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a30 people & arts
Wednesday 1 July 2020
The revolution is coming: Miranda and Kail on ‘Hamilton’ now
By JAKE COYLE that was always treated as
AP Film Writer comic relief when the show
NEW YORK (AP) — Lin-Man- first came out where there's
uel Miranda likes to picture Samuel Seabury and he's
the professor Mr. Howell, telling everyone to remain
from "Gilligan's Island," say- calm. And there's Hamilton
ing the brag. You know the saying there's nothing calm
one. "Well, I saw it with the about what's happening."
original cast." "The revolution is coming,"
On Friday, Miranda will steal Hamilton says.
that boast from anyone "Hamilton" has already
who ever saw "Hamilton" been woven into contem-
in its initial, blistering run on porary history. Miranda's first
Broadway. A live capture performance of a piece of
taken from two of the last it came at Barack Obama's
performances with most White House. Ever since,
of the original cast in June the history-making musical
2016 will premiere on Dis- been indelibly linked to the
ney+, opening a new (and Obama era.
far less expensive) chapter In this image released by Disney Plus, from left, Daveed Diggs, Okieriete Onaodowan, Lin-Manuel "I wrote it as kind of a throw-
in Miranda's ever-evolving Miranda, Leslie Odom Jr. and Anthony Ramos appear in a filmed version of the original Broadway away line and in the Trump
pop-culture phenomenon. production of "Hamilton." administration it gets this
In just a weekend, over In- Associated Press roar of approval," says Mi-
dependence Day, more ilton" arrives as a godsend For Kail, who spoke by power has resonated dif- randa. "You almost feel the
people will see "Hamilton" to theatergoers now more Zoom alongside Miranda, ferently at different times. audience trying to say, 'This
than ever before. than ever. it means giving everyone Now, the "Rise up!" verses anti-immigrant sentiment
"There's a part of me that "That was a big reason we the same seat — and a of "My Shot" will sound to embodied by the current
just likes taking the brag pushed up the release," chance to dig even deep- many like they're channel- administration is not who
away from people," says says Miranda of the film er into "Hamilton." ing the protest spirit that has we in the audience are.'
Miranda, speaking from originally set to open in the- "There's a level of inspec- swept across the country Things hit differently than
his home in Manhattan's aters in October 2021. "We tion of the show that can since the death of George they did in the Obama ad-
Washington Heights. "I need a reminder of how be quite different than the Floyd. "Hamilton" remains ministration. And they'll hit
wanted the world to have magical live theater is." endorphin rush of watch- a story of revolution — a differently next year."
that brag." "Hamilfilm," as One of the first things that ing it knowing that might triumphant and tragic one Kail can't sit in the back of
it's been nicknamed, will hits you watching "Hamil- be your one chance," says told passionately by per- a theater to see how this
land in homes just days af- ton" is the sensation of be- Kail. "In some ways, this will formers of color. Everyone version of "Hamilton" plays.
ter Broadway announced ing in the midst of applause, allow it to settle because who perishes in "Hamilton," There were no test screen-
that its shutdown will con- with a full house all around. now it's yours." Miranda points out, dies ings except for one a few
tinue through at least the Director Thomas Kail, who Since "Hamilton" was first from gun violence. weeks ago for the cast,
end of the year due to the also shepherded the stage performed at the Public "Everything present at the including original mem-
pandemic. Disney, which show, dispersed nine cam- Theater on January 20, founding is still present," says bers Daveed Diggs, Leslie
acquired the film for $75 eras and some 100 micro- 2015, the words haven't Miranda. "When I am sitting Odom Jr., Jonathan Groff
million, will sacrifice what- phones around the Richard changed (though two still and listening right now, and Renée Elise Goldsber-
ever the box-office returns Rodgers Theatre to docu- expletives have been it's to the young people ry. But through Disney's sub-
might have come for a ment two performances: scrubbed to make the film who are leading these pro- scription streaming service,
major boost to its stream- a Sunday matinee and a PG-13). But as a rhyming, tests who are saying: This it will be out there — some-
ing service and a rush of Tuesday night show. Track- hip-hop omnibus of na- is what we stand for and where, everywhere — to
virtual togetherness. With ing and close-up shots tional history and identity, this is what we won't stand meet another moment in
the stage all to itself, "Ham- were done in between. slavery and immigration, its for. I'm struck by a section American history. q
AMC pushes back movie theater
reopening by 2 weeks
company said Monday general managers across tions and major chains are
that it would open approxi- the U.S. started working full readying to reopen within
mately 450 U.S. locations time Monday to get their the next month.
on July 30 and the remain- buildings ready to reopen. However plans could con-
ing 150 the following week. "We continue to devote ex- tinue to change given the
The company had planned traordinary resources into surge of cases in a number
to begin opening theaters our plan to operate our of states. Last week, Gov.
in mid-July, but last week theatres with a hyper com- Andrew Cuomo said New
the July theatrical release mitment to the safety and York would delay reopen-
calendar was effectively health of our guests and ing cinemas while it contin-
In this April 29, 2020 file photo, the AMC sign appears at AMC wiped clean when Disney associates," Aron said in a ued to research the safety
Burbank 16 movie theater complex in Burbank, Calif. and Warner Bros. decided statement. of indoor, air-conditioned
Associated Press to delay the releases of Most indoor U.S. theaters venues."
By LINDSEY BAHR back its plans to begin re- "Mulan" and "Tenet" to Au- have been closed since AMC expects its approxi-
AP Film Writer opening theaters by two gust dates. mid-March because of the mately 1,000 worldwide lo-
AMC Theaters, the nation's weeks following the closure AMC CEO and President coronavirus pandemic. But cations to be open by early
largest chain, is pushing because of COVID-19. The Adam Aron said that its both independent loca- August.q