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                                                                                         world news Diamars 30 November 2021

                      Belarusian leader accuses Lithuania of dumping dead migrants

            (AP) — Belarusian Presi-     an abomination!”             shot back at the EU, accusing
            dent  Alexander  Lukash-                                  it of failing to offer safe pas-
            enko  on  Monday  accused  Lithuania’s    State   Border  sage to migrants. Since Nov.
            Lithuanian      authorities  Guard  Service  rejected  the  8, a large group of migrants,
            of dumping the bodies of  Belarusian claim, saying that  mostly Iraqi Kurds, has been
            migrants  on  the  border  Belarusian  authorities  have  stranded in Belarus at a bor-
            between  the  two  coun-     repeatedly tried to stage and  der  crossing  with  Poland,
            tries  —  a  claim  rejected  direct beatings, the crippling  trapped  amid  freezing  tem-
            by Lithuania amid soaring  or  even  deaths  of  migrants,  peratures  as  forces  from  the
            border  tensions  between  while  blaming  Lithuania  for  two countries face off. Most
            Belarus  and  its  European  such “inhumane treatment.”   of  the  migrants  are  fleeing
            Union neighbors.                                          conflict  or  hopelessness  at
                                         Lukashenko  also  charged  home, and aim to reach Ger-
            Lukashenko also warned that  Monday that Belarusian bor-  many or other Western Euro-
            his country will stand square-  der guards also found several  pean countries.
            ly behind its ally Russia if the  other freezing migrants who
            Ukrainian authorities launch  were barely alive at an aban-  On Monday, Lukashenko had
            an  offensive  against  Mos-  doned  farmhouse  near  the  a call with Russian President  tions. But echoing statements  Lt. Gen. Viktor Khrenin said
            cow-backed rebels in eastern  border with Lithuania.      Vladimir Putin in which they  from the Kremlin, he warned  in  the  “medium  term”  Be-
            Ukraine. He tried to cast the                             talked about the situation on  Ukrainian  authorities  that  if  larus and Russia will conduct
            tensions over migrants as part  The EU has accused Lukash-  Belarus’ border with Poland,  they  try  to  use  force  to  re-  joint drills to protect Belarus’
            of  a  purported  Western  plot  enko of waging a “hybrid at-  according to the Kremlin.  claim  areas  controlled  by  border with Ukraine.
            against Belarus and Russia.  tack”  against  the  bloc,  using                         Russia-backed  separatists  in
                                         desperate migrants as pawns  The Belarusian leader also or-  Ukraine’s  eastern  industrial  Ukrainian  authorities  have
            Lukashenko said at a meeting  and tricking them into trying  dered military officials Mon-  heartland known as Donbas,  voiced  concerns  that  Rus-
            with  his  top  military  brass  to  cross  into  EU  members  day to raise troop readiness in  Belarus would stand squarely  sian  troops  could  use  Be-
            that Belarusian border guards  Poland and Lithuania to de-  view  of  NATO  maneuvers  with Russia.                 larusian  territory  to  invade
            found the bodies of two mi-  stabilize the entire bloc. The  near Belarusian borders.                               Ukraine.  The  Kremlin  has
            grants left on the border over  EU says that is Lukashenko’s                           “If they try to launch a small  denied plans to launch such
            the weekend.                 revenge  for  EU  sanctions  Lukashenko dismissed West-   war in Donbas or somewhere  attack and accused Ukrainian
                                         imposed on Belarus after its  ern  concerns  about  alleged  on  the  border  with  Russia,  authorities and their Western
            “They  put  a  dead  body,  or,  brutal crackdown on democ-  Russian  plans  to  invade  Belarus  will  not  stay  aside,  backers of making the claims
            probably, a person who is still  racy protesters.         Ukraine, which also borders  and  it’s  clear  whose  side  it  to cover up their own alleg-
            alive,  in  a  sleeping  bag  and                         Belarus, saying that Moscow  will take,” he said.         edly aggressive designs.
            toss  it  on  the  border,”  Lu-  Belarusian  authorities  have  would  have  let  him  know
            kashenko  exclaimed.  “What  denied  the  accusations  and  about it if it had such inten-  Belarusian Defense Minister

