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                        Friday 28 July 2023
            Biden looks to provide relief from extreme heat as record high

            temperatures persist across the US

            Continued from Front                                                                                                heat. More than 100 mem-
                                                                                                                                bers  of  Congress,  led  by
            Noting that ocean temper-                                                                                           Democratic  Reps.  Greg
            atures  near  Miami  topped                                                                                         Casar  and  Sylvia  Garcia
            100  F  (38  C),  Biden  said                                                                                       of  Texas  and  Judy  Chu  of
            “that’s more like jumping in                                                                                        California  have  called  on
            a hot tub than jumping into                                                                                         the administration to imple-
            the ocean to ride a wave.’’                                                                                         ment the new heat stand-
            Citing  federal  data,  Biden                                                                                       ard for outdoor workers as
            called  extreme  heat  the                                                                                          quickly as possible.
            No. 1 weather-related killer                                                                                        “We know extreme weath-
            in the United States.                                                                                               er  events  such  as  heat
            “Even  those  places  that                                                                                          waves    are    becoming
            are  used  to  extreme  heat                                                                                        more  frequent  and  more
            have  never  seen  it  as  hot                                                                                      dangerous  due  to  climate
            as it is now for as long as it’s                                                                                    change,”  the  lawmakers
            been,’’  Biden  said.  “Even                                                                                        wrote  in  a  letter  Monday.
            those who deny that we’re                                                                                           U”rgent  action  is  needed
            in the midst of a climate cri-                                                                                      to  prevent  more  deaths,”
            sis  can’t  deny  the  impact   With Chase Field, home of the Arizona Diamondbacks baseball team in the background, a digital   the  lawmakers  wrote  in  a
            of  extreme  heat  is  having   billboard updates the time and temperature as temperatures are expected to hit 116-degrees   letter Monday.
            on Americans.’’              July 18, 2023, in Phoenix.                                                             The  United  Farm  Work-
            Biden’s  bid  to  address  the                                                                     Associated Press   ers  and  other  groups  also
            immediate  effects  of  cli-  day  by  acting  Labor  Sec-  ed recently that there were  how  workplaces  deal  with  called  on  OSHA  to  imme-
            mate change come as he  retary  Julie  Su,  as  well  as  25 heat-associated deaths  heat. The proposed rule by  diately  issue  a  nationwide
            faces  pressure  from  fellow  the  leaders  of  the  Federal  between  April  11  and  the  Occupational  Safety  rule  protecting  outdoor
            Democrats  and  environ-     Emergency  Management  July  22.  An  additional  249  and  Health  Administration  workers  after  farm  worker
            mental  groups  to  declare  Agency  and  the  National  deaths  remain  under  in-    would require employers to  deaths this month in Florida
            a climate “emergency,’’ a  Oceanic and Atmospheric  vestigation. There were 425  provide  adequate  water  and Arizona.
            step he has so far resisted.  Administration.  The  mayors  heat-associated  deaths  in  and rest breaks to outdoor  “Farm  workers  need  and
            The steps announced Thurs-   of  Phoenix  and  San  Anto-  the county last year.       workers, as well as medical  deserve  the  access  to
            day  supplement  his  long-  nio, two cities that have suf-  Other areas of Arizona are  services and training to ad-  shade,  water  and  paid
            term  agenda  for  reducing  fered from the heat waves,  also  struggling.  A  26-year-  dress  signs  and  symptoms  breaks,’’  said  UFW  Presi-
            greenhouse  gas  emissions  participated  in  the  White  old  farmworker  died  after  of heat-related illness. That  dent Teresa Romero. “How
            and  deploying  clean  en-   House event virtually.       collapsing  in  the  fields  on  agency s holding meetings  many more workers will we
            ergy  technology,  policies  “Phoenix is known for heat,”  July 20, when the high tem-  this  summer  to  hear  com-  let  dangerous  heat  and
            that may not pay dividends  said  Mayor  Kate  Gallego.  perature  reached  116  F  ments  on  how  the  heat  callous  employers  kill  be-
            for years to come while glo-  “We  are  often  called  the  (46.7  C),  according  to  the  standard   would   affect  fore this nation acts?”
