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A32    sports
                    Diasabra 20 Maart 2021

                          Nationals pitcher Will Harris has blood clot in throwing arm

                                                (AP)  —  Washington  Nationals  nez said. "So we kind of backed off a  Harris, then with Houston, gave up a
                                                reliever  Will  Harris  has  a  blood  little bit, got an MRI, and in the arm  tiebreaking two-run homer to Wash-
                                                clot in his right arm and is leav-  was a little small blood clot."     ington's Howie Kendrick in the sev-
                                                ing spring training camp to be ex-                                      enth inning of World Series Game 7
                                                amined  by  a  specialist,  manager  The  36-year-old  Harris  last  pitched  two years ago, a game the Nationals
                                                Dave Martinez said Friday.          in  an  exhibition  game  on  March  9,  won 6-2 for their first title.
                                                                                    throwing one scoreless inning against
                                                "I don't know much about what's go-  the Houston Astros. The right-hand-  He has been expected to be a part of
                                                ing to happen here. But for me, when  er appeared in a "B game" on Satur-  a formidable back end of the bullpen
                                                somebody  mentions  something  like  day.                               along  with  Brad  Hand  and  Daniel
                                                that, it's kind of a scary deal," Marti-                                Hudson for Washington, which fin-
                                                nez said. "Until we know more about  "Medically,  I  don't  know  the  extent  ished  last  season  tied  for  last  in  the
                                                it, then I got to assume that he's going  of what that is. But I know it's some-  NL East.
                                                to not start with us this season."  thing that is serious," Martinez said.
                                                                                    "We need to take care of it. Take care  "He's  pretty  upbeat  considering
                                                Opening day is April 1, less than two  of it as soon as possible. And I feel for  what's  going  on,"  Martinez  said.
                                                weeks away.                         Will, 'cause I know he was just work-  "Hopefully we'll know more sooner
                                                                                    ing his tail off to help us this year."   than later, and then we can determine
                                                "He felt weird his last outing," Marti-                                 what's going to happen."

                            Djokovic pulls out of Miami Open, citing virus restrictions

            (AP) — No. 1-ranked No-      said in a statement. "With all  with families."
            vak  Djokovic  pulled  out  restrictions,  I  need  to  find  There has been less attrition
            of  the  upcoming  Miami  balance  in  my  time  on  tour  on the women's side. Serena
            Open  on  Friday,  citing  and at home."                  Williams,  Australian  Open
            coronavirus    restrictions                               champion Naomi Osaka and
            as he joined Rafael Nadal  Nadal  pulled  out  Tuesday,  No.  1  Ash  Barty  are  among
            and Roger Federer on the  citing  a  bad  back  that  both-  those scheduled to compete.
            sideline.                    ered him during the Austra-
                                         lian  Open.  Federer,  mount-  Barty won the tournament in
            The    tournament    begins  ing  a  comeback  from  knee  2019. It was canceled last year
            Tuesday,  with  only  750  fans  surgery,  withdrew  March  1.  because of the pandemic.
            allowed  on  the  grounds  per  They're based overseas, as is
            session. The pandemic is also  Djokovic.                  Djokovic won his 18th Grand
            affecting attendance by play-                             Slam  title  at  the  Australian
            ers.                         "This has been a difficult year  Open  last  month.  The  Serb
                                         for  everyone,"  Miami  Open  is  in  his  312th  career  week
            "I  decided  to  use  this  pre-  tournament  director  James  at  No.  1  and  recently  broke
            cious  time  at  home  to  stay  Blake  said  in  a  statement,  Federer's record of 310 total
            with  my  family,"  Djokovic  "but  especially  for  players  weeks in the top spot.

                         Ex-UCLA coach gets 8 months in prison for admissions scam

            (AP)  —  A  former  University  of  during a hearing held via videocon-  guilty.
            Southern California, Los Angeles  ference.                                                                  "Mr.  Salcedo  has  demonstrated  that
            men's soccer coach was sentenced                                        Salcedo took another $100,000 bribe  he  is  a  perpetual  cheat,"  Assistant
            to eight months behind bars Fri-    Salcedo's  is  one  of  the  longest  sen-  from the consultant, Rick Singer, to  U.S. Attorney Kristen Kearney said.
            day  for  pocketing  $200,000  in  tences that have been handed down  recruit  the  son  of  Xiaoning  Sui,  of
            bribes to help applicants get into  so far in the case dubbed "Operation  Surrey, British Columbia, to his team,  Salcedo is the third coach sentenced
            the  school  as  bogus  athletic  re-  Varsity  Blues,"    which  in  2019  un-  authorities  said.  Salcedo  submit-  so  far  in  the  case.  Michael  Center,
            cruits.                             covered a scheme to get wealthy par-  ted  paperwork awarding  him a 25%  who was a tennis coach at the Uni-
                                                ents' kids into elite universities with  scholarship  because  he  knew  schol-  versity  of  Texas  at  Austin,  got  six
            Jorge Salcedo told the judge that he  fake athletic credentials or bogus test  arship recruits received less scrutiny,  months  while  ex-Stanford  sailing
            joined in the college admissions brib-  scores.                         authorities said.                   coach John Vandemoer got one day in
            ery scheme because he was desperate                                                                         prison which he was deemed to have
            for cash after buying a house his fam-  U.S.  District  Judge  Indira  Talwani  Sui was sentenced to time served last  already served.
            ily  couldn't  afford.  Salcedo  said  he  told Salcedo he chose "what appeared  year after spending five months in a
            takes complete responsibility for his  to be the easy path" to fix his finan-  Spanish prison following her arrest.   More than 40 people in the case have
            actions that have destroyed the life he  cial woes, adding that "it invites the                             pleaded guilty, including TV actresses
            knew.                               logic that if this hadn't been stopped  Singer,  who  has  also  pleaded  guilty,  Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin
                                                it would have continued."           recorded his phone calls with parents  as well as Loughlin's fashion designer
            "I am a different man than I was two                                    and coaches and is expected to be the  husband,  Mossimo  Giannulli.  The
            years ago and I will never make de-  The  admissions  consultant  at  the  star  witness  for  the  prosecution  in  sentences for the parents have ranged
            cisions  like  this  again,"  Salcedo  said  center  of  the  scheme  paid  Salcedo  any cases that go to trial.   from a couple weeks to nine months.
                                                $100,000 to help a California couple,
                                                Bruce and Davina Isackson, get their  Salcedo tried to get another student  Giannulli is scheduled to be released
                                                daughter into UCLA as a bogus soc-  in as a recruit, but the student ended  from prison in April after serving five
                                                cer  recruit,  authorities  say.  Salcedo  up going to a different school, pros-  months  behind  bars  for  paying  half
                                                convinced  women's  coaches  to  re-  ecutors said.                     a million dollars to get his daughters
                                                cruit her and created a coverup story                                   into the University of Southern Cali-
                                                when  school  compliance  officials  Prosecutors had asked for 18 months  fornia. Loughlin served two months
                                                questioned  her  soccer  background,  behind  bars,  noting  that  Salcedo  and  Huffman  served  two  weeks.
                                                prosecutors said.                   pocketed the $200,000 for himself —  Huffman  pleaded  guilty  to  paying
                                                                                    rather than his team — and engaged  $15,000 to rig her daughter's entrance
                                                The  Isacksons  have  also  pleaded  in the scheme multiple times.      exam score.
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