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A4   U.S. NEWS
                        Friday 28 July 2023

             Judge gives deadline extension to organizers trying to stop ‘Cop

             City’ with signature campaign

            By R.J. RICO                                                                                                        separate dispute.
            Associated Press                                                                                                    “We  are  thrilled  by  Judge
            ATLANTA (AP) — A federal                                                                                            Cohen’s ruling, and the ex-
            judge  on  Thursday  signifi-                                                                                       pansion  of  democracy  to
            cantly extended the dead-                                                                                           include  our  DeKalb  neigh-
            line  for  Atlanta  organizers                                                                                      bors, and levels the playing
            who  have  been  trying  to                                                                                         field for our coalition,” said
            gather  more  than  70,000                                                                                          Mary  Hooks,  a  lead  orga-
            signatures  to  force  a  vote                                                                                      nizer for the coalition. “Cop
            on  the  construction  of  a                                                                                        City has been marred time
            police and firefighter train-                                                                                       and  time  again  by  the  si-
            ing center that critics call “                                                                                      lencing  of  democratic  in-
            Cop City.”                                                                                                          put and repression of com-
            U.S.  District  Judge  Mark                                                                                         munity  participation,  and
            Cohen  ruled  that  the  city                                                                                       since  the  launch  of  this
            had  imposed  an  unlawful                                                                                          campaign, we have been
            requirement that those col-                                                                                         playing  on  a  field  tilted  in
            lecting  signatures  have  to                                                                                       the city of Atlanta’s favor.”
            be  residents  of  Atlanta.  A                                                                                      Asked   whether    officials
            group of people who live in                                                                                         plan  to  appeal  the  ruling,
            DeKalb County just outside                                                                                          a  spokesperson  for  Mayor
            the  city  had  sued    saying                                                                                      Andre Dickens said officials
            they should be allowed to    Activist Hannah Riley works on her laptop at Muchacho, a local taco restaurant, while gathering   are  reviewing  the  judge’s
            join  in  the  canvassing  ef-  signatures from fellow voters, in Atlanta, Thursday, July 13, 2023.                 decision  and  will  have
            fort  and  noting  that  the                                                                       Associated Press   more information later.
            planned site for the training                                                                                       “The  choice  is  simple,”
            center itself is in unincorpo-  as  to  why  permitting  non-  thousands of signatures still  30,000  residents  to  sign  on   the spokesperson said in a
            rated DeKalb County, out-    resident plaintiffs to gather  needed  for  the  proposed  to the effort, according to   statement. “We can either
            side the city limits.        signatures ... will cause any  referendum  to  get  on  the  Paul Glaze, a spokesperson   have  the  best-trained  fire-
            “Requiring  signature  gath-  disruption  to  the  political  ballot.                  for  the  Vote  to  Stop  Cop   fighters  and  police  officers
            erers  to  be  residents  of   process.”                  The effort is meant to allow  City Coalition.             or we can decide to settle
            the  city  imposes  a  severe   Cohen  said  that  the  60-  voters  to  choose  whether  Attorneys  for  the  city  and   for  sub-par  training  condi-
            burden  on  core  political   day  period  for  gathering  they  want  to  repeal  the  state had urged the judge   tions in sub-par facilities.”
            speech  and  does  little  to   signatures,  which  had  put  ordinance  that  authorized  to  toss  the  entire  referen-  Organizers  have  said  they
            protect the city’s interest in   the  deadline  in  mid-Au-  the lease of the city-owned  dum  campaign,  calling  it   need  to  collect  the  signa-
            self-governance,”  Cohen     gust,  should  be  restarted.  land  upon  which  the  proj-  “futile,”  and  “invalid,”  but   tures by Aug. 14 in order to
            wrote,  adding:  “The  city   That  means  organizers  will  ect is set to be built.   Cohen declined to rule on    make  it  onto  the  Novem-
            has  offered  no  specifics   have  until  late  Septem-  As  of  Tuesday,  organiz-   its legality, saying it was not   ber ballot. q
                                         ber  to  gather  the  tens  of  ers  had  gotten  more  than  up  to  him  to  decide  that

             Alaska asks Supreme Court to strike down the rejection of a

             proposed mine

            ANCHORAGE,          Alaska  ing fisheries.                case heard directly by the  appropriate  given  the  ex-  proposals to build or oper-
            (AP) — The state of Alaska  Alaska  Attorney  General  Supreme Court rather than  traordinary  decision  being  ate a mine to develop the
            wants  the  U.S.  Supreme  Treg  Taylor  in  a  statement  first in the lower courts is “an  challenged.”           deposit that would result in
            Court to strike down a fed-  Wednesday  said  having  a  extraordinary  ask,  but  it’s  “The  EPA’s  order  strikes  at  the same or greater level of
            eral agency’s rejection of a                                                           the heart of Alaska’s sover-  impacts.
            proposed copper and gold                                                               eignty, depriving the State  Canada-based      Northern
            mine in southwest Alaska’s                                                             of  its  power  to  regulate  its  Dynasty Minerals Ltd. owns
            Bristol Bay region.                                                                    lands and waters,” accord-   the  Pebble  Limited  Part-
            The U.S. Environmental Pro-                                                            ing to the court filing.     nership,  which  is  pursuing
            tection Agency in January                                                              An  EPA  spokesperson  said  the mine. Northern Dynasty
            blocked the proposed Peb-                                                              the  agency  was  review-    President  and  CEO  Ron
            ble  Mine,  citing  concerns                                                           ing Wednesday’s filing, the  Thiessen in a statement said
            with  potential  impacts  on                                                           Anchorage  Daily  News  re-  the company plans to sup-
            a  rich  aquatic  ecosystem                                                            ported.                      port the state in its legal ac-
            that  supports  the  world’s                                                           The  EPA  has  said  its  deci-  tion and left open the pos-
            largest sockeye salmon fish-                                                           sion  would  prohibit  certain  sibility of pursuing separate
            ery. It was the 14th time in                                                           waters from being used as  litigation.
            the  roughly  50-year  history                                                         disposal  sites  for  the  dis-  In  cases  where  states  sue
            of the federal Clean Water                                                             charge  of  material  for  the  the  federal  government,
            Act  that  the  EPA  flexed  its                                                       construction  and  opera-    they  can  bring  complaints
            powers to bar or restrict ac-  This  Sept.  2011  aerial  photo  provided  by  the  Environmental   tion  of  the  proposed  Peb-  directly to the court, though
            tivities  over  their  potential   Protection Agency, shows the Bristol Bay watershed in Alaska.   ble  project.  The  decision  only a few such cases are
            impacts  on  waters,  includ-                                         Associated Press   also  would  prohibit  future  heard annually.q
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