Page 28 - HOH
P. 28
Friday 3 april 2020
Russia's Putin orders non-working month to curb coronavirus
By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV far unscathed by the epi-
Associated Press demic have applied more
MOSCOW (AP) — President lax rules.
Vladimir Putin on Thursday Russian officials registered
ordered most Russians to 771 new cases on Thurs-
stay off work until the end day, a 43% increase from
of the month as part of the previous day, bringing
a partial economic shut- the country's reported total
down to curb the spread of to 3,548 with 30 deaths.
the coronavirus. The Russian leader said that
Speaking in a televised along with safeguarding
address to the nation on the public's health, it's also
Thursday, Putin said he was important to protect peo-
extending the non-working ple's incomes and prevent
policy he ordered earlier a spike in unemployment.
for this week to remain in “An efficient and stable
force throughout April. He economy is key to solving
emphasized that all em- our tasks, including in the
ployees should continue health care system,” he
earning their regular sala- added.
ries during the period. But the opposition said the
Putin said some essential government has failed to
industries will keep operat- Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses Russian citizens on the State Television channels at the offer a feasible program
ing, and grocery stores and Novo-Ogaryovo residence outside Moscow, Russia, Thursday, April 2, 2020. Putin has ordered to support business, warn-
pharmacies will remain most Russians to stay off work until the end of the month to curb the spread of the coronavirus. ing that Putin's order would
open. Speaking in a televised address to the nation on Thursday, Putin said he was extending the non- effectively kill most of the
He said Russia's virus-pre- working policy he ordered earlier for this week to remain in force throughout April. nation's small and medi-
vention strategies have (Alexei Druzhinin, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP) um enterprises and leave
bought time and helped parliament empowered on specific steps to coun- eas where the coronavirus many Russians starving.
slow down the outbreak the cabinet to introduce ter the outbreak reflected already is posing a seri- “The people have no mon-
but also warned that the the state of emergency al- an attempt to avoid being ous threat like in Moscow ey to just sit at home with-
number of cases will con- lowing it to tighten restric- associated with unpopular where we haven't been out working, and employ-
tinue climbing. tions — an authority that moves and bear responsi- able yet to change the situ- ers have no cash," Russia's
“The threat remains, and previously had belonged bility for the mounting num- ation despite the measures top opposition leader Alex-
experts believe that the only to the president. ber of cases. being taken,” Putin said. ei Navalny tweeted.
epidemic is yet to reach its Some Kremlin critics have Putin argued that regional In Moscow, which has There have been broad
peak in the world, including assailed Putin for stopping authorities must be given about two-thirds of all fears that Russia's under-
our country,” Putin said. short of declaring a na- a free hand to handle known virus cases in Rus- funded health care system
Putin said it would be up to tionwide lockdown, opting anti-coronavirus measures sia, the mayor introduced would be hard-pressed to
regional authorities to de- instead for the ill-defined because the situation var- a strict lockdown that is to deal with the outbreak.
cide which companies and non-working order. ies widely across the vast be enforced through elec- Medical workers across the
organizations could keep Many observers pointed country. tronic surveillance. country have complained
working in their areas de- out that Putin's decision “Our country is very big, Most other regions of Rus- about shortages of essen-
pending on the situation. to let the cabinet and re- population density differs sia followed Moscow's ex- tial protective gear and
Earlier this week, the Russian gional governors decide widely and there are ar- ample, but some areas so other supplies.q
Music never dies: “Bolero” busts out of coronavirus lockdown
By JOHN LEICESTER Posting a video of their tension and power builds
Associated Press stitched-together perfor- as more and more join, until
LE PECQ, France (AP) — mance on YouTube was they are an orchestra of 50.
Look closely: The kettle a way of keeping in touch Benetti rearranged French
drum player has a wooden with each other and with composer Maurice Ravel's
spoon in one hand, a ladle audiences they sorely miss work, chopping it down
in the other ... and doesn't playing for. from the usual 15 minutes
even have his drums. “For us, the public is essen- to a more manageable
But, hey, cutting a few cor- tial. Without the public, we and social media-friendly
ners can be forgiven of an don't really exist," said Didi- length of just under four
orchestra that managed er Benetti, the kettle drum minutes.
the remarkable feat of per- In this handout photo provided by the National Orchestra of player. The video posted The musicians got their
forming “Bolero” while its France on Wednesday April 1, 2020, musicians from the National Sunday has quickly racked scores by email. They also
musicians are scattered far Orchestra of France are shown in the screenshot as a patchwork, up hundreds of thousands got an audio track to listen
each performing parts of "Bolero" alone in lockdown. The
and wide under coronavi- musicians recorded themselves over several days in March for of views. to through headphones as
rus lockdowns. this video posted by the orchestra on March 29. With the magic The performance starts with they played. That audio in-
Why? To send this message of technology, their individual videos were woven together to three musicians: a cellist, a cluded a previous record-
to music lovers: We are still create a rousing orchestra-like sound for the famous piece of violinist and a percussionist ing of the music and the
here for you. music by French composer Maurice Ravel. with “Stay home” written ticking sound of a metro-
Like building a musical jig- (National Orchestra of France via AP) on his red drum. nome, to help them keep
saw puzzle, the National to weave together the selves playing alone in their A flutist joins, haunting, be- time and stay in perfect
Orchestra of France used sight and sounds of its mu- homes into a seamless, witching, seemingly playing unison despite being scat-
the magic of technology sicians, who filmed them- rousing whole. in his lounge. The musical tered to the winds.q