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30      LOCAL NEWS                                          AWEMainta                              Diahuebs, 21 September 2023

        Horacio Oduber Hospital Presents the

               Monthly Overview for August 2023

       AS part of our commitment to transparency and to provide                   The  Emergency  Department  attended  to  a  total  of  2,592
       clarity to our clients, patients, and visitors, Horacio Oduber             patients in August, of which 1,109 patients (42.8%) were
       Hospital has been publishing monthly statistics since May                  non-emergency  cases.  Notably,  the  percentage  of  non-

       2023 regarding activities related to healthcare, diagnostics,              emergency cases in May was 58.3%, and comparing that
       and blood donations at our hospital.                                       to August’s 42.8% shows a significant reduction of -15.5%
       During the month of August 2023, a total of 793 patients                   in  non-emergency  cases.  This  positive  change  indicates
       were hospitalized, of which 55.2% were female and 44.8%                    that more patients are seeking care from their primary care

       were male. Out of these 793 patients, 447 were admitted                    physicians or non-emergency services, allowing the hospi-
       through  the  emergency  department,  224  were  planned                   tal’s emergency department to focus on emergency cases.
       admissions, and 122 were patients admitted via the outpa-
       tient clinic. Each patient who stayed in the hospital had an               Specialists  in  the  HOH  service  provided  a  total  of  7,014

       average length of stay of 4.1 days, and the bed occupancy                  consultations with patients across various outpatient clinics
       rate for August was 86%, which is lower than the 94.7% in                  in August. The Radiology Department conducted a total of
       July.                                                                      5,220 tests, including CT scans and MRIs, which is 549 more
       A total of 567 surgeries were performed in August, which is                tests  than  in  July.  Additionally,  11,592  individuals  visited

       39 more surgeries compared to July.                                        the LABHOH department for various tests, and 799 patients
                                                                                  were discharged from the hospital.
       Furthermore,  there  were  83  newborns  (44  boys  and  39
       girls) during August. In the same month, our heroes visited                We  extend  our  gratitude  to  the  entire  team  at  HOH,  who

       the Blood Bank, resulting in a total of 237 blood donations,               are always there to provide quality care with a smile for all
       which is 31 more donations than the previous month.                        patients, visitors, and the entire Aruban community.
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