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A30    world news
                    Diasabra 20 Maart 2021

                           Belgium pauses re-opening plans as virus infections mount

                                                                      sures have been in place since  Virologist Yves Van Laethem  De  Croo  said.  He  said  the
                                                                      the start of November. A ban  warned  that  the  number  of  travel ban will also remain in
                                                                      on non-essential travel is also  COVID-19 patients in inten-  place  until  at  least  the  same
                                                                      in effect. The plan had been  sive  care  beds  could  reach  a  date.
                                                                      to offer some relief to long-  critical level by April 10 if the
                                                                      suffering  citizens  by  resum-  pace  of  infections  does  not  Van Laethem said earlier that
                                                                      ing  some  outdoor  activities  slow down.                Belgium  is  "standing  at  the
                                                                      from April 1.                                             foot of a third wave of infec-
                                                                                                   De Croo said that most new  tions,"  but  that  people  can
                                                                      "We  are  pressing  the  pause  cases  were  being  found  in  help  turn  that  into  a  "mini-
                                                                      button,"  De  Croo  told  re-  schools  and  in  the  work  wave" by respecting the rules.
                                                                      porters.                     place. The number of elder-
                                                                                                   ly  people  catching  or  dying  A  total  of  22,624  people
                                                                      Earlier Friday, health authori-  from the virus is dropping as  have died from coronavirus-
                                                                      ties said the number of con-  Belgium's  vaccination  pro-  related  causes  in  Belgium,
            (AP)  —  Belgian  Prime  ment has decided to pause  firmed  new  daily  infections  gram kicks in.                  a  country  with  11.5  million
            Minister  Alexander  De  its plans to gradually ease  had risen by a third over the                                 inhabitants  that  was  among
            Croo said Friday that the  restrictions.                  past seven days, to reach 3,226  "We have one month to limit  the hardest-hit globally when
            country  faces  a  few  "cru-                             on  average.  Hospitalizations  social  contacts  as  much  as  the pandemic broke. Around
            cial weeks" as the number  Obligatory      mask-wearing  due to COVID-19 also rose  possible  so  that  schools  can  7.5%  of  the  population  has
            of  coronavirus  infections  outdoors, night-time curfews  by 27% over the same period.  open normally again on April  received a first jab of corona-
            rise, and that the govern-   and  restaurant  and  bar  clo-                           19" after the Easter vacation,  virus vaccine so far.

                    Russian warning against NATO membership denounced by Bosnia

            (AP)  —  Bosnian  officials  member in Bosnia's tripartite  wishing to join the alliance.
            on  Friday  denounced  a  presidency,  said  that  Mos-
            Russian    warning     that  cow's statement represents "a  Bosnia, Kosovo and Serbia, a
            it  will  take  action  if  the  veiled threat" not only against  Russian ally, remain the only
            country  takes  steps  to-   Bosnia,  but  also  against  its  Western  Balkan  nations  that
            ward NATO membership.        Western allies, including the  are  not  NATO  members.
                                         United States.               Montenegro  joined  the  al-
            The Russian embassy in Sa-                                liance  in  2017  while  North
            rajevo  had  said  a  day  earlier  "It's  clearly  a  geopolitical  Macedonia  became  a  mem-
            that "in case of practical rap-  game  which  Russia  is  play-  ber last year.
            prochement"  of  Bosnia  and  ing to stop the expansion of
            NATO,  "our  country  will  NATO  in  Europe,"  Komsic  Bosnian  Serbs,  who  control
            have  to  react  to  this  hostile  said.                 about  half  of  Bosnia  after  a
            act."                                                     U.S.-sponsored  peace  deal
                                         The  main  Bosniak  Party  of  that  ended  a  bloody  war  in
            It  was  not  clear  from  the  Democratic  Action  said  that  the  1990s,  are  closely  allied
            statement  what  action  Rus-  the  Russian  statement  rep-  with  Russia  and  remain  ve-  it might want with the 30-na-  statement.
            sia might take against Bosnia,  resents  "another  inappropri-  hemently opposed to NATO  tion military alliance.
            which  has  long  proclaimed  ate meddling" by Moscow in  membership.                                               She  said  that  NATO  and
            membership  in  the  Western  Bosnia's internal affairs.                               "No third party has the right  Bosnia have "a long-standing
            military  alliance  and  in  the                          NATO  spokeswoman  Oana  to  intervene  or  veto  such  a  and  mutually  beneficial  co-
            European  Union  a  strategic  Bosnia  is  part  of  NATO's  Lungescu said every country  process.  Any  threats  in  this  operation. Cooperation with
            goal.                        Membership Action Plan, an  has  its  own  right  to  decide  respect are unacceptable. The  NATO  does  not  prejudge
                                         advisory  and  assistance  pro-  how  to  handle  its  security  time of spheres of influence  any  potential  future  NATO
            Zeljko  Komsic,  the  Croat  gram  designed  for  countries  and what level of cooperation  is  over,"  Lungescu  said  in  a  membership."

                               Greece to reopen ancient sites despite COVID-19 surge

            (AP)  —  Greece's  govern-   Friday  to  reopen  the  other  ancient  sites  na-       barbershops and hair salons,
            ment  announced  plans  Acropolis  in  Athens  and  tionwide and provide free  and  ancient  sites  for  people  Free tests will be made avail-
                                                                      weekly rapid tests for CO-   on  brief  outings.  Museums  able to all residents of Greece
                                                                      VID-19  for  all  the  coun-  will remain closed.         with a social security number
                                                                      try's  residents  as  it  pre-                            before the end of the month,
                                                                      pares  to  restart  the  tour-  "What  we  are  talking  about  officials said. Medical, nurs-
                                                                      ism season in mid-May.       are  pressure-release  valves.  ing,  and  administrative  staff
                                                                                                   This is to help people com-  at public hospitals who have
                                                                      The  measures  were  an-     ply with restrictions that have  not  yet  been  vaccinated  will
                                                                      nounced despite an ongoing  been in effect for such a long  receive mandatory rapid tests
                                                                      surge  in  daily  infections  to  time,"  said  Akis  Skertsos,  a  twice  weekly,  according  to  a
                                                                      20.9 per 100,000 residents, as  deputy  minister  for  govern-  Health Ministry order, effec-
                                                                      a  seven-day  rolling  average,  ment coordination.       tive immediately.
                                                                      with  private  hospital  space
                                                                      being  used  by  the  state-run  The  reopening  of  ancient  The  government  says  that
                                                                      health  service  to  cope  with  sites  was  announced  despite  despite  the  current  surge,  it
                                                                      treatment demand.            strong  reservations  from  an  expects to open to tourism, a
                                                                                                   association of state employees  key driver of the economy, in
                                                                      Starting Saturday, a weekend  at ancient sites which warned  mid-May.
                                                                      curfew will be relaxed. It will  that "procedures required for
                                                                      be followed on Monday by a  secure  safety  protocols  have  Lockdown  measures  have
                                                                      series  of  other  measures  in-  not been completed" but did  been in effect since early No-
                                                                      cluding a limited opening of  not give further details.   vember.
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