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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 28 July 2023

            Deep dive into Meta's algorithms shows that America's political

            polarization has no easy fix

            By DAVID KLEPPER                                                                                                    tion by fact-checkers. They
            Associated Press                                                                                                    also have more sources to
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            choose  from.  The  analy-
            powerful  algorithms  used                                                                                          sis  found  that  among  the
            by  Facebook  and  Insta-                                                                                           websites  included  in  po-
            gram  to  deliver  content                                                                                          litical  Facebook  posts,  far
            to  users  have  increasingly                                                                                       more  cater  to  conserva-
            been  blamed  for  ampli-                                                                                           tives than liberals.
            fying  misinformation  and                                                                                          Overall, 97% of the political
            political  polarization.  But  a                                                                                    news sources on Facebook
            series  of  groundbreaking                                                                                          identified by fact-checkers
            studies  published  Thursday                                                                                        as  having  spread  misinfor-
            suggest  addressing  these                                                                                          mation were more popular
            challenges is not as simple                                                                                         with conservatives than lib-
            as  tweaking  the  platforms'                                                                                       erals.
            software.                                                                                                           The  authors  of  the  papers
            The  four  research  papers,                                                                                        acknowledged  some  limi-
            published  in  Science  and                                                                                         tations  to  their  work.  While
            Nature, also reveal the ex-                                                                                         they  found  that  changing
            tent of political echo cham-                                                                                        Facebook's algorithms had
            bers  on  Facebook,  where                                                                                          little impact on polarization,
            conservatives  and  liberals                                                                                        they  note  that  the  study
            rely  on  divergent  sources                                                                                        only covered a few months
            of   information,   interact   This photo shows the mobile phone app logos for, from left, Facebook and Instagram in New York,   during  the  2020  election,
            with  opposing  groups  and   Oct. 5, 2021.                                                                         and  therefore  cannot  as-
            consume distinctly different                                                                       Associated Press   sess  the  long-term  impact
            amounts of misinformation.                                                                                          that  algorithms  have  had
            Algorithms  are  the  auto-  es  are  a  function  of  any  reshare  option,  which  al-  little evidence that key fea-  since their use began years
            mated  systems  that  social  healthy democracy, polar-   lows  users  to  quickly  share  tures  of  Meta's  platforms  ago.
            media platforms use to sug-  ization  occurs  when  those  viral  posts,  users  saw  sig-  alone  cause  harmful  'af-  They  also  noted  that  most
            gest  content  for  users  by  differences  begin  to  pull  nificantly less news from un-  fective'  polarization  or  has  people get their news and
            making assumptions based  citizens  apart  from  each  trustworthy sources and less  any meaningful impact on  information  from  a  variety
            on the groups, friends, top-  other  and  the  societal  political  news  overall,  but  key  political  attitudes,  be-  of sources — television, ra-
            ics  and  headlines  a  user  bonds  they  share.  It  can  there  were  no  significant  liefs or behaviors."      dio, the internet and word-
            has clicked on in the past.  undermine  faith  in  demo-  changes  to  their  political  Katie  Harbath,  Facebook's  of-mouth — and that those
