Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200701
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A26    U.S. NEWS
                    Wednesday 1 July 2020
            Striking shipbuilders are losing health coverage in pandemic

            By DAVID SHARP                                                                                                      The  strike  has  big  implica-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    tions  not  just  for  the  ship-
            PORTLAND,  Maine  (AP)  —                                                                                           builder  but  also  for  the
            The  stakes  are  growing  in                                                                                       Navy,  which  wants  war-
            a  strike  against  Navy  ship-                                                                                     ships  to  be  delivered  as
            builder Bath Iron Works dur-                                                                                        quickly  as  possible  at  a
            ing  a  global  pandemic  as                                                                                        time  of  growing  competi-
            company-provided  health                                                                                            tion from Russia and China.
            insurance is running out for                                                                                        Bath  Iron  Works  is  one  of
            4,300  shipbuilders  who’ve                                                                                         the Navy’s five largest ship-
            left their jobs.                                                                                                    builders  and  one  of  only
            Striking  workers  from  Ma-                                                                                        two  that  make  destroyers,
            chinists  Union  Local  S6  will                                                                                    the  workhorse  of  the  fleet,
            be  responsible  for  their                                                                                         which  are  capable  of  si-
            own  insurance  effective                                                                                           multaneously  battling  air-
            Wednesday,  just  days  af-                                                                                         craft, missiles, warships and
            ter three workers who car-                                                                                          submarines. Some of them
            pooled  together  tested                                                                                            have  ballistic  missile  de-
            positive for the coronavirus.                                                                                       fense capability.
            At least one of those three                                                                                         The  shipyard  is  already
            workers who tested positive                                                                                         about  six  months  behind
            had been on the picket line                                                                                         scheduled, partly because
            in Bath, a union spokesman                                                                                          of  the  pandemic,  and  it
            said.  Striking  workers  said   Striking shipbuilders picket outside an entrance to Bath Iron Works, Monday, June 22, 2020, in   will need subcontractors to
            Tuesday  they  were  deter-  Bath, Maine.                                                          Associated Press  help get back on schedule,
            mined to press on even with                                                                                         Bath  Iron  Works  President
            the  strike  as  tens  of  thou-  Farrell,  who’s  married  and  looking   at   other   jobs  Campbell,  a  55-year-old  Dirk Lesko has said.
            sands  of  people  remain  has four children, and fears  and  health  care  options.  sandblaster,  has  money  The  union  has  character-
            unemployed in Maine, and  subcontracting and seniori-     Keeping  health  insurance  set aside, and he’s paying  ized some of the shipyard’s
            several  states  report  surg-  ty changes could force him  through  the  so-called  CO-  more to be on his wife’s in-  proposals  as  an  attempt
            ing cases of COVID-19. The  out of his job in the tin shop.  BRA  program  can  cost  up  surance.  “I  just  hope  that  to  break  the  union,  while
            workers  are  striking  over  Workers   overwhelmingly   to  a  couple  of  thousand  both sides will get together  the  company  contends  it
            subcontracting,  work  rules  rejected the company’s fi-  dollars a month. Others said  and try to resolve this,” he  needs to streamline opera-
            and  seniority,  while  wages  nal contract proposal  and  they  will  simply  do  without  said. Bath Iron Works, a sub-  tions  to  lower  prices  to  re-
            and  benefits  are  a  sec-  went  on  strike  June  22.  health insurance.            sidiary  of  Virginia-based  main competitive.
            ondary concern. The com-     There  have  been  no  talks  Kelley   Hammond,       a  General  Dynamics,  pro-      The  company  hired  1,800
            pany’s final offer called for  since  then.  The  company  58-year-old  marine  electri-  vided  a  good  insurance  workers  last  year  and  is
            a three-year contract with  had  no  immediate  com-      cian,  opted  to  forgo  pur-  plan  for  workers  because  hiring  another  1,000  this
            pay  raises  of  3%  in  each  ment Tuesday.              chasing   insurance   and  the union negotiated for it,  year,  so  there’s  no  effort
            year.                        The last strike, in 2000, last-  filled a blood pressure pre-  and  that  underscores  the  to shrink the workforce, the
            “The choice is very simple.  ed 55 days.                  scription  Tuesday,  before  necessity  of  fighting  for  a  company  said.  The  ship-
            I  had  to  strike.  There  was  Workers  are  getting  pre-  the expiration of the com-  good  contract,  said  union  yard  employs  about  6,800
            no other option,” said Brad  pared  for  the  long  haul,  pany’s  insurance.  Gordon  spokesman Tim Suitter.       workers.q
            Judge temporarily blocks tell-all book by Trump’s niece

                                                                      Court  Judge  Hal  B.  Gre-  ing or distributing any book  addresses matters of great
                                                                      enwald  in  Poughkeepsie,  or any portions thereof" be-   public concern and impor-
                                                                      New  York,  issued  an  order  fore he decides the validity  tance about a sitting presi-
                                                                      requiring  the  niece,  Mary  of Robert S. Trump's claims.  dent  in  an  election  year,
                                                                      Trump, and her publisher to  Robert  Trump  argues  Mary  should  not  be  suppressed
                                                                      explain why they should not  Trump must comply with a  even for one day," Boutrous
                                                                      be blocked from publishing  written  agreement  among  said in a statement.
                                                                      the  book:  "Too  Much  and  family  members  who  set-   Adam Rothberg, a Simon &
                                                                      Never  Enough:  How  My  tled  a  dispute  over  Fred  Schuster spokesperson, said
                                                                      Family Created the World's  Trump's  will  that  a  book  the  publisher  was  disap-
                                                                      Most  Dangerous  Man."  A  about  them  cannot  be  pointed  but  looks  forward
                                                                      hearing was set for July 10.  published without their per-  "to  prevailing  in  this  case
                                                                      The  book,  scheduled  to  mission.                       based  on  well-established
                                                                      be  published  July  28,  was  Mary Trump's lawyer, Theo-  precedents regarding prior
                                                                      written by Mary Trump, the  dore J. Boutrous Jr., and her  restraint." "We look forward
            In  this  Thursday,  June  25,  2020,  file  photo,  President  Donald   daughter  of  Fred  Trump  publisher,  Simon  &  Schus-  to  vigorously  litigating  this
            Trump walks on the South Lawn after arriving on Marine One at   Jr.,  the  president's  elder  ter,  promised  an  immedi-  case,  and  will  seek  the
            the White House in Washington.                            brother,  who  died  in  1981.  ate appeal.               maximum  remedies  avail-
                                                     Associated Press   An  online  description  of  it  "The trial court's temporary  able  by  law  for  the  enor-
            By LARRY NEUMEISTER          of claims by the president's  says it reveals "a nightmare  restraining  order  is  only  mous  damages,"  he  said.
            Associated Press             brother  that  its  publica-  of  traumas,  destructive  re-  temporary but it still is a pri-  "Short  of  corrective  action
            A tell-all book by President  tion  would  violate  a  pact  lationships,  and  a  tragic  or restraint on core political  to immediately cease their
            Donald Trump's niece can-    among family members, a  combination  of  neglect  speech  that  flatly  violates  egregious conduct, we will
            not  be  published  until  a  judge said Tuesday.         and  abuse."  The  judge  the First Amendment," Bou-      pursue this case to the very
            judge  decides  the  merits  New  York  state  Supreme  banned  "publishing,  print-   trous said. "This book, which  end." q
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