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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 23 augustus 2021

                Merkel, Ukrainian leader discuss peace                                             Putin hopes ruling party will

                                    efforts, gas pipeline                                            dominate parliament after

              (AP)  —  Chancellor  An-
              gela  Merkel  sought  to
              move  forward  stalled
              peace efforts for eastern
              Ukraine  on  Sunday  and
              stressed Germany’s com-
              mitment not to let Russia
              use a new gas pipeline as
              a “weapon” as she made
              what is likely her last visit
              to Ukraine as Germany’s

              Merkel’s trip came two days
              after  she  went  to  Moscow
              to meet with Russian Presi-
              dent  Vladimir  Putin.  The
              chancellor is not running in
              Germany’s national election                                                          (AP) — Russian President  servicemen.
              next  month  and  is  near-                            being  used  as  a  weapon.”   Vladimir  Putin  expressed
              ing  the  end  of  her  almost  Merkel noted that some of  She said she takes the con-  hope  Sunday  that  the  Leonid Volkov, top ally of the
              16-year-long  leadership  of  the goals named by Zelen-  cern  very  seriously,  and   Kremlin’s  United  Rus-    imprisoned opposition leader
              Germany.                    skyy,  like  “the  opening  of  pointed  to  Germany’s  ap-  sia party will continue its  Alexei  Navalny,  denounced
                                          further crossings on the line  pointment of a negotiator to   dominance  in  parliament  the move as an “open bribery
              Speaking  at  a  joint  news  of contact or other humani-  help secure an extension of   after the country’s parlia-  of voters.”
              conference  with  Ukrainian  tarian  questions,  have  not  an agreement for gas transit   mentary  election  in  Sep-
              President  Volodymyr  Zel-  yet been implemented, and  through  Ukraine  beyond      tember.                      Navalny’s  team  has  come
              enskyy  on  Sunday,  Merkel  that  weighs  down  the  pro-  2024.                                                 under an intense crackdown
              advocated working to get a  cess a great deal.”                                      The  Sept.  19  vote  is  widely  in  recent  months.  As  the
              leaders’  meeting  between                             “It commits future German     seen as an important part of  corruption  fighter  himself
              Russia,  Ukraine,  Germany  “However,  one  has  to  say  governments to address this   Putin’s efforts to cement his  is  serving  a  2  1/2-year  sen-
              and France on the situation  again and again: that at pres-  issue of energy security” as   rule  before  the  next  presi-  tence in prison, his Founda-
              in eastern Ukraine, the first  ent,  we  have  no  other  for-  well as committing Germa-  dential election in 2024. The  tion for Fighting Corruption
              since late 2019.            mat  in  which  can  discuss  ny to help renew Ukraine’s   68-year-old  Russian  leader,  and  a  network  of  regional
                                          these  things,  and  so  work  energy mix, Merkel said.  who  has  been  in  power  for  offices  have  been  outlawed
              “That in my opinion would  should be continued here,”                                more  than  two  decades,  as  extremist  organizations.
              bring us progress, if we can  Merkel said.             She  also  assured  that  Ber-  pushed  through  a  constitu-  The  designation  has  barred
              work  out  a  good  agenda                             lin  will  “advocate  further   tional  reform  last  year  that  people  associated  with  the
              --  our  advisers  should  do  She added that she expects  sanctions  in  the  European   would potentially allow him  groups  from  seeking  public
              that,”  she  said.  “I  am  glad  the  next  German  govern-  framework if this suspicion   to  hold  onto  power  until  office  and  exposed  them  to
              that President Zelenskyy is  ment to “work in the same  is  substantiated  that  the   2036.                      lengthy prison terms.
              prepared to do this.”       spirit” with Ukraine, push-  pipeline is used as a weap-
                                          ing for the country to recov-  on.”                      As  the  election  approaches,  Some of Navalny’s top asso-
              The    fighting   between  er its territorial integrity and                          Russian  opposition  support-  ciates had planned to run in
