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                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 21 sepTember 2023

            Paradise Beach Villas Honors their Housekeeping Department!

            (Oranjestad)—Paradise Beach Vil-                                                                            Workshop  of  Mental  Health;  To
            las honored their employees of the                                                                          Paradise  Beach  Villas  for  inviting
            Housekeeping  Department  dur-                                                                              all  their  Housekeeping  employees
            ing  the  International  Housekeep-                                                                         to  a  whole  day  of  excitement  at
            ing  Week,  which  took  place  on                                                                          the  Water  Park;  Gina  Pieters  and
            the second week of the month of                                                                             Esther Lacle for helping to organize
            September.  During  the  opening                                                                            Housekeeping Week. To the Man-
            day  Mr.  Freddy  Albertus,  Manag-                                                                         agement of Paradise to always put
            ing Director, highlighted the tireless                                                                      their employees in the first place. A
            work,  dedication,  and  passion  of                                                                        huge  thanks  on  behalf  of  House-
            the housekeeping employees.                                                                                 keeping employees to Mr. Steven
                                                                                                                        & Mrs. Valerie Brodbeck who dur-
            He stated that they always go the                                                                           ing  their  vacations  have  surprised
            extra mile to deliver a quality prod-                                                                       the employees with a beautiful gift
            uct for the enjoyment of our guests.  Mrs. Lillian Britten, Resort Manager,  following invitees to be part of the  made by them. This gesture dem-
                                                extended  her  appreciation,  grati-  Housekeeping  Week  celebration:  onstrated one more time that our
                                                tude, and recognition to each one  Hubert de Cuba for the training of-  guests  appreciate  and  value  the
                                                of the employees presented. Yina  fered  titled  “Housekeeping  Safety  work  of  Housekeeping  Depart-
                                                Maduro,  HR  Manager,  congratu-    Awareness”;  Ruth  Schoop  for  the  ment. Thank you very much!q
                                                lated all employees in the celebra-
                                                tion of this special week. The man-
                                                agers of the Housekeeping Depart-
                                                ment Alex Krozendijk and Jeanette
                                                Kaersenhout ordered a nice red T-
                                                shirt, a bag, and a water bottle as
                                                gifts for this special occasion. One
                                                of the activities that the employees
                                                enjoyed  the  most  was  the  Bingo.
                                                Special  congratulations  go  to  Ri-
                                                cardo Rosario who won the Week-
                                                end Stay. A big thanks on behalf of
                                                the  Managers  of  Paradise  Beach
                                                Villas  for  the  breakfast  invitation
                                                cooked and offered by the House-
                                                keeping  staff,  who  demonstrated
                                                one more time, their cooking skills.
                                                A feeling of gratitude goes to the
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