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LOCAL Tuesday 5 July 2022
Harbour House Aruba officially open!
80 % sold, construction in final phase:
Harbour House Aruba is ready for you!
ORANJESTAD — 2021 was the official land because this is the very first thing
Grand Opening of Harbour House Aru- people see when they arrive here by
ba. The residence consisting of 94 units cruise ship and it is the only one combin-
is located in the former Mar Azul build- ing the ocean, port and city. We feel so
ing, right in the heart of Oranjestad. The happy to be the owner here, also, the
two brothers Irwin J. Perret-Gentil and organization is amazing. We are being
Alberto Perret-Gentil from PERING, one accommodated in every way, the at-
of the largest, privately-owned Real Es- tention you get is extraordinary.”
tate and construction firms in Venezuela
and Aruba, officially opened their new Boardwalk
jewel in the presence of the invitees. Living here includes being part of Oran-
jestad and all its benefits. Around the
Harbour House Aruba is the ultimate Harbour House building a boardwalk is
smart investment or personal living constructed allowing you to stroll along
space. A state-of-the-art lobby, an the waterfront and enjoy a drink on a
ocean-view gym, bar service, rooftop terrace or dive into the art gallery, sou-
with 360 degrees view of Oranjestad, venir store or even have dinner facing
on-site parking, 24-hours security and the atmospheric harbour of Oranjestad.
a top floor lounge area with Jacuzzi’s. The process of purchase is easy, whether
Cherry on the cake: an infinity pool with you are abroad or on the island. Make
a panorama on the harbour. an appointment through the website to
visit the sales office when you are here.
Harbour House Aruba offers cosmopoli- In that way you can actually see the
tan living in a beach-chic environment. unit, materials and amenities. If you are
The residence is fast-selling their studios, not on the island the website can help
two-bedroom and three-bedroom units you out and the sales office is happy
for many reasons but in a nutshell we to send you all needed documenta-
can name: great location, great value tion for you to orientate. When agreed
for your money and great quality. To see upon the unit you sign an agreement
exactly what still is available you may and move forward with the down pay-
check the website which shows you a ment which is $ 50.000. At receipt of that
map with sold and open units. Updates amount the sales is closed and the price
on construction are also on forehand. will not change. You know what you
When you live abroad stopping by to get and will not be surprised by price
check upon your purchase is not that changes. The payment agreements af-
simple, yet with the monthly updates on ter the deposit will be discussed and are
their website, it is a lot easier. flexible. Harbour House Aruba assist also
in financing by banks.q
Hottest condo in town
Aruba Today talked to one of the own- For more information: https://harbour-
ers from New York: “This is going to be
the hottest condo building on the is-