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                                                                  business/technology Friday 3 april 2020
            Chinese smartphone health code rules post-virus life

            WUHAN,  China  (AP)  —                                                                                              researchers  wrote.  Once
            Since  the  coronavirus  out-                                                                                       aboard  the  subway,  Wu
            break, life in China is ruled                                                                                       and other commuters used
            by  a  green  symbol  on  a                                                                                         their  smartphones  to  scan
            smartphone screen.                                                                                                  a  code  that  recorded  the
            Green is the "health code"                                                                                          number  of  the  car  they
            that says a user is symptom-                                                                                        rode  in  case  authorities
            free  and  it’s  required  to                                                                                       need to find them later.
            board  a  subway,  check                                                                                            Visitors  to  shopping  malls,
            into  a  hotel  or  just  enter                                                                                     offices buildings and other
            Wuhan,  the  central  city  of                                                                                      public  places  in  Wuhan
            11 million people where the                                                                                         undergo  a  similar  routine.
            pandemic  began  in  De-                                                                                            They  show  their  health
            cember.                                                                                                             codes and guards in masks
            The system is made possible                                                                                         and gloves check them for
            by the Chinese public's al-                                                                                         fever  before  they  are  al-
            most  universal  adoption                                                                                           lowed in.
            of  smartphones  and  the                                                                                           The health codes add to a
            ruling  Communist  Party's                                                                                          steadily  growing  matrix  of
            embrace  of  "Big  Data"  to                                                                                        high-tech  monitoring  that
            extend its surveillance and                                                                                         tracks what China’s citizens
            control over society.                                                                                               do in public, online and at
            Walking into a Wuhan sub-    In this April 1, 2020, photo, a passenger holds up a green pass on their phone on a subway train in   work: Millions of video cam-
            way  station  Wednesday,     Wuhan in central China's Hubei province. Green is the "health code" that says a user is symptom-  eras  blanket  streets  from
            Wu Shenghong, a manag-       free and it’s required to board a subway, check into a hotel or just enter Wuhan, the central city   major cities to small towns.
            er for a clothing manufac-   of 11 million people where the pandemic began in December.                             Censors monitor activity on
            turer, used her smartphone                                                                   (AP Photo/Olivia Zhang)  the internet and social me-
            to  scan  a  barcode  on  a  fected  person  but  hadn’t  code  is  part  of  the  efforts  trols ever imposed. The final  dia.  State-owned  telecom
            poster  that  triggered  her  finished  a  two-week  quar-  by authorities to revive Chi-  travel  controls  on  Wuhan  carriers  can  trace  where
            health code app. A green  antine, meaning she should  na’s  economy  while  pre-       are due to be lifted April 8.  mobile  phone  customers
            code and part of her iden-   be in a hospital or quaran-  venting a spike in infections  Other  governments  should  go.
            tity card number appeared  tined at home.                 as workers stream back into  consider   adopting   Chi-   A  vast,  computerized  sys-
            on the screen.               Wu, who was on her way to  factories, offices and shops.  nese-style  “digital  contact  tem  popularly  known  as
            A  guard  wearing  a  mask  see retailers after returning  Most access to Wuhan, the  tracing,”  Oxford  University  social credit is intended to
            and  goggles  waved  her  to work this week, said the  manufacturing hub of cen-       researchers  recommend-      enforce obedience to offi-
            through.                     system has helped reassure  tral China, was suspended  ed  in  a  report  published  cial rules.
            If the code had been red,  her after a two-month shut-    Jan. 23 to fight the corona-  Tuesday  in  the  journal  Sci-  People  with  too  many  de-
            that  would  tell  the  guard  down left the streets of Wu-  virus.                    ence. The virus is spreading  merits for violations ranging
            that  Wu  was  confirmed  to  han empty.                  The  lockdown  spread  to  too  rapidly  for  traditional  from  committing  felonies
            be infected or had a fever  People  with  red  or  yellow  surrounding  cities  in  Hubei  methods  to  track  infec-  to littering can be blocked
            or other symptoms and was  codes  “are  definitely  not  province and then people  tions  “but  could  be  con-     from  buying  plane  tickets,
            awaiting a diagnosis. A yel-  running  around  outside,”  nationwide  were  ordered  trolled  if  this  process  was  getting  loans,  obtaining
            low code would mean she  said Wu, 51. “I feel safe.”      stay  home  in  the  most  in-  faster,  more  efficient  and  government jobs or leaving
            had  contact  with  an  in-  Intensive use of the health  tensive  anti-disease  con-  happened  at  scale,”  the  the country.q

            Stocks rise as a bounce in oil prices lifts energy sector

            By STAN CHOE and             bia  and  Russia  to  back  ping  below  $20  earlier  this
            DAMIAN J. TROISE             away from their price war.  week  to  its  lowest  price
            AP Business Writers          The  two  sides  have  con-  since  2002.  At  the  year's
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Wall  tinued to pull oil out of the  start, oil was above $60.
            Street pushed higher Thurs-  ground  to  maintain  their  That  helped  energy  stocks
            day after a surge in oil pric-  market share, even as de-  in the S&P 500 rally 9.4%, by
            es helped resuscitate beat-  mand  for  energy  cratered  far the biggest gain among
            en-down  energy  stocks.  because  of  widespread  the 11 sectors that make up
            The gains helped overshad-   stay-at-home  orders  and  the  index.  EOG  Resources
            ow another report showing  other  economy-damaging  jumped 15.5%, ConocoPhil-
            the coronavirus outbreak is  restrictions  caused  by  the  lips leaped 12.1% and Sch-
            forcing  a  record-breaking  coronavirus  outbreak.  The  lumberger  added  12.6%,
            number  of  Americans  into  resulting buildup of oil sup-  but  all  three  remain  down
            the unemployment queue.      plies sent crude’s price spi-  by nearly half for the year.
            The S&P 500 was up a little  raling by roughly two thirds  The  overall  S&P  500  was   In  this  photo  taken  from  video  provided  by  the  New  York
            more  than  1%  in  midday  in  the  first  three  months  of  up 1.9%. The Dow Jones In-  Stock  Exchange,  Robert  Glorioso,  Chief,  Building  Engineering
            trading  after  flipping  be-  the year.                  dustrial  Average  rose  384   Operations, rings the opening bell at the NYSE, Thursday, April 2,
            tween small gains and loss-  Benchmark  U.S.  crude  oil  points,  or  1.8%,  to  21,330,   2020. Stocks are wavering between small gains and losses early
            es shortly after the opening  pared  its  gains  following  and  the  Nasdaq  was  up   Thursday after a report showed a record number of Americans
            bell. It took off with the price  its  immediate  rocket  ride  1.7%.  Like  oil,  stocks  gave   lost their jobs last week due to the coronavirus outbreak.
            of  oil,  which  surged  more  higher,  and  it  was  up  23%  up  some  of  their  gains  af-                  (New York Stock Exchange via AP)
            than  30%  immediately  af-  at  $24.97  per  barrel,  as  of  ter  their  initial  jump  higher  were. He tweeted only that  after  talking  with  Saudi
            ter President Donald Trump  11:30 a.m. Eastern time. It's  as markets weigh how de-    he  expects  and  hopes  for  Crown  Prince  Mohammad
            said he expects Saudi Ara-   rallying  back  after  drop-  finitive  Trump's  comments  upcoming production cuts  Bin Salman.q
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