P. 13

                                                                                                                           Tuesday 17 december 2019

            Launching of the book ‘An Aruban in Libya’

            ORANJESTAD  —  Clyde  R.  to achieve the job in Libya.
            Harms  is  the  author  of  the  Bill’s  son  Billy  came  espe-
            recently  launched  book  cially  from  Connecticut  to
            ‘An Aruban in Libya’ about  Aruba to be present during
            his years with ESSO in Tripoli  the book launch.
            (1966 – 1973). During a ben-
            efit  dinner  concert,  hosted  The  book  is  a  memoir  of
            by Azure Beach Residenc-     Harms’ years in Libya during
            es, last Saturday, the book  a  dramatic  time  in  history,
            was officially launched. The  1966  to  1973,  tells  the  pro-
            book  is  sponsored  by  the  logue, written by Lynn Long
            Venezuelan brothers Alber-   from  Salt  Lake  City,  Utah.
            to  and  Irwin  Perret-Gentil,  Libya  was  a  cauldron  of
            respectively Vice-President  change as Muammer Gad-
            and  Chief  Operating  Of-   dafi  overthrew  the  ruling
            ficer  and  Chairman  and  monarch, instituted Islamic
            Chief  Executive  Officer  at  Law and began a reign of
            Pering  Group.  All  profits  of  despotic  dictatorship  that
            the book sales will go to the  lasted until recent time. The
            Queen  Wilhelmina  Fonds  prologue  continues:  “Be-
            (KWF), the Aruban equiva-    fore  Harms  was  deemed
            lent  of  the  American  Can-  an   “undesirable”   and
            cer Society.                 booted out of the country
                                         in 1973 (with many others),
            The  author  dedicates  this  he  lived  with  his  family  in
            edition  to  Bill  and  Thelma  Tripoli, exploring the region,
            Murphy,  friends  from  the  observing  and  befriending
            time that Harms worked at  people  of  many  nation-
            the  Lago  Oil  &  Transport  alities,  learning  about  the
            Co.  in  Aruba.  At  that  time  culture,  and  having  many  ter Gaddafi took over.”  a  book  and  the  result  is  a  tad and at the local book
            Bill  and  Thelma  convinced  adventures.  He  eloquently  The  book  started  out  as  a  very interesting book telling  stores. It is a beautiful sou-
            Harms  to  pursue  a  univer-  describes life in that city, so  series of weekly articles that  the seven years of his life in  venir  of  Aruba  and  would
            sity degree and even man-    different  from  his  home  in  were  published  in  Aruba  Libya.                     be  a  wonderful  Christmas
            aged to get him a scholar-   Aruba, with many amusing  Today.  Long,  a  reader  of  ‘An  Aruban  in  Libya’  is  for  gift.  Purchasing  ‘An  Aru-
            ship from Lago. Without this  tales  of  adjustments  and  the  newspaper  and  visitor  sale  at  the  Koningin  Wil-  ban in Libya’ will also help
            university  degree  Harms  accommodations that had  of Aruba, suggested Harms  helmina  Fonds  office  at  Aruba  fight  the  dreaded
            would not have been able  to  be  made  especially  af-   to  compile  the  stories  into  Spinozastraat  in  Oranjes-  disease of cancer. q

              32 and 35 years visiting Aruba

              PALM  BEACH  —  Recently,  years  consecutively  and
              Kimberley  Richardson  of  are only three years away
              the Aruba Tourism Author-   in  receiving  the  Emerald
              ity had the great pleasure  Ambassador     certificate.
              to honor Aruba’s loyal and  The  Emerald  Ambassador
              friendly  visitors  as  Good-  certificate  was  presented
              will   Ambassadors    and  to the lovely couple How-
              Emerald  Ambassadors  of  ard  &  Ellen  Koval,  who
              Aruba.  The  Goodwill  Am-  have  been  visiting  Aruba
              bassador certificate is pre-  for 40 years consecutively.
              sented  to  guests  who  visit  The  Emerald  Ambassador
              Aruba 20 years and more  certificate  is  the  highest
              consecutively.  The  Emer-  certificate  that  we  pres-
              ald  Ambassador  certifi-   ent, and is given to visitors
              cate is presented to guests  who  have  been  visiting
              who  visit  Aruba  35  years  Aruba  35  years  or  more  stated  that  they  love  the  family to them. These hon-  Playa  Linda  Beach  Resort
              and more consecutively.     consecutively.  It  is  incred-  island  very  much,  espe-  orees  not  only  fell  in-love  presented  the  certificates
                                          ibly  beautiful  to  see  that  cially  for  its  year-round  with  the  island,  but  also  to  the  honorees,  handed
              The  honorees  were  sisters  Aruba  has  so  many  loyal  sunny weather, nice sandy  brought  family,  grandchil-  over  some  presents  and
              Marlene Coscione & Patri-   visitors,  and  we  hope  to  beaches and picturesque  dren,  friends,  and  neigh-  also  thanked  them  for
              cia  Minor  Carroll  honored  see  them  for  many  more  sunsets,  delicious  variety  bors to Aruba.           choosing  Aruba  as  their
              as  Goodwill  Ambassadors  years to come.               of  foods,  its  safety  and                             favorite  vacation  destina-
              of  Aruba.  The  sisters  have                          Aruba’s warm and friendly  Richardson  together  with  tion  and  as  their  home-
              been  visiting  Aruba  32  These  wonderful  people  people  who  became  like  the  representatives  of  the  away-from-home.q
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