              Ukrainian  forces  and  Rus-  enabling it to continue with  Zelenskyy,  in  turn,  said   ers,  independent  media  and  the  parliamentary  election.
              sia-backed rebels has killed  domestic reforms.        Kyiv  has  initiated  consul-  human  rights  activists  face  The politician’s team has also
              more  than  14,000  since                              tations  with  the  European   increased  government  pres-  promised to deploy its Smart
              2014. Germany and France  The  chancellor  also  talked  Parliament and the German   sure, ascribed by many to the  Voting  strategy  at  the  elec-
              have  worked  to  help  bro-  up  the  merits  of  a  U.S.-  government  regarding  the   Kremlin’s  desire  to  ensure  tion — a project designed to
              ker a peaceful settlement to  German deal last month to  Nord Stream 2 pipeline. He   that United Russia retains its  promote candidates who are
              the  conflict,  including  an  allow the completion of the  added  that  energy  minis-  dominating  positions  in  the  most  likely  to  defeat  those
              often-violated  2015  cease-  Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline  ters from the United States,   parliament.              from  the  dominant  United
              fire  agreement  reached  in  from  Russia  to  Germany  Germany and Ukraine will                                 Russia party.
              Minsk, Belarus.             without  the  imposition  of  meet Monday in Kyiv.       Putin  met  with  top  United
                                          U.S.  sanctions  on  German                              Russia  officials  on  Sunday  The government has also de-
              Zelenskyy said Kyiv is seek-  entities.                The two leaders didn’t an-    and said that he “very much  clared a number of indepen-
              ing  a  permanent  cease-fire                          nounce any groundbreaking     counts” on the party to “re-  dent media outlets and jour-
              in  eastern  Ukraine,  a  pris-  Ukraine  opposes  the  proj-  agreements  on  Sunday  but   tain  its  positions”  after  the  nalists  “foreign  agents”  —  a
              oner exchange, open cross-  ect, and Zelenskyy on Sun-  that  was  no  surprise,  said   election and “will be able to  label  that  implies  additional
              ings  at  the  line  of  contact  day called it Russia’s geopo-  Kyiv-based  political  analyst   make the necessary decisions  government  scrutiny  and
              and  to  ensure  Red  Cross  litical “weapon.”         Volodymyr Fesenko.            in the interests of the country  carries strong pejorative con-
              access to the conflict zone.                                                         at the legislative level.”   notations that could discredit
              He supported the idea of a  “I believe that this is a weap-  “There were no big expec-                            the  recipients  —  and  raided
              meeting,  but  urged  Kyiv’s  on and it is not correct not  tations from Merkel’s visit,”   The  United  Russia  faction  the homes of several promi-
              Western  partners  to  exert  to  see  it  as  a  weapon,”  he  Fesenko, head of the Penta   currently  holds  334  parlia-  nent reporters.
              pressure on Russia in order  said. “The launch will lead  Center think tank, told The   ment seats out of 450. How-
              to achieve progress in east-  to great risks and it will play  Associated Press. “In a fare-  ever,  polls  by  Russia’s  top  Several  media  outlets  and
              ern Ukraine.                into the hands of Russia.”  well  handshake,  the  chan-  independent  pollster  Levada  human  rights  group  have
                                                                     cellor tried to soften the un-  Center  show  only  27%  of  ceased  operations  after  be-
              “As long as there is no prog-  Merkel said she viewed the  pleasant  consequences  that   Russians are prepared to vote  ing accused of ties with “un-
              ress, the pressure on Russia  German-U.S.   agreement  the  agreements  between      for the party this year.     desirable” organizations — a
              should  continue.  We  want  “as  a  commitment  by  the  Berlin  and  Moscow  would                              designation  that  outlaws  a
              to  see  active  efforts  of  our  German  government  to  have for Ukraine. Soften at   During  the  meeting,  Putin  group and exposes its mem-
              Western  partners,”  Zelen-  ward  off  President  Zelen-  least in words.”          also  announced  one-time  bers, supporters and partners
              skyy said.                  skyy’s worry, namely energy                              payments of about $135 and  to prosecution.
                                                                                                   $200 to Russia’s retirees and
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