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A28     u.s. news
                 Dialuna 23 augustus 2021

                           Cuomo’s drive to dominate led to success, and his downfall

            (AP) - Back in 2018, when  success  led  to  Cuomo’s  ac-  in his final days. The arrival
            there  was  talk  he  might  complishments,  it  also  pre-  of  Tropical  Storm  Henri  on
            run for president, Andrew  cipitated  his  undoing.  Many  Sunday  put  Cuomo  back  in
            Cuomo insisted there was  of  Cuomo’s  accusers  told  the familiar role of respond-
            only one reason he would  investigators  that  the  gover-  ing  to  a  natural  disaster.
            leave  office  early.  And  it  nor used his power, and the  Whether  it  was  Superstorm
            wasn’t  the  White  House.  threat of retaliation, to harass  Sandy, winter storms in Buf-
            “The only caveat,” he said,  them,  believing  they  would  falo  or  just  a  typical  upstate
            “is if God strikes me dead.”  never report him.           snowstorm,  Cuomo  the  ex-
                                                                      ecutive always seemed to be
            Another  possibility  will  be  “The  Andrew  Cuomo  I’ve  most  engaged  in  times  of
            realized this week, when the  known since 1995 has always  natural  disaster,  sometimes
            Democrat resigns in disgrace,  been  about  power  and  con-  even  personally  respond-
            his  allies  gone,  his  legacy  trol,”  said  Karen  Hinton,  a  ing  to  motorists  stranded  in
            stained by allegations of sex-  former aide to Cuomo when  snowstorms (always captured
            ual harassment. This ending  he was housing secretary un-  on film, of course).
            was  not  brought  about  by  a  der  President  Bill  Clinton.  The son of former Gov. Ma-
            bolt  from  the  heavens,  but  “His bullying, his flirting, his  rio Cuomo, Andrew seemed  gets made and seems to enjoy  commercials  featuring  Cuo-
            by 11 women who told their  sexual  overtones  are  largely  destined to follow in his fa-  the work.               mo. Two of Cuomo’s closest
            stories to investigators.    about controlling the person.  ther’s steps. As a young man,                           advisors  were  sentenced  to
                                         He  thought  he’d  get  away  he  served  as  aide  and  cam-  Cuomo  also  appeared  to  jail for corruption related to
            For  those  who  watched  with it because of that power  paign manager for his father  delight  in  diminishing  op-  spending on economic devel-
            Cuomo’s  daily  COVID-19  and control.”                   before   joining   Clinton’s  ponents  and  critics,  be  they  opment.  Investigations  into
            briefings  and  saw  a  beacon                            cabinet. He returned to New  reporters  or  political  rivals.  Cuomo’s role ended without
            of strength and competence,  Hinton is not among the 11  York for a failed bid for gov-  He  mocked  one  GOP  op-  charges.
            Cuomo’s  departure  from  women  at  the  center  of  the  ernor in 2002, then won the  ponent  as  short,  dismissed
            the governor’s mansion may  attorney general’s report, but  attorney general’s office four  2018  Democratic  Primary  He  won  an  Emmy  for  his
            seem a stunning reversal. For  she  has  said  Cuomo  once  years later. In 2010, he ran for  challenger Cynthia Nixon as  daily  COVID  briefings  and
            New  Yorkers,  and  especially  gave  her  an  uncomfortable  governor again and won.  a  “prosecco  sipping”  actress  was so proud of the state’s re-
            those who butted heads with  hug in a hotel room that was                              and  regularly  bedeviled  his  sponse that he wrote a book
            Cuomo,  it  is  a  story  about  “too long, too tight, too inti-  Almost  immediately,  he  be-  one-time friend turned nem-  — even as his administration
            how  his  drive  to  dominate  mate.”                     gan  to  leave  his  imprint  on  esis,  New  York  City  Mayor  was  accused  of  covering  up
            made him the master of New                                the state. He angered progres-  Bill de Blasio.           deaths in nursing homes af-
            York  politics  and  brought  Cuomo  has  apologized  for  sives  by  making  deals  with                           ter  it  forced  them  to  accept
            about his downfall.          some of his actions, and said  Republicans.  He  announced  It’s  not  the  only  contradic-  COVID patients.
                                         others  were  misunderstood.  big  economic  development  tion in his long career.
            “My natural instinct is to be  He has said some of the ac-  programs  designed  to  turn                            “The  country  was  mesmer-
            aggressive, and it doesn’t al-  cusations  are  “unfair  and  around the upstate economy.  He  built  more  new  bridges,  ized by Gov. Cuomo’s blunt
            ways serve me well,” Cuomo  untruthful”  and  driven  by  He  corralled  votes  for  gay  train  stations  and  airport  fa-  talk about the pandemic, but
            acknowledged  in  a  recent  politics.  While  he  was  ini-  marriage, gun control and tax  cilities than any governor in  he didn’t even follow the ex-
            memoir  detailing  his  re-  tially  defiant,  he  announced  caps.                    decades, but he slashed fund-  perts,” said Susan Lerner, ex-
            sponse  to  the  pandemic.  “I  earlier  this  month  that  he                         ing  to  local  governments  ecutive director of Common
            am a controlling personality.  plans  to  resign  Monday.  He  Though  he  excels  at  the  struggling  to  pay  for  aging  Cause,  a  good  government
            ... But you show me a person  will  be  replaced  by  Lt.  Gov.  backroom  deal-making  cul-  sewers and roads.     group  that  has  long  butted
            who  is  not  controlling,  and  Kathy Hochul, who is set to  ture of Albany, Cuomo never                           heads  with  Cuomo.  “That’s
            I’ll show you a person who is  become New York’s first fe-  seemed  as  comfortable  with  He  bragged  about  invest-  emblematic of his style: The
            probably not highly success-  male governor.              the personal side of politics.  ments in new businesses and  performance looks great, but
            ful.”                                                     He’s  not  a  baby  kisser,  but  in  western  New  York,  but  when you get into the details,
                                         But not before one last emer-  rather  a  political  operator  many  programs  generated  there  are  big  holes  and  very
            But if equating control with  gency  to  challenge  Cuomo  who knows how the sausage  little  besides  state-funded  little substance.”

