Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20210823
P. 27
obituArio/u.S. NEWS Dialuna 23 augustus 2021
Biden sees dip in support amid new COVID cases
(AP) — President Joe Biden is facing a sum-
mer slump, with Americans taking a notably
less positive view of his handling of the coro-
navirus pandemic and his job approval rating
ticking down.
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most A new poll from The Associated Press-NORC
High Center for Public Affairs Research finds that 54%
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance,
I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and down slightly from 59% last month. While that’s
my fortress, still a relatively solid rating for a president during
my God, in whom I trust.” his first year in office, particularly given the na-
tion’s deep political polarization, it’s a worrying
Psalm 91:1-2 sign for Biden as he faces the greatest domestic and
With a heart full of gratitud for what she foreign policy challenges of his presidency so far. As recently as early summer, the White House was
has meant to us, we announce the passing The biggest warning sign for the president in the all but declaring victory over the virus, backing the
of our beloved: survey centers on his handling of the pandemic. lifting of public health restrictions and encourag-
Last month, 66% of Americans approved of his ing vaccinated Americans to enjoy a return to nor-
stewardship of the public health crisis; now, that malcy this summer. Polling showed Biden winning
number has fallen to 54%, driven by a drop in sup- plaudits for his approach to the pandemic not only
port from Republicans and independents. from nearly all Democrats, but also a healthy share
of Republicans.
That decline in support coincides with other storm
clouds gathering over Biden’s presidency, most no- Some of that support has eroded as a dangerous
tably the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan as new strain of COVID-19 takes hold, worries about
U.S. troops withdraw and the Taliban cement their the virus grow and vaccination rates in the U.S.
control of the country. stall, leading more communities, businesses and
schools to reinstate restrictions such as mask man-
The poll, conducted August 12-16, as news of the dates that were lifted earlier this year when trends
Taliban’s movement into Kabul was widely report- were heading in a more positive direction.
ed in the United States, shows Americans about
evenly divided over Biden’s handling of foreign Biden has implored Americans to get vaccinated
policy (47% approve, 51% disapprove) and national and has put in place vaccine requirements where
Ms. Leanor Louise Carfano security (52% approve, 46% disapprove). he can, for federal workers and the military. But re-
Betterknown as “Lee” sistance to the vaccine has proven stubborn, largely
*06-05-1949 - †05-08-2021 Biden’s domestic policy agenda also faces an un- in more conservative parts of the country that are
certain future on Capitol Hill, with Democratic now experiencing startling increases in COVID-19
Place and date of farewell will be leaders trying to mend party divisions over a pair cases.
announced later of infrastructure bills and few signs of progress on
voting rights or police overhaul legislation. “I think a lot of that is out of his hands,” said Judy
Kunzman, 75, a Democrat from Middletown,
Still, Biden’s advisers believe his presidency is like- Pennsylvania. “If he gets too dictatorial, there will
ly to rise or fall on his handling of the pandemic. be a lot more blowback.”
Tropical Storm Henri makes landfall in Rhode Island
ages. Residents up and down the coast hoped to
be spared the storm’s wrath but prepared for the
Lagrima y flornan por seca, su Driving surf and sheets of rain scoured the beach
recuerdonan y tur loke el a haci y towns of southern Rhode Island as the storm ap-
significa pa nos, cu lo keda graba pa proached, leaving some coastal roads nearly im-
semper den nos mente y curason.
passable. Some small trees had already fallen to the
“Cerca Dios mi alma ta na paz, ta di winds and rain, which had swollen local inlets and
DJ’E mi salbacion ta bin” creeks.
Salmo 62:1
Westerly resident Collette Chisholm, a 20-year
Cu profundo tristesa nos ta anuncia resident, said the waves were much higher than
fayecimento di: normal, but said she wasn’t concerned about her
(AP) — Tropical Storm Henri hit the coast home suffering extensive damage.
of Rhode Island Sunday afternoon, packing
high winds that knocked out power to tens of “I love storms,” she said. “I think they’re exciting,
thousands of homes and bands of rain that led as long as no one gets hurt.”
to flash flooding from New Jersey to Massa-
chusetts. In Newport, Paul and Cherie Saunders were riding
out the storm in a home that her family has owned
The storm was downgraded from a hurricane to since the late 1950s. Their basement flooded with
a tropical storm, but still packed wind gusts of up 5 feet of water during Superstorm Sandy nine years
to 70 mph. There were few early reports of major ago.
damage due to wind or surf, but officials warned of
Glenroy E.S.E. Tromp the danger of spot flooding in inland areas over the Farther south in Branford, Connecticut, 61-year-
* 21 september 1955 - †15 augustus next few days. old geologist Paul Muniz was busy securing his
Millions on New York’s Long Island and in south- boat in anticipation of the storm. Muniz lives close
Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia ern New England braced for the possibility of to the marina and has survived previous storms,
despues flooding, toppled trees and extended power out- and spent $50,000 to elevate his home 9 feet off
the ground.