P. 14

                Tuesday 17 december 2019

            Evil eye bean or Bonchi Hojada
                                                                                                                   Episode   XLVIII   (48)

               ORANJESTAD — The difference between Ormosia coccinea (known as
               ‘Huayruru’) and Abrus precatorious, known in Aruba as ‘Bonchi Hojada’,
               is that Ormosia coccinea or huayruro is the largest seed in the graph and
               Abrus precatorius  or bonchi hojada  is the little one.

            The Huayruro seeds are used for new-   good luck charm with no ill intention,
            born  babies  and  young  children  as  as  long  as  you  don’t  eat  your  good
            amulets as a protection against bad  luck  charm  seeds  (warn  others  and
            spirits. They are put around their hands  keep away from the kids or your pets).
            since  they  are  unable  to  remove  The  research  seems  to  suggest  they
            them and take them to their mouth.  are just beautiful adornments.
            As soon as they begin to grow these
            are  removed  and  stored  in  a  place  Aruba  has  its  Abrus  precatorious    or
            outside  their  reach.  Huayruro  seeds  Bonchi Hojada.
            used  on  the  body  are  harmless  and  Abrus  precatorius  is  a  vine  native  to
            do  not  cause  contact  poisoning  or  India and other tropical and subtropi-
            proven allergies.                      cal areas of the world, it is a slender,
                                                   perennial climber with long, pinnate-
            Ormosia  coccinea  is  a  plant  that  leafleted  leaves  that  twines  around
            grows throughout South Eastern North  trees, shrubs, and hedges. Since intro-
            American countries, and all through-   duction to Florida and the Caribbean,
            out South America. It produces beau-   it is now commonly found throughout
            tiful  red  seeds  with  one  black  spot  these areas and in the southern Unit-
            covering  one-third  of  its  surface.  ed States.
            These seeds are used for jewelry and  It is known by a variety of names, in-
            other decorative purposes. The seeds  cluding  jequirity  bean,  rosary  pea,
            are poisonous if eaten.                and  prayer  bead,  crab’s  eye,  and
                                                   love  bean.  The  vine  has  pods  with
            The seeds are known as Wayruru Ay-     oval seeds and a hard glossy shell. The
            mara also spelled huayruro, huayruru,  seeds  vary  in  color,  from  red,  black,
            in  Peru  where  villagers  believe  them  orange or white with black and white
            to  be  powerful  good  luck  charms  centers).  While  all  parts  of  the  plant
            and nene or chumico in Costa Rica.   are toxic, the highest concentrations
            A  name  also  known  in  the  French  are  found  in  the  seeds.  Due  to  their
            American colonies is panacoco, but  appearance,  the  seeds  are  often
            this  more  often  applies  to  Swartzia  used for jewelry, beadwork and orna-
            tormentosa,  another  plant  carrying  ments.
            these kinds of red and black seed.     Abrus precatorius is a poisonous plant
                                                   which contains one of the most lethal
            If you are concerned regarding origin,  toxins, Abrin, a toxalbumin that inhibits                  2- huayruro baby bracelet
            you can may take them to an ethno-     protein  synthesis  causing  cell  death.
            biologist for verification.            The  seeds  are  crushed  and  taken
            If  you  believe  your  seeds  are  Ormo-  orally for suicidal purpose. There is no
            sia coccinea you have been given a  antidote for this poisoning.

                                                                                                            3- (Huayruru) Ormosia coccinea
                                           4- Huayruro size                                                Continued on Page 15
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