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                                                                      obituario/u.s. news Diasabra 20 Maart 2021

                                                                      4 men linked to Proud Boys charged in

                                                                                       plot to attack Capitol

                “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
                  Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi
                                sosega.                      (AP) - Four men described as leaders of the  "regrouping with a second force" as some rioters
                       E ta hibami na awa trankil,           far-right  Proud  Boys  have  been  charged  in  began to leave the Capitol, according to the indict-
                         Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.            the  U.S.  Capitol  riots,  as  an  indictment  or-  ment.
                               Salmo: 23                     dered unsealed on Friday presents fresh evi-
                                                             dence of how federal officials believe group  "This was not simply a march. This was an incred-
                      Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:                                                         ible attack on our institutions of government," As-
                                                             members planned and carried out a coordi-
                                                             nated attack to stop Congress from certifying  sistant U.S. Attorney Jason McCullough said dur-
                                                             President Joe Biden's electoral victory.        ing a recent hearing for Nordean's case.

                                                             So far, at least 19 leaders, members or associates of  Prosecutors have said the Proud Boys arranged for
                                                             the neo-fascist Proud Boys have been charged in  members to communicate using specific frequen-
                                                             federal court  with offenses related to the Jan. 6 ri-  cies on Baofeng radios. The Chinese-made devices
                                                             ots. The latest indictment suggests the Proud Boys  can be programmed for use on hundreds of fre-
                                                             deployed a much larger contingent in Washington,  quencies,  making  them  difficult  for  outsiders  to
                                                             with over 60 users "participating in" an encrypted  eavesdrop.
                                                             messaging  channel  for  group  members  that  was
                                                             created a day before the riots.                 After Tarrio's arrest, Donohoe expressed concern

                            Zhaohui Wu                                                                       that  their  encrypted  communications  could  be
                         *05-04-1957 - †17-03-2021           The Proud Boys abandoned an earlier channel and  "compromised"  when  police  searched  the  group
                                                             created the new "Boots on the Ground" channel  chairman's  phone,  according  to  the  new  indict-
               Na nomber di su:                              after police arrested the group's top leader, Enrique  ment. In a Jan. 4 post on a newly created chan-
               Casa:         Huiqiong Wu                     Tarrio, in Washington. Tarrio was arrested on Jan. 4  nel, Donohoe warned members that they could be

               Yiu:          Yong Hao Wu                     and charged with vandalizing a Black Lives Matter  "looking at Gang charges" and wrote, "Stop every-
                                                             banner at a historic Black church during a protest  thing immediately," the indictment says.
               Rumannan:     Hui Giang Wu y Liyan Cen        in December. He was ordered to stay out of the
                             Hui Xin Wu y Hilda Wu           District of Columbia.                           "This comes from the top," he added.
                             Hui Chun Wu y Yun Mou He
                             Hui Mou Wu y Qixiang Tang
                                                             Tarrio hasn't been charged in connection with the  A day before the riots, Biggs posted on the "Boots
               Sobrino(a)nan: Yangjiam Wu,                   riots, but the latest indictment refers to him by his  on  the  Ground"  channel  that  the  group  had  a
                             Xingqun Wu,
                             Yustin Wu,                      title as Proud Boys' chairman.                  "plan" for the night before and the day of the riots,
                             Micheal Wu,                                                                     according to the indictment.
                             Johnny He,                      Ethan Nordean and Joseph Biggs, two of the four
                             Anita He,
                             Minqing Wu,                     defendants charged in the latest indictment, were  In Nordean's case, a federal judge accused pros-
                             Zhi Hao Wu,                     arrested several weeks ago on separate but related  ecutors  of  backtracking  on  their  claims  that  he
                             Johnny Wu,                      charges. The new indictment also charges Zachary  instructed  Proud Boys members to split up into
                             Yiqing Wu,                      Rehl and Charles Donohoe.                       smaller  groups  and  directed  a  "strategic  plan"  to

               Swa y cuña:    Huilin Wu y Xueying Wu                                                         breach the Capitol.
                                                             Nordean, 30, of Auburn, Washington, was a Proud  "That's a far cry from what I heard at the hearing
               Demas famia, amigo y conocirnan mucho hopi pa   Boys chapter president and member of the group's  today," U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell said on
                                                             national "Elders Council." Biggs, 37, of Ormond  March 3.
               Acto di entiero lo tuma lugar diamars 23 di maart   Beach, Florida, is a self-described Proud Boys or-
               2021 di 2’or pa 4’or di atardi na Aurora Funeral   ganizer. Rehl, 35, of Philadelphia, and Donohoe,  Howell concluded that Nordean was extensively
               Home, despues saliendo pa Saantana centraal na
               Sabana Basora.                                33, of North Carolina, serve as presidents of their  involved in "pre-planning" for the events of Jan.
                                                             local Proud Boys chapters, according to the indict-  6 and that he and other Proud Boys "were clear-
                                                             ment.                                           ly prepared for a violent confrontation" that day.
                                                                                                             However, she said evidence that Nordean direct-
                                                             A  lawyer  for  Biggs  declined  to  comment.  Attor-  ed other Proud Boys members to break into the
                                                             neys for the other three men didn't immediately  building is "weak to say the least" and ordered him
                                                             respond to messages seeking comment Friday.     freed from jail before trial.
              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta
                               di nada                       Proud  Boys  members,  who  describe  themselves  On Friday, Howell ordered Proud Boys member
                                                             as a politically incorrect men's club for "Western  Christopher  Worrell  detained  in  federal  custody
                 Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta              chauvinists,"  have  frequently  engaged  in  street  pending trial on riot-related charges. Prosecutors
                           ponemi sosega.                    fights  with  antifascist  activists  at  rallies  and  pro-  say Worrell traveled to Washington and coordinat-
                   E ta hibami na awa trankil,               tests. Vice Media co-founder Gavin McInnes, who  ed with Proud Boys leading up to the siege.
                     Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                founded the Proud Boys in 2016, sued the South-
                              Salmo: 23                      ern  Poverty  Law  Center  for  labeling  it  as  a  hate  "Wearing tactical gear and armed with a canister of
                                                             group.                                          pepper spray gel marketed as 67 times more pow-
                                                                                                             erful  than  hot  sauce,  Worrell  advanced,  shielded
                  Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:             The  Proud  Boys  met  at  the  Washington  Monu-  himself behind a wooden platform and other pro-
                                                             ment around 10 a.m. on Jan. 6 and marched to the  testors, and discharged the gel at the line of offi-
                                                             Capitol before then-President Donald Trump fin-  cers," prosecutors wrote in a court filing.
                                                             ished addressing thousands of supporters near the
                                                             White House.

                                                             Around two hours later, just before Congress con-
                                                             vened a joint session to certify the election results,
                                                             a group of Proud Boys followed a crowd of people
                                                             who breached barriers at a pedestrian entrance to
                                                             the Capitol grounds, the indictment says. Several
                                                             Proud Boys also entered the Capitol building itself
                  Cynthia Marjorie Henriquez                 after the mob smashed windows and forced open
                   *20-11-1952 - †19-03-2021                 doors.

                 Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia            At 3:38 p.m., Donohoe announced on the "Boots
                              despues.                       on the Ground" channel that he and others were
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