Page 23 - AHATA
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                  Tuesday 29 OcTOber 2019
                                                                      Grow a tree initiative PlantAruba invited

                                                                      the public to BAN LANTA Y PLANTA

                                                                      Campaign Ban Lanta y planta of PlantAruba

                                                                      envisions a cooler, greener Aruba

                                                                      EAGLE BEACH — Bucuti & Tara Beach Re-     October 25 – November 25 is a social me-
                                                                      sort  hosts  press  conference  of  PlantAru-  dia  contest  where  those  entering  have
                                                                      ba, a local initiative to enrich the quality  an opportunity to win prizes if they plant
                                                                      of life for our residents and future genera-  a tree, film the planting, and share and
                                                                      tions, with trees.                        like it on facebook. Further details can be
                                                                                                                found  on  the  Ban  Lanta  y  Planta  social
                                                                      The  goal  is  clear:  Ban  Lanta  y  planta.  media  pages.  Anita  Aerts,  chairwoman
                                                                      The  initiative  is  the  brainchild  of  Ewald  PlantAruba explains, “If every homeown-
                                                                      Biemans,  Chief  Environmental  Officer  of  er will plant one tree, we will have about
                                                                      Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort, who was in-   40,000.00  additional  trees  on  the  island.
                                                                      spired by a story on social media where  Start small with just one tree and you will
                                                                      planting  trees  by  a  couple  over  some  make  a  difference.  The  added  bonus
                                                                      years led to reforestation of a previously  is that you will add shade and a cooler
                                                                      stripped and barren expanse of land.      space  in  your  garden,  which  ultimately
                                                                                                                will  help  with  energy  costs  if  the  tree  is
                                                                      After  sharing  the  story  on  social  media,  planted strategically.”  Aerts added.
                                                                      inspired local community members orga-
                                                                      nized and activated a fresh and power-    After the press conference, Bucuti & Tara
                                                                      ful initiative and called it PlantAruba. The  Beach  Resort  launched  the  program
                                                                      founders consist of environmental activists  by planting the first tree, a Mango tree,
                                                                      and local conservationists in the field and  and two other fruit trees in its Resort gar-
                                                                      together they created an action plan to  den. Ewald Biemans explained: “Planting
                                                                      motivate  the  community  to  achieve  a  these trees is just the beginning as we aim
                                                                      greener and cooler Aruba with the beau-   to plant many more. We hope this beau-
                                                                      tiful simplicity of planting trees.       tiful inaugural Mango tree will inspire the
                                                                                                                community and inform of the benefits of
                                                                      During  the  press  conference,  the  archi-  planting  indigenous  and  regional  trees.
                                                                      tects of the plan shared their vision and  Trees  help  against  CO2  output,  offer
                                                                      objectives of the planting of (indigenous)  shade,  cool  their  surroundings  and  pos-
                                                                      trees,  including  regional  fruit  trees  on  sibly  bear  fruit.  After  some  time  to  take
                                                                      residential  plots,  government  land,  and  root,  trees  do  not  need  a  lot  of  water.
                                                                      commercial land.                          Let’s all Ban Lanta y Planta for a greener
                                                                      The  Ban  Lanta  y  Planta  campaign  from  Aruba”, Biemans added.q

            Moments to cherish forever with friends and family!

            PALM BEACH — Recently, Aruba Tourism Au-      from  Connecticut  who  have  been  coming
            thority NV representative Marouska Heyliger  to the island for 20 consecutive years and re-
            had the great pleasure in honoring loyal Aru-  ceived the honorary title of Goodwill Ambas-
            ba visitors with their distinctive certificates at  sadors.
            the  Barcelo  Aruba  Resort.  These  certificates  The  honorees  stated  that  they  love  coming
            are a way to say “Masha Danki” for continu-   back to the island for the friendly people of
            ously choosing Aruba as a favorite vacation  Barceló, beautiful beaches and fantastic res-
            destination.  The  titles  are  as  following:  10+  taurants.
            years   “Distinguished Visitor” and 20+ years
            “Goodwill Ambassador” and 35+ years “Em-      The  ceremony  which  was  held  at  Barcelo
            erald Ambassador”                             Aruba was conducted by Heyliger together
                                                          with Sandra and Natasha, representatives of
            The  honorees  were  Darren  Cook  from  Lon-  the resort. They presented the honorees with
            don  honored  as  Distinguished  Visitor.  Cook  some presents and thanked them for choos-
            has been visiting the island for 15 consecutive  ing  Aruba  as  their  home  away  from  home.
            year.                                         Friends  and  families  of  the  honorees  also
            Also honored were Robert and Anna Valenti  joined this great celebration. q
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