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A30    world news
                   Diabierna 26 Maart 2021

                         Tight Israeli vote means Arab Islamist could choose next PM

                                                                      wave of violent crime.       out the UAL if he convinces  the medical profession and at
                                                                                                   members of the other bloc to  universities.
                                                                      Arab parties have never asked  defect.
                                                                      to serve in an Israeli govern-                            But  they  face  widespread
                                                                      ment or been invited to do so.  Abbas hails from the Islamic  discrimination  in  housing
                                                                      Abbas could break with that  Movement,  which  was  es-   and public services. In recent
                                                                      tradition, potentially request-  tablished  in  1971  along  the  years  they  have  held  regular
                                                                      ing a Cabinet post in return  lines  of  the  pan-Arab  Mus-  protests condemning violent
                                                                      for his support. More likely,  lim  Brotherhood  group.  Its  crime  and  accusing  Israeli
                                                                      he would not hold an official  primary aim is the Islamiza-  authorities  of  failing  to  do
                                                                      post, but instead support the  tion  of  Arab  society,  which  enough to protect their com-
            (AP)  —  After  a  hard-     saw as a two-pronged strategy  coalition  from  outside  the  it  pursues  through  religious  munities, allegations rejected
            fought  election,  an  Arab  aimed at picking up votes and  government  in  return  for  outreach and a vast network  by the police.
            Islamist  could  choose  Is-  splitting the Joint List, an alli-  greater  public  investment  in  of charities.
            rael's next prime minister.  ance of Arab parties that won  housing,  infrastructure  and                           Israel's  Arab  citizens  have
                                         a record 15 seats in elections  law  enforcement  in  Arab  The  group  split  into  two  close  family  ties  to  Palestin-
            You read that correctly.     last year.                   communities.                 branches  in  1996  over  the  ians  in  the  West  Bank  and
                                                                                                   question  of  whether  to  par-  Gaza and largely identify with
            Tuesday's  elections  have  left  If so, he succeeded, convinc-  In  an  interview  with  Army  ticipate in politics.  the  Palestinian  cause.  That
            a razor-thin margin between  ing Mansour Abbas, the lead-  Radio  on  Wednesday,  Abbas                             has led many Israeli Jews to
            a right-wing coalition led by  er of the United Arab List, to  reiterated that he did not rule  The  more  radical  northern  view  them  with  suspicion,
            Prime  Minister  Benjamin  run a separate list. Now Ab-   out  joining  either  side  and  branch,  led by  the firebrand  something  Netanyahu  and
            Netanyahu and a diverse ar-  bas appears to hold the keys  hinted  at  bolder  ambitions.  cleric Raed Salah, rejects par-  other right-wing leaders have
            ray of parties bent on ousting  to the kingdom.           “We want to use not only par-  ticipation  in  Israeli  politics  capitalized  on  in  previous
            him.                         Israelis  vote  for  party  lists  liamentary tools, but Cabinet  and has been accused of hav-  elections.
                                         rather  than  individual  can-  tools to accomplish things for  ing  close  ties  to  Hamas,  the
            To  prevail,  each  side  may  didates,  and  seats  are  ap-  the  benefit  of  Arab  society,”  Palestinian  militant  group  Ahead of polls in 2015, Ne-
            need the support of an Arab  portioned  out  based  on  the  he said.                  that  also  emerged  from  the  tanyahu  drew  criticism  af-
            Islamist party that appears to  percentage of votes received.                          Muslim  Brotherhood.  Salah  ter  warning  his  supporters
            have  clinched  just  five  seats  No single party has ever won  That may be difficult to pull  has been arrested on a num-  that  Arabs  were  voting  “in
            in  the  120-member  Knesset  a  61-seat  majority,  so  larger  off.  Netanyahu's  coalition  ber of occasions, and is cur-  droves.”  In  2019  he  pushed
            but  is  not  committed  to  ei-  parties  must  assemble  gov-  would  also  have  to  include  rently in jail after being con-  for the placement of observ-
            ther,  according  to  near-final  erning  coalitions  —  often  the  Religious  Zionist  Party,  victed  of  inciting  terrorism.  ers  and  cameras  at  polling
            results.                     with fringe parties.         whose  leading  candidates  Israel outlawed his group in  stations in Arab areas, which
                                                                      are openly racist. The differ-  2015,  accusing  it  of  inciting  critics said was an attempt to
            That means the United Arab  With  around  88%  of  votes  ences between Abbas and the  violence.                    intimidate voters.
            List,  known  by  the  Hebrew  counted, Netanyahu and his  far-right group would be dif-
            name  Ra'am,  could  decide  natural  allies,  and  the  bloc  ficult to bridge.       The  southern  branch,  to  It remains to be seen whether
            whether  Netanyahu,  Israel's  opposing him, each lack a 61-                           which  Abbas  belongs,  has  those remarks will come back
            longest-serving prime minis-  seat majority in the Knesset.  In  a  TV  interview  Wednes-  adopted a conciliatory stance  to haunt him.
            ter, remains in office.                                   day, Abbas said the Religious  toward  Israel  and  is  focused
                                         Unless another party decides  Zionists  were  “not  the  ad-  more  on  socio-economic  is-  Another  victory  would  ex-
            It's  an  odd  predicament  for  to  switch  sides,  each  would  dress” for solving the politi-  sues  than  the  conflict  with  tend  his  12  years  in  power
            Netanyahu,  who  rose  to  need Abbas' support to form  cal standoff.                  the Palestinians. It has allied  — already the longest in Is-
            power  by  rejecting  compro-  a  government  and  avoid  yet                          with  secular  and  left-wing  raeli  history.  Defeat  would
            mise  with  the  Palestinians  another round of elections.  There's  also  a  chance  that  Arab parties in past elections,  likely  mean  the  end  of  his
            and  has  used  racist  rhetoric                          Naftali Bennett, a right-wing  but has broken with them on  political career and leave him
            in past campaigns to cast the  Unlike  other  Arab  lead-  leader who also remains un-  issues related to its religious  increasingly  vulnerable  to
            country's Arab minority as a  ers, Abbas has not ruled out  committed,  throws  his  sup-  conservatism,  such  as  sup-  prosecution  and  potentially
            fifth column of terrorist sym-  working  with  the  Likud  or  port  behind  the  anti-Ne-  port for LGBTQ rights.  jail  time  as  his  trial  on  cor-
            pathizers.                   other  right-wing  parties  if  tanyahu bloc. In that case, it                         ruption  charges  proceeds.
                                         he  can  secure  gains  for  the  could dispense with the UAL  Arabs  make  up  around  20%  Or the country could plunge
            This  time,  however,  in  Is-  Arab community, which faces  if  it  maintained  the  support  of  Israel's  population  of  9.3  into  another  election  cam-
            rael's fourth elections in two  widespread  discrimination,  of the larger Arab Joint List.  million.  They  have  citizen-  paign,  prolonging  two  years
            years,  Netanyahu  sought  mounting  poverty  amid  the  Netanyahu could also poten-   ship,  speak  fluent  Hebrew  of deadlock.
            Arab  support  in  what  many  coronavirus  pandemic  and  a  tially  form  a  coalition  with-  and  are  well-represented  in

