Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20210326
P. 28

A28    u.s. news
                   Diabierna 26 Maart 2021

                          Biden taps VP Harris to lead response to border challenges

                                                                                                                        president's  relationship  with  the
                                                                                                                        president,” Goldstein said. “Whether
                                                                                                                        or not the president had their back.
                                                                                                                        Whether the president’s going to al-
                                                                                                                        low you to be in a position to accom-
                                                                                                                        plish things and be perceived to ac-
                                                                                                                        complish things.”

                                                                                                                        Biden  made  the  announcement  as
                                                                                                                        a  delegation  of  White  House  offi-
                                                                                                                        cials and members of Congress was
                                                                                                                        traveled  to  the  southern  border  on
                                                                                                                        Wednesday to tour a facility in Car-
                                                                                                                        rizo Springs, Texas, where more than
                                                                                                                        750 migrant teenagers are being held.
                                                                                                                        The Biden administration has in re-
                                                                                                                        cent weeks moved to open more than
                                                                                                                        10,000  new  beds  across  the  South-
                                                                                                                        west in  convention  centers  and for-
                                                                                                                        mer oilfield camps. It notified Con-
                                                                                                                        gress on Wednesday that it will open
                                                                                                                        a  new  3,000-person  facility  in  San
                                                                                                                        Antonio and a 1,400-person site at the
                                                                                                                        San Diego convention center. HHS is
                                                                                                                        also opening a second site in Carrizo
                                                                                                                        Springs  and  received  approval  from
                                                                                                                        the Defense Department Wednesday
                                                                                                                        to begin housing teenagers at military
                                                                                                                        bases  in  San  Antonio  and  El  Paso,

            (AP) — President Joe Biden has                                          the first big opportunity to step to the  While  acknowledging  a  “big  prob-
            tapped  Vice  President  Kamala  But  the  high-profile  assignment  for  front of the stage on a matter of enor-  lem” with the rising numbers of mi-
            Harris  to  lead  the  White  House  Harris,  who  ran  for  the  Democrat-  mous  consequence  for  the  admin-  grants, Rep. Norma Torres, D-Calif.,
            effort  to  tackle  the  migration  ic  presidential  nomination  in  2020  istration.  As  the  first  Black  woman  one of five lawmakers to tour the fa-
            challenge  at  the  U.S.  southern  and is expected to run for the White  elected vice president, Harris arrived  cility Wednesday, credited the Biden
            border  and  work  with  Central  House again in the future, could be  on the job as a trailblazer. It has re-  administration  with  treating  young
            American nations to address root  politically fraught.                  mained  opaque  how  Biden  would  migrants far more humanely than the
            causes of the problem.                                                  utilize her.                        Trump administration.
                                                “Needless to say, the work will not be
            Biden made the announcement as he  easy,” Harris said. “But it is important  The move echoes not only Obama's  In an interview after the tour, Torres
            and Harris met at the White House  work.”                               decision  to  deputize  Biden  but  also  described  children  accommodated
            on Wednesday with Health and Hu-                                        Trump naming Vice President Mike  four to a room, and said she saw no
            man Services Secretary Xavier Becer-  Harris is tasked with overseeing dip-  Pence  to  lead  his  coronavirus  task  signs  of  overcrowding.  The  young
            ra, Homeland Security Secretary Ale-  lomatic  efforts  to  deal  with  issues  force  and  President  Bill  Clinton  people attend school, have access to
            jandra Mayorkas and other immigra-  spurring  migration  in  the  Northern  handing Vice President Al Gore envi-  health care and are given weekly CO-
            tion advisers to discuss the increase in  Triangle  countries  of  El  Salvador,  ronmental and technology portfolios  VID-19 tests. Lawmakers were told 1
            migrants, including many unaccom-   Guatemala and Honduras, as well as  early in his presidency.            in 10 children are testing positive for
            panied minors, arriving at the border  pressing them to strengthen enforce-                                 the virus, but none at the facility had
            in recent weeks.                    ment on their own borders, adminis-  It's been a mixed bag for vice presi-  been hospitalized, she said.
                                                tration officials said. She’s also tasked  dents  in  recent  history  who  have
            In  delegating  the  matter  to  Harris,  with  developing  and  implementing  been made the point person on deli-  “When I look at those kids, I see my-
            Biden is seeking to replicate a dynam-  a long-term strategy that gets at the  cate matters, said Joel Goldstein, the  self,” said Torres, an immigrant from
            ic that played out when he served as  root causes of migration from those  author  of  “The  White  House  Vice  Guatemala  who  arrived  in  the  U.S.
            President Barack Obama's vice presi-  countries.                        Presidency: The Path to Significance,  with her family as a child.
            dent. Obama turned to Biden in his                                      Mondale to Biden.”
            first  term  to  lead  the  White  House  Biden  suggested  President  Donald                               The White House faced criticism for
            effort  to  draw  down  U.S.  troops  in  Trump's decision to cut $450 million  Pence's  efforts  on  the  coronavirus  limiting media access to Wednesday’s
            Iraq  and  oversee  implementation  of  funding  in  2019  to  the  region  was  were stymied by Trump's hijacking of  tour, keeping it to just one TV crew.
            stimulus in response to the Great Re-  partly to blame for the situation.  the task force's daily briefings early in  It has still not allowed media to enter
            cession.                                                                the pandemic. Dick Cheney, who had  Border  Patrol  facilities  where  large
                                                Among the other reasons for the cur-  been  charged  with  leading  George  numbers of children are detained or
            “When  she  speaks,  she  speaks  for  rent increase: the thousands of Cen-  W. Bush's search for a vice president  HHS sites that it rapidly opened un-
            me,” Biden said, noting her past work  tral American migrants already stuck  only to take the spot himself, carved  der  pressure.  The  Carrizo  Springs
            as California's attorney general makes  at the border for months and the per-  out  what  was  seen  by  many  critics  facility was established in 2019 dur-
            her specially equipped to lead the ad-  sistent  scourge  of  gang  violence  af-  as a shadow presidency in which he  ing the Trump administration and re-
            ministration's response.            flicting the Northern Triangle coun-  had an outsized influence on shaping  opened in February.
                                                tries.                              Bush's national security policies.
            Biden,  who  has  faced  stiff  criticism                                                                   Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas,
            from Republicans over the increased  Still, the numbers of both unaccom-  And Gore faced headwinds from Re-  who is leading a separate delegation
            flow of migrants, is hoping to show  panied minors and families encoun-  publicans in Congress who were re-  of GOP senators to the border later
            Americans he's taking the situation at  tered  at  the  border  are  lower  than  luctant to give him a win ahead of his  this  week,  decried  the  lack  of  press
            the  border  seriously.  He  also  wants  they  were  at  various  points  during  unsuccessful 2000 run for the White  access as a “muzzling” of the media
            to  prevent  the  growing  humanitar-  the Trump administration, including  House.                          by the Democratic administration.
            ian and political challenge from over-  in spring 2019.
            shadowing his administration's ambi-                                    “Some of the risk versus reward de-  “Joe Biden doesn’t want you to see,”
            tious legislative agenda.           For Harris, the assignment gives her  pends  to  some  extent  on  the  vice  Cruz told reporters at the Capitol.
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