            bal temperatures continue  Valley of the Sun. But right  Yuma  County  Sheriff’s  Of-  small businesses.            Casar,  a  freshman  law-
            to rise.                     now,  this  summer  has  re-  fice.                       To keep low-income popu-     maker  from  Austin,  staged
            Biden  directed  the  Labor  ally  been  unprecedented.  San Antonio, Texas, saw at  lations  cool,  the  Depart-   a  “thirst  strike”  on  Tuesday
            Department  to  increase  It’s taking a real toll on our  least 15 straight days of 100-  ment of Health and Human  outside  the  U.S.  Capitol,
            inspections  of  potentially  community. We feel like we  plus F (38-plus C) tempera-  Services  expanded  its  Low  forgoing  water  breaks  for
            dangerous       workplaces  are very much on the front  tures. At least 13 deaths in  Income  Home  Energy  As-     nearly  nine  hours,  to  pro-
            such  as  farms  and  con-   lines of climate change.’’   Texas  have  been  blamed  sistance  Program  to  pro-    test  a  new  Texas  law  that
            struction  sites  and  called  Phoenix  is  the  first  in  the  on the extreme heat.  vide  more  access  to  air  bans  local  governments
            for  heightened  enforce-    nation  to  have  a  perma-  San  Antonio  Mayor  Ron  conditioning  and  cooling  from requiring water breaks
            ment  of  heat  safety  viola-  nent, publicly funded heat  Nirenberg  said  his  city  has  centers  such  as  libraries,  and other safety measures
            tions.                       office,  Gallego  said,  with  moved  to  end  the  use  of  senior centers or other pub-  for outdoor workers. Casar
            As part of the initiative, the  efforts  now  focused  on  coal and is launching its first  lic  buildings.  The  Environ-  called  the  law  “insane”
            department will issue a haz-  getting  residents  inside  as  advanced rapid transit line,  mental  Protection  Agency  and  accused  Republican
            ard alert notifying employ-  much  as  possible,  at  pub-  which  will  feature  low-  or  also  has  provided  assist-  Gov. Greg Abbott of being
            ers  and  employees  about  lic cooling centers and en-   zero-emission  vehicles.  The  ance  to  help  communities  “on  the  wrong  side  of  his-
            ways  to  stay  protected  couraging use of water sta-    city is also developing solar  develop  cooling  centers  tory.”  Republican  lawmak-
            from  extreme  heat,  which  tions throughout the city.   power  and  other  renew-    within schools.              ers and other supporters of
            has killed 436 workers since  Phoenix  has  seen  at  least  able energy, he said.     NOAA  has  been  helping  the  law  say  it  eliminates  a
            2011, according to federal  27  days  in  a  row  of  tem-  “I’m  confident  that  the  cities and towns map “heat  patchwork of local regula-
            statistics.                  peratures  exceeding  110  state best known for oil and  islands”  with  dense  build-  tions that are burdensome
            The  Biden  administration  F  (43.3  C).  No  other  major  gas  production  can  help  ings  and  fewer  trees,  and  to businesses, and they say
            plans  to  spend  $7  million  city  —  defined  as  the  25  lead the way to a greener  the Department of Agricul-  it  won’t  stop  workers  from
            to  develop  more  detailed  most  populous  in  the  Unit-  tomorrow,’’ he said.      ture  issued  guidance  for  taking breaks.
            weather predictions to an-   ed  States  —  has  had  any  Thursday’s  announcement  creating more tree canopy  Ladd  Keith,  an  assistant
            ticipate  extreme  weather  stretch of 110 F (38 C) days  follows other steps that the  coverage, which helps with  professor  at  the  University
            like  heat  waves,  plus  $152  or  90-degree  (32  C)  nights  Biden  administration  has  cooling environments.   of Arizona who studies heat
            million  to  boost  drinking  longer  than  Phoenix,  said  taken to adapt to increas-  In addition, the administra-  policy  and  governance,
            water  infrastructure  and  weather  historian  Christo-  ing  threats  from  extreme  tion  launched  a  website  said  the  record-breaking
            climate resilience in Califor-  pher  Burt,  of  the  Weather  heat.  Among  those  it  is  called  with  inter-  heat much of the nation is
            nia,  Colorado  and  Wash-   Company.                     highlighting:                active maps, weather fore-   experiencing “is very much
            ington.                      Maricopa  County,  where  The  Labor  Department  is  casts  and  tips  for  keeping  in line with climate change
            Biden was joined on Thurs-   Phoenix  is  located,  report-  developing  a  standard  for  cool amid record-breaking  projections.”q
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