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Friday 28 July 2023 locAl
Renee Servello:
“I’m always busy with books now”
This week we had the pleasure of
catching up once again with Re-
nee Servello, this time on her 28th
time visiting our island with her hus-
band Anthony and her son Ty. Af-
ter bringing her humor and laugh-
ter with her two first books, ‘You’re
Kidding, I’m a Senior” and “Humor
All The Way,” Renee now has ex-
panded to children’s book with two
touching stories: “Petey the Pug
Escapes for 24 Hours” and “Freck-
les Finds a Forever Home.” Renee
shared with us some stories of the
wonderful characters that inspired
her books.
When we spoke with Renee last
year, she told us that what makes
Aruba so special for her is her spe-
cial relationships with the people.
“You can go to other islands, but
the people are not that friendly.
You hear everybody say that Aru-
ba is a friendly island, but it really
is. We travel a lot, and it’s really
friendly! This is like home for us.” This
time she is back together with her
son Ty, who is one of the main char- jumped into a closet? And that’s the golfing facility, and he made it my husband wasn’t in on this – so
acters in her new book, “Petey the where she would be, just waiting inside.” All these golf balls were fly- I decided everybody needed a
Pug Escapes for 24 Hours.” for us to open the door!” ing around him, and the truck that cheese ball from Holland. So when
comes around to collect these Anthony was in the shower, I had
“Last year I saw you with two hu- Aside from the fact that she loved balls realized they had to get him already gone out and bought the
mor books,” she said, “and this year Freckles so much, Renee says she out of there because he could be cheese balls, which are quite big.
I’m seeing you with two children’s wanted to write the book for her hit by a ball. So he was picked up So when he was in the shower, I
books.” Both books are based on grandchildren, to leave something and brought in, and everybody packed five in his suit case and
true stories. Renee told us it was her for them. However, in a lovely twist, took charge and they wanted five in my suitcase, and we were
consultant who suggested she try people who are adoptees can to play with Petey and all day in a hurry to get to the airport that
writing a children’s book, but she relate to the character of Freck- long the guests were fighting over day. And he said, ‘Renee, why is
had already written one! She had les, who finds her forever home. Petey. “This went on and on and my suitcase so heavy?’ and I said,
written the story of Freckles, their She’s had people write to say that on. He had a lot of things going on ‘I don’t know. We don’t have time
pet rabbit. “If you’ve never had Freckles related to their adopted that day. And finally, my son was to discuss this, let’s just get to the
a rabbit… they’re very clean ani- children. She tells the story of her closing and they said, ‘what are airport.’ So everything went well,
mals and it’s never dull with a rab- cousin that actually adopted four we gonna do with this dog?’ and and we landed in Miami, and that
bit in the house, they’re always into children, and she called and said he said, ‘well, I’m gonna take him was the year when, when you get
things, and a lot of fun. I had one her 10 year old had been keep- home.’ And he made a bed, and off the plane, you had to x-ray your
growing up, and then we got one ing his light on. When asked why they had a slumber party!” luggage. Well, they saw our bags,
a few years ago.” Renee says she his light was still on as he should and had everybody evacuate the
wrote the book about freckles be- be sleeping, he said “mom, I’m She has been writing two books room. All the passengers that we
cause she was just so entertaining. reading about Freckles!” When a year, “I’m always writing books had been on the plane with, they
“She was a ‘people bunny.’ Ev- the mom mentioned that he has now!” she said. However, that evacuated, they said, ‘get out of
ery time the door bell rang, she’d read the book many times, he doesn’t get in the way of her visit- here’ and most people went, but
knock us out of the way – she was said “mom, you don’t understand. ing her second home, Aruba. they kept us! So they called my
only four pounds – to get to the Freckles is me! I found a family that husband and they asked, ‘sir, what
front door to see who it was. She’d loves me, and Freckles found a About her latest visit to Aruba, Re- are you carrying in your suitcase?’
stand on her hind legs and watch family that loves her.” nee says she is enjoying it “as al- He says, ‘I don’t know! Renee did
people as they came in. She loved “That makes me feel just fabulous, ways!” the packing, you talk to her.’ And
people, and people loved her! She that the adopted children can Last year we asked her, since she is [the security agent] said, ‘they look
was famous in the neighborhood relate to Freckles, as she was so so humorous, if she had any funny like bombs.’ And I said, ‘no, no, no.
and with all of the family because special to us,” Renee says. “And stories about Aruba. “And I said oh, Dutch cheeses! There are ten of
she was just so cute and so much apparently she is very special to yes, of course!” she said this week. them. My husband didn’t speak to
fun.” children that have been adopt- “Well, I need to clarify that, they’re me for ten days after that!”
ed.” in the new book coming out!”
The Servellos had Freckles loose at However, she did give us a funny Visit our website
home and she was always explor- About “Petey the Pug Escapes for story for now. “Our first year, we to read our past interview with Re-
ing. Renee says once she disap- 24 Hours”, Renee says this is also a stayed at La Cabana, and we nee, and also visit our Facebook
peared and for eight hours they true story. “My son brought me the were happy to see that you had page,
were looking for this rabbit trying story, he worked as a manager at the big Dutch cheese balls here. to see our video interview for this
to find her. “My son in law said, a golfing facility. Little Petey dug So we decided that everybody article.q
try opening a closet, maybe she out of his yard which was near by we knew here – no, I decided,