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a8 local
Tuesday 5 July 2022
A variety
of summer
by the
OrANjestAd – the Nation- and August 4, 2022, at 7:00
al Library Aruba (BNA) an- pm.
nounced its summer vaca-
tion activities for children. the movie schedule for
National Library Aruba san
Movies for children Nicolas:
The National Library (BNA) Wednesday, July 13, 20, 27,
will show various children's and August 3, 2022, at 7:00
movies during the summer pm.
vacation. These movies
are presented outdoors Learn how to write a story:
and are free of charge. "Learn how to become a
writer" is a workshop for chil-
the movie schedule for dren which will take place
Naational Library Aruba from July 11 - 15, 2022, at
Oranjestad is as follows: the BNA in Oranjestad. The
Thursday, July 14, 21, 28, BNA in San Nicolas will hold
this workshop from July 18 -
22, 2022.
The workshop is also free.
For registration, you may
call tel. no. 528 1500. More
information is available in
the ‘Buki di Pret’ that all
the children received at
school on page 22.
The BNA is facilitating the
exposition of visual art-
ist Anita Hugen in July. It
showcases a series of se-
lected photographs for the
recently published ‘Sacred
Nature of Aruba: photo
scraping shape, texture,
form, and color’. This ex-
position starts on Thursday,
July 7, at 6:00 pm and is
open for one month. It is
also free of charge.
In addition to the summer
activities, the BNA is open
five days a week and of-
fers a variety of children's
books. For more informa-
tion on our campaigns,
like and follow @biblio-
tecanacionalaruba on