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                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 28 July 2023

            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal

            visitors at Costa Linda Beach Resort

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Authority  re-  Emerald  Ambassador  (35>years
            cently  had  the  great  pleasure  to  consecutively visiting Aruba)
            recognize a Goodwill Ambassador
            of Aruba. This Ambassador was re-   The honoree was:
            spectively  honored  with  a  certifi-  Goodwill  Ambassador  Ms.  Kira
            cate  acknowledging  her  years  of  Stickley from Florida, United States.
            visits,  loyalty,  and  love  for  the  is-
            land of Aruba.                      Ms.Kimberley  Richardson  repre-
                                                senting the Aruba Tourism Author-
            The honor certification is presented  ity, and staff members of theCosta
            on behalf of the Minister of Tourism  Linda Beach Resort bestowed the
            as a token of appreciation and to  certificateto the honoree, present-
            say “Masha Danki” to guests who  ed her with memorable gifts, and
            have  visited  Aruba  10,  20,  or  35  also thanked her for choosing Aru-
            years or more consecutively.        ba as her best-loved vacation des-
                                                tination,  and  as  her  home  away
            The  three  honoring  levels  are  as  from home.                       Aruba’s wildlife                    Authority, we would like to express
            follows:                                                                Aruba’s year-round sunny weather    our  sincere  gratitude  and  appre-
            Distinguished Visitor (10>years con-  Top reasons for returning to Aruba  Aruba has a variety of restaurants  ciation to the honoreefor her con-
            secutively visiting Aruba)          provided by Ms. Kira were:          to choose from                      tinued  visits  to  the  “One  Happy
            Goodwill  Ambassador  (20>years  Aruba’s nice sandy beaches                                                 Island”.q
            consecutively visiting Aruba)       Aruba’s sunsets                     On  behalf  of  the  Aruba  Tourism

            Why You Should Not Miss Aruba’s Free City Center Street Car Tour

            ORANJESTAD  -  Aruba’s  City  Cen-  single-deck one with 42 seats and  Caya  Betico  Croes,  mostly  re-
            ter  Street  Car  -  or  as  we  call  it  in  a double-decker with 64 seats. The  ferred to as our “main street” has
            Dutch;  “Tram  van  Oranjestad’  -  is  line  was  inspired  by  the  popular  been  developed  into  a  pollution-
            a  single  track  tram  line  in  Oran-  battery-powered  streetcar  opera-  free  pedestrian  mall.  The  double-
            jestad, the capital city of Aruba. It  tion  at  the  Grove  in  Los  Angeles,  decker  offers  you  a  360  degree
            was inaugurated on 22 December  USA.  Aruba’s  streetcars  are  pow-    view of the down town area with
            2012, being the first and so far the  ered by hydrogen fuel cells, which  a picture perfect scenery of the is-
            only passenger rail service on Aru-  are charged by the island’s year-  land’s clear blue skies. Who would
            ba  and  the  rest  of  the  Dutch  Ca-  round trade winds.             not  enjoy  a  ride  on  this  beautiful
            ribbean.  There  are  two  trolleys,  a                                 and  naturally  air-conditioned  ve-
                                                                                    hicle? The tour consists of a total of
                                                                                    9  stops  approximately  200  meters
                                                                                    apart from each other; all stops are
                                                                                    clearly marked. The tram will bring  waters.
                                                                                    you  close  to  different  museums,
                                                                                    historical  plazas,  monuments,  the  The  “Tram  van  Oranjestad”  starts
                                                                                    Protestant  church,  Aruba’s  high-  from a balloon loop near the Port
                                                                                    end mall, retail shops, and a vari-  of  Call  and  serves  the  downtown
                                                                                    ety of local and international cui-  area and ends at Plaza Nicky. The
                                                                                    sine restaurants. The “I love Aruba”  first  ride  starts  at  10:00  am  sharp
                                                                                    trademark also belongs to that list.  with intervals of 25minutes. The last
                                                                                    The third stop on the route is close  trolley departs from the cruise port
                                                                                    to a 5-minute walk to the famous  at  5:00pm.  Don’t  miss  this  tour  of
                                                                                    Renaissance  Marina  showcasing  the beautiful Aruba’s City Center–
                                                                                    luxurious yachts and Aruba’s blue  it is free for all!q
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