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P. 25
U.S. NEWS Thursday 9 July 2020
Continued from Front charged with crime.
President Donald Trump Bottoms, a Democrat,
has seized on the violence lashed out after an 8-year-
for political gain, accusing old girl was shot and killed
Democrats of being weak near the Atlanta Wendy's
and suggesting the crime restaurant where Rayshard
wave is being driven by Brooks died three weeks
recent protests calling for earlier in a confrontation
racial justice, police reform with police who were later
and drastic cuts in law en- charged criminally.
forcement funding. "That's an important move-
"Law and order are the ment that's happening,"
building blocks of the she said at a news con-
American dream, but if an- ference. "But this random,
archy prevails, this dream wild, wild West shoot 'em
comes crumbling down," up because you can has
White House Press Secre- got to stop."
tary Kayleigh McEnany said Trump's Georgia campaign
last week. arm claimed Atlanta was a
Police officials in New York "war zone" brought on after
City and elsewhere say Bottoms "lost control of the
the recent bloodshed has city after what started out
shown there are conse- as peaceful protests, quick-
quences to some reforms ly turned violent. In a flurry Chief of Department of the New York City Police, Terence Monahan, takes a knee with activists as
they see as misguided, par- of anti-police activity." protesters paused while walking in New York, Monday, June 1, 2020.
ticularly on bail reform, en- The Trump campaign also Associated Press
acted before the protests launched a $250,000 ad
happened but exacerbat- blitz Sunday on Facebook the Fourth of July," it read. Like New York, Chicago Northwestern University.
ed by the moment. and Twitter, claiming "vio- The shooting was not con- had already seen an in- Seventeen people were
Emboldened criminals feel lent crime has EXPLODED" nected to Black Lives Mat- crease in homicides and fatally shot in Chicago and
"that the cops can't do any- as protesters call for cuts to ter, the movement be- shootings in the first part of 70 wounded, one of the
thing anymore, that no one police departments across hind many of the protests the year. But while the vio- bloodiest holiday week-
likes the police, that they the country. The ad fea- against police brutality. The lence tapered off in New ends in memory there.
can get away with things, tures video of an empty boy had been at a fam- York under stay-at-home Gangs "are not particularly
that it's safe to carry a gun police station with a ringing ily-oriented anti-violence orders, shootings in Chica- deterred by the risks of be-
out on the street," New York phone that sends a caller cookout Saturday, but he go remained steady, likely ing out there," Skogan said.
Police Department Chief to an answering machine, left to get a phone charger because of gang warfare, "Of all the things they are
Terence Monahan said this which says the estimated from his aunt's house when said Wesley Skogan, who likely to be worried about,
week. wait time for police help is he was struck by gunmen in studies crime at the Insti- COVID is way down the
Monahan's remarks came five days. a sedan. tute for Policy Research at list."q
after a holiday weekend The video ends by flashing Tracie Keesee, a longtime
that saw a wave of shoot- the words, "You won't be police official in Denver
ings leaving 10 dead. safe in Joe Biden's Ameri- and New York who co- Harvard, MIT sue to block
Through Sunday, shootings ca." founded the Center for
were up more than 53% — Biden's campaign said the Policing Equity, said it's im- ICE rule on international
to 585 — so far this year. Trump approach was just portant to get answers on
The recent spasm of vio- another distraction from his what is driving the crime, students
lence was captured in a "inaction and mismanage- whether it's drugs, domes-
New York Post headline ment" of the coronavirus tic violence or poverty. She By COLLIN BINKLEY State Department said
about a crime-ravaged crisis. cautioned against broad- AP Education Writer that while international stu-
city crying out for help. "While Donald Trump stroke generalizations. BOSTON (AP) — Harvard dents are welcome in the
It was nearly identical to searches for the latest cul- "You have to get into the University and the Massa- U.S., the policy "provides
one that ran 30 years ago tural issue to drive people numbers," she said. chusetts Institute of Tech- greater flexibility for nonim-
— when there were more apart and celebrates In- Reform advocates say nology filed a federal migrant students to con-
than 2,000 murders a year. dependence Day with blaming a spike on the lawsuit Wednesday chal- tinue their education in the
But crime has been declin- new, race-baiting rhetoric, necessary push for police lenging the Trump admin- United States, while also al-
ing for more than a de- Americans are contract- reform ignores the root istration's decision to bar lowing for proper social dis-
cade — there were about ing coronavirus at alarming causes of crime and the international students from tancing on open and op-
300 last year. rates, and there is still no progress of the movement. staying in the U.S. if they erating campuses across
Crime has spiked in other coherent national plan to Government officials need take classes entirely online America."
major cities, too. In Dallas, address it," said T.J. Ducklo, to "be thoughtful and nu- this fall. U.S. Immigration and Cus-
violent crime increased a spokesman for the pre- anced and contextual The lawsuit, filed in Boston's toms Enforcement notified
more than 14% from April sumptive Democratic nom- about these things," lib- federal court, seeks to pre- colleges Monday that in-
to June. In Philadelphia, inee. eral New York City Council vent federal immigration ternational students will be
homicides were up 20% Trump's messaging went Speaker Corey Johnson authorities from enforcing forced to leave the U.S. or
for the week ending July 5 beyond the ad campaign. told radio station WNYC this the rule. The universities transfer to another college
over last year at this time. Donald Trump Jr. shared on week. contend that the directive if their schools operate en-
In Atlanta, 31 people were Facebook a conservative- To link the shootings to re- violates the Administrative tirely online this fall. New
shot over the weekend, created meme of 11-year- forms, Johnson added, Procedures Act because visas will not be issued to
five fatally, compared with old Davon McNeal, who gives "an inaccurate pic- officials failed to offer a students at those schools,
seven shootings and one was shot to death in Wash- ture of what criminal justice reasonable basis justifying and others at universities
killing over the same week ington during a cookout reform is about and is just the policy and because offering a mix of online and
in 2019. over the weekend. demonizing the moment the public was not given in-person classes will be
Some police unions say of- "Davon was murdered af- that we're in and not talk- notice to comment on it. barred from taking all of
ficers just aren't doing their ter a string of BLM (Black ing about what brought us In a statement, the U.S. their classes online.q
jobs over fear of being Lives Matter) violence on here today."