                          French honor for Josephine Baker stirs conflict over racism

            (AP) — On the surface, it’s a powerful mes-     “The  Pantheon  is  where  you  enter  not  because  specific oppression experienced by different com-
            sage against racism: a Black woman will, for  you’re famous but because of what you bring to  munities of color.
            the first time, join other luminaries interred  the civic mind of the nation.”
            in France’s Pantheon. But by choosing a U.S.-                                                   The  term  “communautarist”  is  also  used  to  de-
            born figure -- entertainer Josephine Baker –  Her nomination has been lauded as uncontrover-    scribe American society, which counts race in of-
            critics say France is continuing a long tradi-  sial and seen as a way to reconcile French society  ficial  censuses,  academic  studies  and  public  dis-
            tion of decrying racism abroad while obscur-    after the difficulties of the pandemic and last year’s  course, which is taboo in France and seen as reduc-
            ing it at home.                                 protests against French police violence, as George  ing people to a skin color.
                                                            Floyd’s  killing  in  the  U.S.  echoed  incidents  in
            While Baker is widely appreciated in France, the  France  involving  Black  men  who  died  in  police  For Rokhaya Diallo, a French commentator on is-
            decision  has  highlighted  the  divide  between  the  custody.                                 sues related to race, “universalism is a utopia and
            country’s official doctrine of colorblind universal-                                            myth that the republic tells about itself that does
            ism and some increasingly vocal opponents, who  Baker represented France’s “universalist” approach,  not correspond to any past or present reality,” she
            argue  that  it  has  masked  generations  of  systemic  which sees its people as simply citizens and does  told The AP. “For Black and non-white people, the
            racism.                                         not count or identify them by race or ethnicity. The  Republic has always been a space of inequality, of
                                                            first article of the constitution says the French Re-  othering through the processes triggered by colo-
            Baker’s entry into the Pantheon on Tuesday is the  public and its values are considered universal, en-  nization.”
            result of years of efforts from politicians, organiza-  suring that all citizens have the same rights, regard-
            tions and public figures. Most recently, a petition  less of their origin, race or religion.    Lawyers,  activists  and  academics  have  chronicled
            by Laurent Kupferman, an essayist on the French                                                 discrimination in police violence, in housing and
            Republic, gained traction, and in July, French Pres-  In 1938, Baker joined what is today called LICRA,  in employment in France, notably against people
            ident Emmanuel Macron announced Baker would  a prominent antiracist league and longtime advo-   with African or Arab origins. Universalists say this
            be “pantheonized.”                              cate for her entry in the Pantheon.             isn’t a structural part of French society, however,
                                                                                                            identifying racism  as  a moral matter  and not  in-
            “The times are probably more conducive to having  “She  loved  universalism  passionately  and  this  scribed within the state.
            Josephine Baker’s fights resonate: the fight against  France that does not care about skin color,” LICRA
            racism, antisemitism, her part in the French Re-  President  Mario  Stasi  told  The  Associated  Press.  Kévi Donat, a Black French guide who gives tours
            sistance,”  Kupferman  told  The  Associated  Press.  “When  she  arrived  from  the  United  States,  she  of Black Paris, said Baker is the “most controver-
                                                            understood  she  came  from  a  ‘communautaurist’  sial” figure he highlights in his tours, in part be-
                                                            country where she was reminded of her origin and  cause she initially earned fame in France for danc-
                                                            ethnicity, and in France, she felt total acceptance.”  ing in a banana belt that “played into stereotypes
                                                                                                            around Black and African people.”
                                                            Universalists pejoratively call opposing anti-racism
                                                            activists  “communautarists,”  implying  that  they  “Sometimes Josephine Baker is used to say ‘in the
                                                            put  community  identity  before  universal  French  U.S. there was racism, (but) all these Black Ameri-
                                                            citizenry.  Radical  anti-racist  groups,  meanwhile,  cans  were  welcomed  in  France,’  meaning  we’re
                                                            say that France first needs a reckoning with system-  ahead, that we don’t have that problem here,” Do-
                                                            ic racism — a term that is contested here — and the  nat said.
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