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                                                                                         world news Diabierna 26 Maart 2021

                           Hong Kong vaccination drive struggles to gain public trust

            (AP) — Hong Kong's sudden sus-
            pension  of  a  COVID-19  vaccine
            developed  by  Pfizer  and  BioN-
            Tech is another blow to a vaccina-
            tion  program  already  struggling
            against a wall of public distrust.

            Hong Kong on Wednesday suspend-
            ed use of the Pfizer vaccine, distrib-
            uted by Chinese pharmaceutical firm
            Fosun Pharma, after defective pack-
            aging such as loose vial lids and cracks
            on bottles were found in one of two
            batches of the vaccine.

            For  now,  Hong  Kong  residents  can
            only  get  the  Chinese-made  Sinovac
            vaccine, which is reported to have an
            efficacy rate of 62%, compared with
            Pfizer's  97%.  Wariness  toward  the
            Sinovac  shot  has  grown  after  seven
            people  who  were  vaccinated  with
            it  died,  though  authorities  say  the
            deaths were not linked to the vaccine.

            When  the  government  launched
            the  vaccination  drive  in  February,
            66-year-old  Chan  Yuet  Lin  was  ea-
            ger  to  get  inoculated.  A  mainland
            Chinese  immigrant  in  the  semi-au-
            tonomous  city,  she  hoped  vaccina-
            tion would help her eventually visit  highest level since 2004.         long-term effects.                  nity Organization.
            her family in the Chinese mainland,
            whom  she  had  not  seen  since  the  Hong  Kong  leader  Carrie  Lam  and  “From what we’ve seen in the news  “The public health system should be
            pandemic  began,  without  enduring  health  officials  are  urging  people  to  so far it seems like people have more  more proactive in providing advice,”
            onerous quarantines.                get vaccinated. They insist the shots,  side  effects  from  the  (Sinovac)  vac-  said Lin. “For many of these elderly,
                                                including  the  Sinovac  vaccine,  are  cine  that’s  less  effective,”  said  Ag-  their  long-term  illnesses  are  taken
            But  after  seeing  reports  on  televi-  safe.  Hong  Kong,  a  former  British  nes Wong, a sales executive in Hong  care of by public hospitals where ap-
            sion that several people with chronic  colony, relies heavily on tourism but  Kong  who  also  had  no  immediate  pointments  take  place  every  three
            illnesses  had  died  days  after  having  has  been  closed  to  foreign  visitors  plans to get vaccinated.  months,  so  they  are  not  able  to  get
            the  Sinovac  vaccine,  Chan  decided  since March 2020 and Lam has said                                    (timely) medical advice.”
            against getting inoculated.         social distancing precautions and bor-  Unease  over  the  vaccines,  which
                                                der controls can only be relaxed after  were developed in under a year using  Policies that would reward people for
            “I  have  high  blood  pressure,  high  most people have gotten the shots.  varying levels of clinical trials, are not  getting  vaccinated  are  essential,  says
            cholesterol  and  high  blood  sugar.                                   confined to Hong Kong.              Wong.
            Right now with my health condition  “If  we  can’t  control  the  epidemic,
            I don’t think I can get the shot, I will  there’s nothing we can do about the  In Europe, reports of problems with  “New  incentives  may  be  required
            wait  and  see,”  she  said,  adding  that  economy,”  she  told  lawmakers  last  blood  clotting  following  the  Astra-  such as exemptions from certain trav-
            she planned to seek her doctor’s ad-  week.                             Zeneca shot raised concerns. So have  el bans or issuance of a certificate of
            vice at her next appointment.                                           questions over some of AstraZeneca’s  vaccination that can be used for dif-
                                                Hesitancy  toward  the  vaccines  part-  clinical data.                 ferent purposes,” he said.
            Since vaccinations began on Feb. 26,  ly  reflects  growing  mistrust  of  the  The  number  of  people  who  have
            about 5.7% of Hong Kong’s 7.2 mil-  government,  as  Beijing  has  asserted  booked  but  failed  to  show  up  for  Lam,  the  city's  leader,  has  said  the
            lion residents have gotten inoculated  growing influence following months  their  Sinovac  vaccine  appointments  government might considering such
            — a far cry from a goal of vaccinat-  of anti-government protests in 2019.  currently  stands  at  around  20%,  up  measures,  such  as  relaxing  certain
            ing 70%. The slow uptake trails Sin-  Authorities  have  arrested  and  jailed  from about 11% a week into the pro-  social  distancing  restrictions.  Hong
            gapore's. It started giving COVID-19  dozens  of  pro-democracy  activists  gram. That compares with a 5% no-  Kong is also discussing with Chinese
            shots  just  days  before  Hong  Kong  under a tough new national security  show rate for the Pfizer shot before  authorities on easing restrictions for
            and  has  administered  vaccines  to  law.                              those were halted.                  travelers who are vaccinated.
            more  than  13%  of  its  population  of
            5.7 million.                        Some  residents  are  worried  by  the  Martin Wong, a professor at the Chi-  That might work for some.
                                                seven deaths that occurred after Sino-  nese  University  of  Hong  Kong,  co-
            The  government  has  expanded  the  vac shots.                         authored a survey published in Janu-  Bilal  Hussain,  a  doctoral  student  at
            range of people who can get the shots,                                  ary  that  showed  only  37%  of  Hong  the Hong Kong Polytechnic Univer-
            allowing those 30 and above after ini-  “According to the government, none  Kong  residents  were  willing  to  get  sity, signed up to receive his first shot
            tially prioritizing those 60 and older,  of the deaths are related to the vac-  a  COVID-19  vaccine.  He  says  the  of the Sinovac vaccine after learning
            and employees from essential indus-  cine.  Most  of  the  patients  had  car-  technology  used,  a  manufacturer's  that China had eased its policy to al-
            tries. It is considering giving the shots  diovascular conditions, so there must  track  record  and  reports  of  side  ef-  low foreign workers and their fami-
            to anyone older than 16.            be some association, but the govern-  fects can all affect willingness to get  lies to apply for visas into the country.
                                                ment seems to be trying to dissociate  the shots.
            Slow progress on vaccinations could  it,”  said  Belinda  Lin,  a  Hong  Kong                               Hussain’s wife and 5-year-old son are
            slow  the  city's  economic  recovery.  resident in her 30s.            The government has advised people  in China. He hasn't seen them since
            Hong  Kong  is  still  grappling  with                                  with  chronic  illnesses  to  ask  their  January 2020.
            coronavirus  outbreaks  and  stringent  “It’s  an  issue  of  responsibility,  the  doctors before getting the COVID-19
            social  distancing  measures  that  are  willingness to take responsibility – I  vaccines.  That  can  be  difficult  for  “I’m hoping that maybe in the near
            especially  hard  on  bars,  restaurants  haven’t seen this yet,” said Lin, who  many  underprivileged  Hong  Kong  future, China will open up their bor-
            and the tourism industry. The jobless  does not plan to get the vaccine as she  seniors, said Ivan Lin from the rights  ders for students who have been vac-
            rate climbed to 7.2% in February, the  says there is a lack of studies showing  advocacy group Society of Commu-  cinated,” he said.
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