            While  they  excel  at  keep-  cratic  institutions  and  the  attitudes.              former  director  of  public  interactions  could  affect
            ing  users  engaged,  algo-  free press.                  Likewise, reducing the con-  policy,  said  they  showed  people's   opinions,   too.
            rithms have been criticized  Significant division can un-  tent  that  Facebook  users  the  need  for  greater  re-  Many  in  the  United  States
            for  amplifying  misinforma-  dermine confidence in de-   get from accounts with the  search  on  social  media  blame the news media for
            tion  and  ideological  con-  mocracy  or  democratic  same  ideological  align-       and  challenged  assump-     worsening polarization.
            tent that has worsened the  institutions and lead to "af-  ment  had  no  significant  tions  about  the  role  social  To  complete  their  analy-
            country's political divisions.  fective  polarization,"  when  effect  on  polarization,  sus-  media  plays  in  American  ses,  the  researchers  pored
            Proposals to regulate these  citizens begin to view each  ceptibility to misinformation  democracy.  Harbath  was  over  data  from  millions  of
            systems  are  among  the  other  more  as  enemies  or extremist views.                not  involved  in  the  re-  users of Facebook and Ins-
            most  discussed  ideas  for  than  legitimate  opposi-    Together,  the  findings  sug-  search.                   tagram and surveyed spe-
            addressing  social  media's  tion. It's a situation that can  gest  that  Facebook  us-  "People want a simple solu-  cific  users  who  agreed  to
            role  in  spreading  misinfor-  lead  to  violence,  as  it  did  ers  seek  out  content  that  tion and what these studies  participate.  All  identifying
            mation  and  encouraging  when  supporters  of  then-     aligns  with  their  views  and  show is that it's not simple,"  information  about  specific
            polarization.  But  when  the  President Donald Trump at-  that the algorithms help by  said  Harbath,  a  fellow  at  users  was  stripped  out  for
            researchers  changed  the  tacked the U.S. Capitol on  "making it easier for people  the Bipartisan Policy Center  privacy reasons.
            algorithms  for  some  users  Jan. 6, 2021.               to do what they're inclined  and  the  CEO  of  the  tech  Lazer, the Northeastern pro-
            during  the  2020  election,  To  conduct  the  analysis,  to  do,"  according  to  Da-  and  politics  firm  Anchor  fessor,  said  he  was  at  first
            they saw little difference.  researchers  obtained  un-   vid  Lazer,  a  Northeastern  Change.  "To  me,  it  rein-  skeptical  that  Meta  would
            "We  find  that  algorithms  precedented  access  to  University  professor  who  forces  that  when  it  comes  give  the  researchers  the
            are  extremely  influential  Facebook  and  Instagram  worked on all four papers.      to polarization, or people's  access  they  needed,  but
            in   people's   on-platform  data from the 2020 election  Eliminating  the  algorithm  political  beliefs,  there's  a  was  pleasantly  surprised.
            experiences  and  there  is  through  a  collaboration  altogether  drastically  re-   lot more that goes into this  He  said  the  conditions  im-
            significant  ideological  seg-  with  Meta,  the  platforms'  duced the time users spent  than social media."       posed  by  the  company
            regation  in  political  news  owners.  The  researchers  on  either  Facebook  or  In-  The work also revealed the  were related to reasonable
            exposure," said Talia Jomini  say  Meta  exerted  no  con-  stagram  while  increasing  extent  of  the  ideological  legal  and  privacy  con-
            Stroud, director of the Cen-  trol over their findings.   their  time  on  TikTok,  You-  differences  of  Facebook  cerns.  More  studies  from
            ter for Media Engagement  When  they  replaced  the  Tube or other sites, showing  users and the different ways  the collaboration will be re-
            at the University of Texas at  algorithm  with  a  simple  just  how  important  these  that conservatives and lib-  leased in coming months.
            Austin and one of the lead-  chronological    listing   of  systems are to Meta in the  erals  use  the  platform  to  "There  is  no  study  like  this,"
            ers of the studies. "We also  posts  from  friends  —  an  increasingly  crowded  so-  get  news  and  information  he  said  of  the  research
            find that popular proposals  option  Facebook  recently  cial media landscape.         about politics.              published Thursday. "There's
            to change social media al-   made available to users —  In  response  to  the  papers,  Conservative   Facebook  been a lot of rhetoric about
            gorithms did not sway politi-  it  had  no  measurable  im-  Meta's president for global  users  are  more  likely  to  this,  but  in  many  ways  the
            cal attitudes."              pact on polarization. When  affairs, Nick Clegg, said the  consume content that has  research  has  been  quite
            While  political  differenc-  they turned off Facebook's  findings  showed  "there  is  been  labeled  misinforma-  limited."q
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