                          Bus driver shortages are latest challenge hitting US schools

            (AP) — A Montana school                                                                many  sectors  and  the  pan-  the county, held test driving
            district  is  dangling  $4,000                                                         demic’s lingering effects have  events  they  called  “Big  Bus,
            bonuses and inviting peo-                                                              made  it  worse,  since  about  No  Big  Deal”  in  Montana
            ple  to  test  drive  big  yel-                                                        half  the  workforce  was  over  and  many  other  states  this
            low school buses in hopes                                                              65  and  more  vulnerable  to  summer  to  give  people  an
            of enticing them to take a                                                             the virus, said Joanna McFar-  opportunity to try their hand
            job that schools are strug-                                                            land, co-founder and CEO of  at driving. The hope was that
            gling to fill as kids return                                                           school ride-service company  it  could  remove  a  barrier  to
            to in-person classes.                                                                  HopSkipDrive, which tracks  those  who  otherwise  might
                                                                                                   school bus issues.           be  interested  in  helping
            A  Delaware  school  district                                                                                       get  kids  safely  to  and  from
            offered to pay parents $700 to                                                         Her  company  conducted  a  school,  said  Dan  Redford,
            take care of their own trans-                                                          survey  in  March  that  found  with First Student in Helena,
            portation,  and  a  Pittsburgh                                                         nearly  80%  of  districts  that  Montana.
            district  delayed  the  start  of                                                      responded were having trou-
            classes  and  said  hundreds                                                           ble finding enough bus driv-  “We  actually  set  up  a  closed
            more  children  would  have                                                            ers.                         course  at  the  fairgrounds,
            to  walk  to  school.  Schools                            masking  requirements,  and                               and we invited the public to
            across  the  U.S.  are  offering   The  shortage  of  bus  drivers  the challenge of catching up   “It’s  really  at  a  breaking  come in and learn that it’s not
            hiring bonuses, providing the   is complicating the start of a  on educational ground lost as   point,” McFarland said.  a big deal to drive a big bus,”
            training needed to get a com-  school  year  already  besieged  the pandemic raged last year.                       Redford said. “They’re actu-
            mercial  driver’s  license  and   by the highly contagious delta                       First  Student,  a  company  ally pretty easy to drive. You
            increasing  hourly  pay  to  at-  variant  of  COVID-19,  con-  The driver shortfall isn’t new,   that  contracts  bus  service  sit up high. You’ve got plenty
            tract more drivers.          tentious  disagreement  over  but  a  labor  shortage  across   for  school  districts  around  of view.”
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