Page 7 - HOH
P. 7
local Thursday 21 sepTember 2023
Blackstone Beach
Blackstone Beach shows
the more natural side of
Aruba: the stones that cov-
er the beaches and the
shape of it has been craft-
ed for thousand years via
volcanic eruptions, coral
reef movements and wave
activity of the rural northern
part of the island.
Located further east to the
Natural Bridge and Andi-
curi Beach, the Blackstone This beach forms part of very strong and can eas-
Beach is relatively easy the Arikok National Park ily stray you further in the
(Oranjestad)—Named af- stones. Secondly, it lies on to access. Once you get and is therefore a site that wild ocean. However, you
ter its most recognizable the northern side of the is- passed the Ayo Rock For- is preserved. This is why it is can still enjoy a spectacu-
feature, the Blackstone land, away from the white mation, take the Andicuri also relatively untouched lar view of the stones and
Beach almost represents sandy beaches of in the road leading up to Andicuri by commercial influenc- the northern ocean that
the opposite of the typical southern region. So, if you Beach. There, you can park es. Despite being called stretches out in front of the
Aruban beaches. For one, feel up for something differ- your car and take a 1km a beach, do note that it beach and take a picture
it has black sand and is ent—or if it’s opposite day, hike towards Blackstone is not advised to swim in with your friends or family!q
covered in black smooth visit the Blackstone Beach. Beach. the water, as the current is
Create museum memories
ORANJESTAD — Museums century. The Water Tower
are an integral part of con- was built in 1939 and con-
serving and honoring cul- sists of three sections: the
tures, and Aruba is no ex- substructure, the high-rising
ception. Our Island has a vertical shaft, and the tank
wide selection of various at the top. The Water Tow-
museums for our locals and er was purchased by the
visitors to see. Take this op- Monuments Fund in 2003 so
portunity to learn about our it can be restored and pre-
island and experience a served as one of Aruba's
different day beyond the monuments. The Museum
beach. Let us introduce to of Industry is part of Aruba
you these museums. Museum Foundation (Fun-
dacion Museo Aruban),
Museum of Industry Aruba which is a foundation set The Archaeological Mu- ter of single and two-story 2009.
The Museum of Industry is lo- to maintain, preserve, and seum of Aruba is located historic buildings, mainly
cated in San Nicolas—bet- protect the Aruban cultural at Schelpstraat 42 in down- Dutch colonial architec- At the new location, the
ter known as the art capital sector, history, and nature. town Oranjestad. The reno- ture from the late 19th and National Archaeological
of Aruba. This museum ex- The museum of Industry is vated historic Ecury com- 20th century on a plot of Museum Aruba disposes of
hibits the industrial history of open daily from 9 am till 6 plex in the area has been approximately 1.700 m2. approximately 500 m2 for
gold, aloe, phosphate, oil pm. transformed from a family its permanent exhibit. This
and tourism through elabo- home to a modern museum In 1997, the Aruban Govern- exhibit conveys information
rated displays and multi- For more information, that preserves Aruba’s Am- ment bought the complex on the origin and culture of
media installations. check out their Facebook erindian cultural heritage. for the National Archaeo- the first inhabitants of the
The Museum of Industry is page Museum of Industry This 21st century museum logical Museum project. island through archaeo-
situated in the Water Tower Aruba. is especially designed to In 2004, a financial agree- logical objects and mod-
in San Nicolas and narrates preserve valuable artifacts ment was signed with the ern exhibition techniques.
Aruba's industrial history, Archaeological Museum of dating back to the Pre-Ce- European Development The new permanent exhibit
which began in the 19th Aruba ramic period of 2500 BC. Fund and in 2006, restora- gives the visitor an insight
tion and construction work into the cultures that in-
In the late 1980’s, AMA began on the monumen- habited the island in Pre-
identified its need for an tal buildings and the soon- Historical and Early Histori-
adequate housing for its to-be exhibition space. In cal times. The museum also
collection and activities. December 2007, the key to hosts attractive public pro-
After studying various op- the complex was delivered grams, including lectures,
tions, a project proposal and the museum’s employ- educational projects, tem-
was drawn up, including ees moved to the new lo- porary exhibits and work-
the acquisition and restora- cation. The final design for shops.
tion of historical buildings in the exhibit was completed
downtown Oranjestad. in November 2007 and The museum is open daily
the permanent exhibit, fi- from 9:30 am till 4:30 pm.
These historical buildings nanced by the Aruban For more information check
were formerly the proper- Government and the Union out the Facebook page
ty of the Ecury family. The of Cultural Organizations Museo Arqueologico Na-
“Ecury Complex”, is a clus- (UNOCA), opened in July cional Aruba.q