                                       whistleblowers.    Vindman
            The  statement  from  attor-                                                                                        "shouldn't have any fear of
            ney  David  Pressman  said                                                                                          retaliation. That's DOD's po-
            Vindman,  45,  was  leaving                                                                                         sition,"  Esper  said,  adding
            the  Army  after  more  than                                                                                        that he flatly rejected sug-
            21  years  after  it  had  been                                                                                     gestions  that  the  soldier's
            made clear "that his future                                                                                         career  was  over.  He  said
            within the institution he has                                                                                       he  had  spoken  with  Army
            dutifully  served  will  forever   In this Nov. 19, 2019, file photo National Security Council aide Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman is sworn   Secretary  Ryan  McCarthy
            be limited."                 in to testify before the House Intelligence Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington.   about the matter.
            "Through  a  campaign  of                                                                          Associated Press  McCarthy  said  in  February
            bullying,  intimidation,  and                                                                                       that  Vindman  was  not  un-
            retaliation, the President of  did  a  review  and  found  It's not clear whether Esper  Vindman  from  his  job  on  der investigation, and that
            the United States attempt-   that any suggestion of mis-  already knew of Vindman's  the National Security Coun-    he was serving in an Army
            ed  to  force  LTC  Vindman  conduct  was  unfounded.  plan  to  retire  before  he  cil, where he served as an  headquarters       job   and
            to choose: Between adher-    One official said the list was  signed  the  list,  or  whether  expert on Ukraine, just two  would  go  on  to  senior  ser-
            ing to the law or pleasing a  resent  to  Esper  about  a  the  White  House  would  days  after  the  president's  vice college in the summer.
            President.  Between  honor-  month ago, but again was  have  approved  the  pro-       acquittal  by  the  Senate.  In  gripping  testimony,  Vin-
            ing  his  oath  or  protecting  delayed.                  motion list. The White House  Vindman's lawyer said then  dman  also  spoke  of  his
            his  career.  Between  pro-  A  senior  defense  official  and the Pentagon did not  that  his  client  had  been  family's story and his father
            tecting his promotion or the  said the list was held up by  immediately respond to re-  told  to  leave  in  retaliation  bringing  them  to  the  U.S.
            promotion of his fellow sol-  a routine personnel review,  quests for comment.         for "telling the truth."     from the Soviet Union when
            diers," read the statement,  not  related  to  Vindman.  Pressman  said  Vindman  Vindman's  twin  brother,  Lt.  he was a young child.
            first obtained by CNN.       Esper  received  the  final  "did  what  the  law  com-   Col.  Yevgeny  Vindman,  "Dad, my sitting here today
            Vindman's name was on a  promotion  list  on  Monday  pelled  him  to  do;  and  for  was also asked to leave his  in  the  U.S.  Capitol,  talking
            promotion  list  sent  to  De-  and approved it, with Vind-  that he was bullied by the  job as a White House law-  to  our  elected  officials,  is
            fense Secretary Mark Esper  man's name included, and  President and his proxies."      yer.  Both  men  were  reas-  proof  that  you  made  the
            earlier this year, according  it was expected to be sent  "LTC  Vindman's  patriotism,"  signed to the Army.        right decision 40 years ago
            to two U.S. officials familiar  to  the  White  House  in  the  he  said,  "has  cost  him  his  Vindman had testified that  to  leave  the  Soviet  Union
            with  the  matter.  But  that  next  day  or  two,  the  de-  career.  Today  our  country  he didn't think it was "prop-  and  come  here  to  United
            list  was  delayed  for  weeks  fense official said.      loses a devoted soldier, but  er"  for  Trump  to  "demand  States of America in search
            because  the  White  House  The officials spoke on con-   it  is  incumbent  upon  all  of  that a foreign government  of a better life for our fam-
            asked  for  an  investigation  dition  of  anonymity  to  dis-  us to ensure it does not lose  investigate"  former  Vice  ily,"  he  testified.  "Do  not
            of Vindman, one of the of-   cuss  an  internal  personnel  the values he represents."  President  Joe  Biden  and  worry, I will be fine for telling
            ficials  said.  The  Pentagon  matter.                    Trump  in  February  ousted  his  son's  work  for  the  en-  the truth."q

                                                                      U.S. seizes 81 vehicles in Venezuela

                                                                      smuggling ring

                                                                      said Wednesday they have  "This is all part of an ongo-   many  of  the  vehicles  are
                                                                      seized 81 vehicles worth an  ing  effort  to  combat  for-  linked  to  Venezuelans  al-
                                                                      estimated  $3.2  million  that  eign public corruption and  ready  facing  indictments
                                                                      were  bound  for  Venezu-    in particular for public cor-  in the U.S., including billion-
                                                                      ela as part of a smuggling  ruption  in  Venezuela  and  aire Raul Gorrin. Gorrin is a
                                                                      ring  operated  for  wealthy  the  laundering  and  the  government-connected
                                                                      and  politically  connected  fleecing of the Venezuelan  media magnate wanted in
                                                                      people.                      people's  wealth  and  the  the  U.S.  for  allegedly  mas-
                                                                      Anthony  Salisbury,  chief  of  stealing of the Venezuelan  terminding a graft network
                                                                      the  Miami  Homeland  Se-    wealth  from  the  national  that  stole  $2.4  billion  from
            An official with Homeland Security Investigations walks among   curity  Investigations  office,  treasury  for  the  gain  of  a  state coffers through fraud-
            vehicles worth an estimated $3.2 million, at Port Everglades after   said  the  vehicles  were  to  few  politically  exploited,  ulent  currency  deals  with
            they were seized by Homeland Security Investigations, Wednes-
            day, July 8, 2020, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.               be smuggled in violation of  exposed  people,  klepto-    Venezuela's oil monopoly.
                                                     Associated Press  U.S. export laws and sanc-  crats and their associates,"  Gorrín did not immediately
                                                                      tions  against  the  socialist  Salisbury said.           respond  to  a  request  for
            FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP)  —     Federal   investigators  Venezuelan government,      According    to   Salisbury,  comment.q
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