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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 3 april 2020
            Africa faces an 'existential threat' as virus cases spread

            By CARA ANNA                                                                                                        ready,’” Nkengasong said.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Even  if  equipment  is  ob-
            JOHANNESBURG  (AP)  —                                                                                               tained,  getting  them  to
            Some African countries will                                                                                         countries is a growing chal-
            have  more  than  10,000                                                                                            lenge  with  Africa’s  wide-
            coronavirus  cases  by  the                                                                                         spread  travel  restrictions,
            end of April, health officials                                                                                      though   countries   have
            projected Thursday, as the                                                                                          made exceptions for cargo
            continent  least  equipped                                                                                          or  emergency  humanitar-
            to  treat  serious  infections                                                                                      ian flights.
            has an “enormous gap” in                                                                                            Simply  gauging  the  num-
            the  number  of  ventilators                                                                                        ber of coronavirus cases in
            and other critical items.                                                                                           Africa is a challenge, even
            While  cases  across  Africa                                                                                        in  South  Africa,  the  most
            are  now  above  6,000  at                                                                                          developed country on the
            what  has  been  called  the                                                                                        continent,  where  authori-
            dawn  of  the  outbreak,                                                                                            ties have acknowledged a
            the continent is "very, very                                                                                        testing backlog.
            close" to where Europe was                                                                                          Other countries suffer from
            after  a  40-day  period,  the                                                                                      the  widespread  shortage
            head of the Africa Centers                                                                                          of  testing  kits  or  swabs,
            for  Disease  Control  and                                                                                          though  43  countries  in  the
            Prevention, Dr. John Nken-                                                                                          WHO  Africa  sub-Saharan
            gasong, told reporters.      Homeless people stay at the Caledonian stadium downtown Pretoria, South Africa, Thursday April   region  now  have  testing
            The  virus  “is  an  existential   2, 2020, after being rounded up by police in an effort to enforce a 21 days lockdown to control   capability,  up  from  two  in
            threat to our continent,” he   the  spread  of  the  coronavirus.  Many  of  them  being  addicted,  they  are  receiving  methadone   early February.
            said. All but five of Africa's   syrup from a local NGO, and were complaining about the lack of sanitizer and soap. The new   As  more  African  countries
            54  countries  have  cases,   coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people, but for some, especially older   impose  lockdowns,  both
                                         adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness or death.
            and  local  transmission  has                                                              (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)   the  WHO  and  Africa  CDC
            begun  in  many  of  those                                                                                          expressed   concern     for
            with the virus.              multilateral  partners,"  but  country-based  colleagues.  The  health  officials  plead-  the  millions  of  low-income
            Nkengasong  said  authori-   "we  still  have  to  see  that  ... What we can say without  ed  for  global  solidarity  at  people  who  need  to  go
            ties are "aggressively" look-  translate into concrete ac-  a doubt is there is an enor-  a time when even some of  out daily to earn their living.
            ing  into  procuring  equip-  tion," he said.             mous gap.”                   the world’s richest countries  That’s a “huge challenge,”
            ment  such  as  ventilators  The  World  Health  Organi-  Some countries have only a  are  scrambling  for  basic  Moeti said, noting that hun-
            that most African countries  zation  doesn’t  know  how  few ventilators. Central Afri-  medical  needs,  including  dreds of thousands of chil-
            desperately  need,  and  lo-  many ventilators are avail-  can Republic has just three.  face masks.                dren are now out of school
            cal  manufacturing  and  able  across  Africa  to  help  A small percentage of peo-    “Countries  like  Cameroon  as well.
            repurposing  are  being  ex-  those in respiratory distress,  ple  who  are  infected  will  just reached out yesterday,  It  is  too  soon  to  tell  how
            plored.                      regional  director  Dr.  Mat-  need ventilators and about  Ivory  Coast,  Burkina  Faso,  the lockdown in places like
            "We’ve seen a lot of good-   shidiso  Moeti  told  report-  15%  may  need  intensive  asking,  ‘Look,  we  need  South  Africa  has  affected
            will expressed to supporting  ers.  “We  are  trying  to  find  care, said WHO official Dr.  tents  because  we’re  run-  the  number  of  cases,  she
            Africa  from  bilateral  and  out  this  information  from  Zabulon Yoti.              ning out of hospital beds al-  added.q

            Thailand imposes 6-hour nightly curfew to combat virus

            BANGKOK  (AP)  —  Thai-                                                                                             enacted a one-month state
            land's  prime  minister  an-                                                                                        of  emergency  allowing  it
            nounced  a  nationwide  10                                                                                          to impose harsh restrictions
            p.m.-to-4 a.m curfew start-                                                                                         not normally allowed under
            ing  Friday  to  combat  the                                                                                        law. They include the pow-
            spread of the coronavirus.                                                                                          er  to  implement  curfews,
            The  measure  announced                                                                                             censor the media, disperse
            Thursday evening by Prime                                                                                           gatherings and deploy the
            Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha                                                                                          military  for  enforcement.
            is the latest in a slow tight-                                                                                      Financial  packages  to  aid
            ening  of  restrictions  since                                                                                      businesses  and  individuals
            the  country's  cases  began                                                                                        affected by the restrictions
            rising sharply in mid-March.                                                                                        have also been approved.
            Thailand  announced  104                                                                                            Measures  instituted  before
            new  confirmed  cases  of                                                                                           the  state  of  emergency
            the  disease  on  Thursday,   A nurse in protective clothing takes notes from a woman with symptoms of new coronavirus at a   include  shutting  down  all
            bringing its total to 1,875.  carpark that turned into a COVID-19 infection screening center at Chulalongkorn University health   schools, postponing a ma-
            The  restrictions  are  still  not   service center in Bangkok, Thailand, Wednesday, April 1, 2020. The new coronavirus causes mild   jor  three-day  holiday  and
            as  sweeping  as  in  some   or moderate symptoms for most people, but for some, especially older adults and people with   allowing  provincial  gov-
            other   countries,   where   existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness or death.                   ernors  to  close  any  gath-
            people  have  been  told  to                                                       (AP Photo/Gemunu Amarasinghe)    ering  spaces  and  closely
            stay  home  throughout  the  be allowed for people who  cine, medical supplies and  eling to and from an airport;  regulate travel. Restaurants
            day  except  for  necessary  work  in  medicine,  banking  equipment,    newspapers  and people with permission  have  been  closed  except
            tasks.  Prayuth  said  excep-  and  delivery  of  consum-  and gas; people who work  from their district officials.  for  takeout  and  delivery
            tions  under  the  curfew  will  able  goods,  crops,  medi-  shifts; people who are trav-  Last week, the government  service. q
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