                       UK, US impose sanctions targeting Myanmar military business

            ( AP ) - The U.K. and the  The  measures  will  prohibit  government imposed on nine
            United  States  are  impos-  funds  being  made  available  members of Myanmar's mili-
            ing further sanctions over  to any subsidiaries owned or  tary leadership last month.
            human  rights  violations  controlled by the company.
            in Myanmar, Britain's top                                 Authorities  have  arrested
            diplomat said Thursday.      The  Foreign  Office  said  the  thousands  of  protesters  as
                                         move was in response to evi-  part  of  an  increasingly  bru-
            Foreign  Secretary  Dominic  dence that the conglomerate  tal crackdown since the Feb.
            Raab said the measures target  contributed funds to support  1  coup  that  ousted  Myan-
            military-owned    conglom-   the  country’s  armed  forces  mar's elected government led
            erate  Myanmar  Economic  in  their  campaign  of  ethnic  by  Aung  San  Suu  Kyi.  On
            Holdings  Ltd.  for  its  in-  cleansing against the Rohing-  Wednesday,  more  than  600
            volvement  in  serious  abuses  ya in 2017.               demonstrators were released,
            against the country's Rohing-                             a rare conciliatory gesture by
            ya minority and for its asso-  Thursday's   announcement  the  military  that  appeared
            ciation  with  senior  military  followed  asset  freezes  and  aimed at placating the protest
            figures.                     travel  bans  that  the  British  movement.
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