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                        Friday 28 July 2023
            Horror flick ‘Talk to Me’ is a hand-some high-five for twin Australian


            By MARK KENNEDY                                                                                                     lot of questions about how
            AP Entertainment Writer                                                                                             some  teens  in  suburban
            You’ve got to hand it to the                                                                                        Australia  got  it.  Talk  to  the
            Philippou brothers. They’ve                                                                                         hand.
            taken  an  old  horror  cliche                                                                                      What’s surprising is the joy it
            a severed hand  and made                                                                                            brings  to  our  weird  group.
            something  worth,  well,  ap-                                                                                       Being  possessed  in  this
            plauding.                                                                                                           movie is a rush  an uncon-
            “Talk to Me,” which hits the-                                                                                       ventional  idea  in  the  hor-
            aters this Friday, is a stylish,                                                                                    ror genre  even though the
            well-crafted  piece  of  film-                                                                                      demon who briefly controls
            making that marks the aus-                                                                                          you  can  do  embarrassing
            picious  arrival  of  twin  Aus-                                                                                    things, like make out with a
            tralian  filmmakers  Michael                                                                                        dog. The script seems to be
            and Danny Philippou.                                                                                                playing with notions of rec-
            Directed  by  the  broth-                                                                                           reational drugs as much as
            ers from a script by Danny                                                                                          horror here.
            Philippou and Bill Hinzman,                                                                                         The  heroine  of  this  tale  is
            “Talk  to  Me”  is  modern                                                                                          played  by  Sophie  Wilde
            and  yet  ancient,  with  just                                                                                      and it’s her vehicle to star-
            enough     jump-cuts   and                                                                                          dom,  too.  It’s  a  role  that
            zombies  and  dread,  but                                                                                           asks her to be sad, exuber-
            not too much. It also down-                                                                                         ant,  frightened,  deadly,
            shifts out of madness in the                                                                                        possessed,  lusty,  mourn-
            final  third  to  explore  loss   This image released by A24 Films shows Sophie Wilde in a scene from “Talk to Me.”   ful  and  vengeful.  She  is  all
            and  guilt  just  when  most                                                                       Associated Press   those  things  and  more.
            films  would  ramp  up  the                                                                                         She’s one to watch.
            running-from-scary-guys  ing, these guys have a por-      body.  (For  not  too  long,  looks like one of those man-  Her Mia is grieving the an-
            part.                        celain hand that is a door-  though: 90 seconds sounds  nequin  pieces  you  find  in  niversary  of  her  mother’s
            Our focus here are a pack  way to hell.                   good    before   someone  upscale  jewelry  stores  to  suspicious death and a de-
            of teens in Australia. Teens  Curiously, these teens don’t  needs  to  cut  the  connec-  show  off  expensive  rings.  mon  that  may  or  may  not
            Down  Under  are  pretty  sit  around  and  play  beer  tion.)  The  kids  film  it  all  on  It’s got loads of graffiti but  be  mom  shows  up  during
            much the same as they are  pong  or  spin-the-bottle.  their phones and post it on  looks  pleasant  enough.  their little game. That leads
            everywhere    snarky,  peer-  They take turns holding the  social media. (Who should  Underneath  the  porcelain  the plot in the second half
            pressure-y and clique-y. But  hand  and  inviting  what-  get royalties isn’t clear.)  we’re  told,  might  be  the  to  go  supernatural  and
            in addition to stealing their  ever bug-eyed, damp and  OK,  let’s  talk  about  this  severed hand of a medium  where  holes  in  the  logic
            parents’  booze  and  smok-  foul  demon  to  enter  their  hand,  which  initially  just  or  a  satanist.  Don’t  ask  a  tend to stretch.q

             ESPN considers adding sports leagues as partners as it transitions

             from cable to digital

             By JOE REEDY                ner  as  the  network  con-  us on the content side. So  ing and would pose some  coup some financial losses.
             AP Sports Writer            tinues  its  transition  from  a  you  can  draw  whatever  questions  about  fairness  According  to  its  most  re-
             SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP)  cable channel to a digital  conclusions you want from  and  objectivity  in  cover-     cent  filing,  ESPN  has  72.5
             —  ESPN  chairman  Jimmy  company.                       that,”  Pitaro  said  Tuesday  age. It would mark another  million  cable  subscribers
             Pitaro  said  the  network  “I  will  emphasize  that  we  during a seminar sponsored  step  in  sports’  relationship  and 25.3 million for its ESPN+
             could  take  on  a  sports  believe  there  are  parties  by  CNBC  and  Boardroom,  with its broadcast partners.  streaming service.
             league  as  a  minority  part-  out  there  that  can  help  a  sports  media  company  Some  teams  have  equity  There  is  no  timetable  for
                                                                      founded by Kevin Durant.     stakes  in  regional  sports  ESPN releasing a direct-to-
                                                                      Pitaro  declined  to  say  networks, while all four ma-   consumer  product,  which
                                                                      which  leagues  have  been  jor U.S. professional leagues  would  give  consumers  a
                                                                      in  talks  with  him  and  Walt  have their own channels.  way to view programming
                                                                      Disney  Co.  CEO  Bob  Iger,  Some have also wondered  from ESPN’s channels with-
                                                                      but  he  said  there  has  about  ESPN’s  future  within  out  a  cable  subscription.
                                                                      “been a healthy level of in-  the  framework  of  Disney,  ESPN+ subscribers currently
                                                                      terest” from leagues as well  which  Pitaro  tried  to  ad-  still need a cable subscrip-
                                                                      as  technology,  marketing  dress by saying, “Bob (Iger)  tion to access that content.
                                                                      and  distribution  compa-    has  been  clear  about  the  LionTree  Chairman  and
                                                                      nies. Pitaro also said it is not  power  of  live  sports  and  CEO Aryeh Bourkoff said it
                                                                      a  question  of  if  but  when  power  of  the  ESPN  brand,  would  be  tough  for  ESPN
                                                                      ESPN will roll out a direct-to-  how  important  it  is  to  the  to  go  it  alone  as  it  transi-
                                                                      consumer product to view  future  of  the  Walt  Disney  tions  from  linear  to  digital
                                                                      its offerings.               Company.”  With  cable  and that partnerships have
             A button for ESPN+ is on a remote control in Portland, Ore., Aug.   A league having an equity  audiences  continuing  to  become as crucial for busi-
             13, 2022.                                                stake in a network like ESPN  shrink,  a  direct-to-consum-  nesses as much as mergers
                                                     Associated Press  would  be  groundbreak-     er  option  would  help  re-  and acquisitions.q
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