Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200701
P. 28
Wednesday 1 July 2020
Puerto Rico to demand COVID-19 test results from passengers
By DÁNICA COTO ies in the U.S. mainland that
Associated Press are considered coronavirus
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) hotspots. The FAA did not
— Puerto Rico's governor respond to that request.
on Tuesday announced Puerto Rico expects to re-
strict new rules for all pas- ceive up to 9,000 passen-
sengers flying into Puerto gers a day in upcoming
Rico in a bid to curb coro- months, compared with
navirus cases as officials the roughly 4,500 daily
blame recent outbreaks on current arrivals, said Carla
those who flew to the U.S. Campos, executive direc-
territory and were infected. tor of Puerto Rico's Tourism
Starting July 15, all passen- Company.
gers have to wear a mask Vázquez's administration
and must take a molecular will require that all passen-
test 72 hours prior to their ar- gers fill a form prior to arriv-
rival and submit the results ing in Puerto Rico with re-
to officials at the airport. quired information includ-
Those who refuse to do so, ing where the test was tak-
or tested positive, or do not en. Vázquez also stressed
have the test results avail- that everyone has to wear
able, will be forced into a a mask if they're outside or
two-week quarantine. Dur- going into a business.
ing that time, they have In this May 21, 2020 file photo, a Puerto Rican flag flies on an empty beach at Ocean Park, in San Puerto Rico's main interna-
to undergo a molecular Juan, Puerto Rico. Associated Press tional airport will continue
test and share the results if to be the only one accept-
they want to be released blood drawn. The island of and target those who do are infected," she said. ing all commercial flights,
from quarantine, said Puer- 3.2 million people is emerg- not respond to tracking ef- The new rules come amid with no date yet on when
to Rico Health Secretary ing from a lockdown that forts, including phone calls an alarming resurgence of other airports, including a
Lorenzo González. began in mid-March. The and personal visits. Passen- cases in the U.S. mainland, smaller international one
"If you don't want to be test- government has reported gers who do not respond with states like Texas, Florida in the island's northwest re-
ed, stay home. Don't come at least 153 deaths, along to text messages request- and California backtrack- gion, will reopen. Currently,
here and complicate our with more than 1,690 con- ing health updates will be ing on reopenings. Mean- passengers can voluntarily
situation," he said. firmed cases and more fined. while, worldwide, officials undergo a test at the Luis
Most molecular tests in- than 5,770 probable ones. Gov. Wanda Vázquez said report 500,000 confirmed Muñoz Marín airport. More
volve a nose or throat swab González acknowledged her administration will re- deaths and 10 million con- than 280,000 people have
and are used to diagnose that the government will cruit 350 people to help firmed cases. been tested, with more
an active infection. Puerto not track every single vio- with tracking and monitor- Several weeks ago, than 660 positive results,
Rico's government will not lator ordered into quaran- ing efforts. Vázquez asked the U.S. said Gen. José Burgos,
accept any other test, in- tine. Instead, the monitor- "We cannot let our guard Federal Aviation Adminis- commissioner of the island's
cluding antibody ones that ing via a system known as down, especially with peo- tration to temporarily ban Emergency Management
require a finger stick or "Sara Alert" will be random ple who live elsewhere and commercial flights from cit- Bureau.q
Vatican prosecutors seize data from St. Peter’s Basilica
with new Vatican norms Choir that led to the early basilica, one of the largest
on procurement and con- retirement of the choirmas- in the world, as well as or-
tracting, and to "clarify its ter last year. Vatican pros- ganizing tours of its under-
administration." ecutors never launched a ground excavations. The
The Vatican said both de- criminal investigation into present Renaissance style
cisions stemmed from a re- the choir administration basilica, designed princi-
port from the Vatican's au- after the Vatican's finan- pally by Donato Bramante,
ditor general. It said based cial watchdog, the Finan- Michelangelo and Gian
on the auditor's report, the cial Information Authority, Lorenzo Bernini, was com-
Vatican's criminal prosecu- flagged that revenue from pleted in the 17th century
tors authorized the seizure the choir's concerts wasn't over what tradition says
Tuesday of documentation included in its income was the tomb of St. Peter.
and computers from the statements. In a statement, Vatican prosecutors last
"Fabbrica di San Pietro," the the Vatican said the nam- year launched a separate
offices that manage the ing of Giordana followed investigation into the Vati-
In this Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2019 file photo, Pope Francis celebrates
Christmas Eve Mass in St. Peter's Basilica. pope's basilica.The Vatican new norms issued by Fran- can secretariat of state's
Associated Press provided no details about cis on June 1 to centralize purchase of a luxury Lon-
what the auditor flagged the Vatican's contracting don building amid allega-
NICOLE WINFIELD investigation into financial or the specific problems the and procurement proce- tions that middlemen had
Associated Press irregularities in the Holy See. extraordinary commissioner dures in a bid to cut waste, fleeced the Holy See out of
ROME (AP) — Vatican pros- The Vatican said Tuesday has been tasked with fixing. root out corruption and millions of euros. No indict-
ecutors have ordered the that Pope Francis also The commissioner, Bishop update the Vatican's fi- ments have been handed
seizure of documents and named a special commis- Mario Giordana, previously nancial management. The down in that case, though
computers from the admin- sioner to run the basilica, conducted an investiga- Fabbrica is responsible for a broker was arrested and
istrative offices of St. Peter's reorganize its offices, up- tion into financial irregulari- the management, clean- then released earlier this
Basilica in an apparent new date its statutes to comply ties within the Sistine Chapel ing and restoration of the month.q