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                                                                                           TECHNOLOGY Thursday 9 July 2020
            Facebook civil rights audit: 'Serious setbacks' mar progress

            By BARBARA ORTUTAY                                                                                                  company  has  a  long  way
            AP Technology Writer                                                                                                to  go,  but  is  making  prog-
            A  two-year  audit  of  Face-                                                                                       ress.
            book's  civil  rights  record                                                                                       "This audit has been a deep
            found  "serious  setbacks"                                                                                          analysis  of  how  we  can
            that have marred the social                                                                                         strengthen  and  advance
            network's progress on mat-                                                                                          civil  rights  at  every  level
            ters  such  as  hate  speech,                                                                                       of  our  company  —  but
            misinformation and bias.                                                                                            it  is  the  beginning  of  the
            Facebook hired the audit's                                                                                          journey,  not  the  end,"  she
            leader,  former  American                                                                                           wrote.  "What  has  become
            Civil Liberties Union execu-                                                                                        increasingly  clear  is  that
            tive  Laura  Murphy,  in  May                                                                                       we  have  a  long  way  to
            2018  to  assess  its  perfor-                                                                                      go. As hard as it has been
            mance  on  vital  social  is-                                                                                       to  have  our  shortcomings
            sues. Its 100-page report re-                                                                                       exposed  by  experts,  it  has
            leased Wednesday outlines                                                                                           undoubtedly been a really
            a "seesaw of progress and                                                                                           important  process  for  our
            setbacks" at the company                                                                                            company."q
            on  everything  from  bias  in
            Facebook's  algorithms  to
            its  content  moderation,
            advertising  practices  and   In this Sept. 5, 2018, file photo, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg testifies before the Senate Intel-
            treatment of voter suppres-  ligence Committee hearing on "Foreign Influence Operations and Their Use of Social Media Plat-
            sion.                        forms," on Capitol Hill in Washington.
            The  audit  recommends                                                                             Associated Press
            that Facebook build a "civil
            rights  infrastructure"  into  Those  include  Facebook's  clear  if  Trump's  previous  Civil  rights  leaders  who
            every  aspect  of  the  com-  decision  to  exempt  politi-  controversial  posts  would  met  virtually  with  Zucker-
            pany, as well as a "stronger  cians  from  fact-checking,  have  gotten  the  alert.  The  berg  and  other  Facebook
            interpretation"  of  existing  even  when  President  Don-  problem,  critics  have  long  leaders Tuesday expressed
            voter  suppression  policies  ald  Trump  posted  false  said, is not so much about  skepticism    that   recom-
            and more concrete action  information  about  voting  Facebook's  rules  as  how  it  mendations from the audit
            on  algorithmic  bias.  Those  by  mail.  Facebook  CEO  enforces them.                would ever be implement-
            suggestions  are  not  bind-  Mark  Zuckerberg  has  cit-  "When  you  elevate  free  ed,  noting  that  past  sug-
            ing, and there is no formal  ed  a  commitment  to  free  expression  as  your  highest  gestions in previous reports
            system  in  place  to  hold  speech  as  a  reason  for  value,  other  values  take  had gone overlooked.
            Facebook accountable for  allowing  such  posts  to  re-  a  back  seat,"  Murphy  told  "What  we  get  is  recom-
            any of the audit's findings.  main on the platform, even  The  Associated  Press.  The  mendations  that  they  end
            "While the audit process has  though  the  company  has  politician  exemption,  she  up not implementing," said
            been meaningful, and has  rules in place against voter  said,  "elevates  the  speech  Rashad  Robinson,  the  ex-
            led  to  some  significant  im-  suppression  it  could  have  of people who are already  ecutive  director  of  Color
            provements in the platform,  used to take down — or at  powerful and disadvantag-      for Change, one of several
            we have also watched the  least add warning labels to  es people who are not."         civil  rights  nonprofits  lead-
            company  make  painful  — Trump's posts.                  More  than  900  companies  ing  an  organized  boycott
            decisions over the last nine  Last  month,  Facebook  an-  have joined an advertising  of Facebook advertising.
            months with real world con-  nounced  it  would  begin  boycott  of  Facebook  to  Sheryl      Sandberg,    Face-
            sequences that are serious  labeling rule-breaking posts  protest its handling of hate  book's  chief  operating  of-
            setbacks for civil rights," the  —  even  from  politicians  —  speech  and  misinforma-  ficer,  said  in  a  Facebook
            audit report states.         going forward. But it is not  tion.                       newsroom  post  that  the

                                                                      Brooks Brothers, worn by

                                                                      Lincoln and Kennedy,

                                                                      goes bankrupt

                                                                      nearly every U.S. president,  protection  with  so  many
                                                                      filed for bankruptcy protec-  stores closed and, with mil-
                                                                      tion Wednesday, the latest  lions working from home, a
                                                                      major  clothing  seller  to  be  crisp suit pushed to the very
                                                                      toppled  by  the  coronavi-  bottom of shopping lists.
                                                                      rus  pandemic.    Founded  Brooks  Brothers  will  perma-
                                                                      in New York in 1818, Brooks  nently  close  more  than  a
                                                                      Brothers survived two world  quarter of its 200 stores.
            In this Aug. 4, 2011, file photo, a man passes a Brooks Brothers
            store on Church Street in New York's financial district.   wars, the Great Depression  The retail sector was under
                                                     Associated Press  and even managed to stay  severe  pressure  even  be-
                                                                      afloat  as  dress  standards  fore  the  pandemic.  Rival
            By JOSEPH PISANI and MATT  NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Brooks  eased in the office. But the  Barneys  New  York  filed  for
            OTT                          Brothers,  the  200-year-old  pandemic  pushed  it  into  bankruptcy protection late
            AP Business Writers          company     that   dressed  Chapter  11  bankruptcy  last year. q
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