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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diamars 15 December 2020

                        UAW agrees to monitor, voting changes after corruption probe

            An  independent  moni-       union  another  step  toward
            tor will watch the United  "restoring  the  full  faith  and  Schneider,  whose  office  has
            Auto  Workers'  finances  confidence of our members."     been investigating union cor-
            and operations, and mem-                                  ruption since 2015, had float-
            bers will decide how they  He said it puts in place safe-  ed the idea of a government
            pick future leaders under  guards  that  go  beyond  what  takeover  and  has  advocated
            a  reform  agreement  with  the  union  already  has  done,  for direct voting by members
            the U.S. Attorney's office.   including  a  review  of  finan-  to  elect  union  leadership.
                                         cial controls, hiring an ethics  Currently the union's mem-
            The  deal  was  announced  officer and retaining a third-  bers  vote  on  delegates  to  a
            Monday  in  the  wake  of  a  party firm to review finances.  convention,  who  then  vote
            wide-ranging  federal  probe                              on a president.
            into corruption that reached  "The  UAW  going  forward
            into  the  upper  ranks  of  the  is clean, and we are a better  The  monitor  will  adminis-
            400,000-member union.        union for it," Gamble said.  ter the election, will have the
            It forestalls a possible federal                          power  to  approve  hiring  or
            takeover of the UAW due to  The  probe  has  led  to  11  discharges of union employ-  nis  Williams  in  September  for Williams for monthslong
            the  probe  into  bribery  and  convictions  of  union  mem-  ees, and can end or approve  pleaded guilty in the govern-  stays in 2015-18, according to
            embezzlement that has lasted  bers,  including  two  former  contracts, the agreement says.  ment's investigation, and his  a court filing.
            more than five years.        presidents.  Schneider  said                              successor  as  president,  Gary
                                         it  uncovered  embezzlement  Lee  Harris,  a  worker  at  a  Jones, pleaded guilty in June.  He faces a likely prison sen-
            The  monitor,  to  be  nomi-  of over $1.5 million in dues  General  Motors  engine  and                            tence of 18 to 24 months.
            nated  by  the  union  and  ap-  money,  kickbacks  to  union  transmission  factory  in  Ro-  Williams,  67,  was  president
            proved by the Justice Depart-  officials  from  vendors,  and  mulus,  Michigan,  near  De-  from 2014 until he retired in  The  Detroit-based  UAW  is
            ment, will stay in place for six  $3.5  million  in  illegal  pay-  troit,  said  the  union  needs  2018. He was accused of con-  best known for representing
            years unless all sides agree to  ments  from  executives  at  additional  oversight  because  spiring  with  others  to  cover  150,000  workers  at  Detroit's
            end or extend the term. The  Fiat Chrysler who wanted to  of the scandal.              up the source of cash for lav-  three automakers.
            deal, spelled out in a federal  corruptly  influence  contract                         ish meals, cigars and large ex-
            court  consent  decree,  still  talks.                    He said he would love to see  penses.                     Williams  has  repaid  $55,000
            must be approved by a U.S.                                members  directly  vote  on                               in  inappropriate  travel  ex-
            district judge.              The  union,  he  said,  already  leaders because the old meth-  The  union's  Region  5  lead-  penses, the union said. Sepa-
                                         has  repaid  $15  million  in  od was unfair to workers.   ership,  which  was  based  rately,  the  UAW  is  selling  a
            Matthew     Schneider,   the  improper  charges  to  joint                             in  Missouri  and  headed  by  lakefront house built for him
            U.S. attorney in Detroit, said  training  centers  set  up  with  "I,  as  a  dues-paying,  rank-  Jones, would hold weeklong  at a union conference center
            Monday that the probe of the  General Motors, Fiat Chrys-  and-file member, have no say  retreats in Palm Springs and  in northern Michigan.
            union has ended, but inves-  ler and Ford. It also agreed to  whatsoever," he said.    invite  Williams  along.  He
            tigators still are pursuing un-  pay $1.5 million to the Inter-                        said he stayed beyond "what  Eleven  union  officials  and
            specified individuals.       nal Revenue Service to settle  Many  of  the  union  officials  my union business required."  a  late  official's  spouse  have
                                         a tax investigation.         were  accused  by  federal  au-                           pleaded  guilty  since  2017,
            But he said that current UAW                              thorities  of  conspiring  with  Williams told a judge that he  although  not  all  the  crimes
            President Rory Gamble is not  Under the deal, union mem-  others to cover up the use of  wondered if money was be-  were  connected.  The  first
            a target of the investigation. "I  bers will decide by secret bal-  union cash for boozy meals,  ing misused but that he was  wave  of  convictions,  which
            don't have any reason to in-  lots  whether  they  will  vote  premium  cigars,  golf  and  assured by Jones that "every-  included some Fiat Chrysler
            vestigate  Mr.  Gamble,"  Sch-  directly  to  pick  the  union's  lodging  in  Palm  Springs,  thing was above board."  employees,  involved  taking
            neider said.                 future  leaders,  within  six  California.                                             money from a Fiat Chrysler-
            Gamble  said  the  settlement,  months of when the monitor                             More than $53,000 in union  UAW training center in De-
            while  painful,  takes  the  is appointed.                Former UAW President Den-    money was used to rent a villa  troit.

                            Electoral College makes it official: Biden won, Trump lost

            The  Electoral  College  formally                                       ca, democracy prevailed,” Biden said  it  like  a  mini-Election  Night  while
            chose  Joe  Biden  on  Monday  as                                       in  remarks  prepared  for  an  evening  not giving his challenges any airtime.
            the nation’s next president, giving                                     speech. “We the people voted. Faith  The president had grown increasing-
            him a solid electoral majority of                                       in our institutions held. The integrity  ly disappointed with the size of “Stop
            306 votes and confirming his vic-                                       of our elections remains intact. And  the Steal” rallies across the nation as
            tory in last month’s election. The                                      so, now it is time to turn the page. To  well as efforts for the GOP to field
            state-by-state voting took on add-                                      unite. To heal.”                    its own slates of electors in states. A
            ed  importance  this  year  because                                     Biden renewed his campaign prom-    presidential wish for a fierce adminis-
            of President Donald Trump’s re-                                         ise to be a president for all Americans,  tration defense led to TV appearances
            fusal to concede he had lost.                                           whether  they  voted  for  him  or  not,  early Monday by Stephen Miller, one
                                                                                    and said the country has hard work  of his most ferocious advocates, to try
            Heightened security was in place in                                     ahead on the virus and economy.     to  downplay  the  importance  of  the
            some states as electors met on the day                                  But there was no concession from the  Electoral  College  vote  and  suggest
            established  by  federal  law.  Electors                                White House, where Trump has con-   that Trump’s legal challenges would
            cast paper ballots in gatherings with                                   tinued  to  make  unsupported  allega-  continue all the way to Inauguration
            masks, social distancing and other vi-  cially to each man.             tions of fraud.                     Day on Jan. 20.
            rus precautions the order of the day.  Biden handily beat Trump, who had  Trump remained in the Oval Office  Late  in  the  day,  he  took  to  Twitter
            The results will be sent to Washing-  232  electoral  votes.  The  Democrat  long after the sun set in Washington,  to  announce  that  Attorney  General
            ton and tallied in a Jan. 6 joint session  had  topped  the  incumbent  Repub-  calling allies and fellow Republicans  William Barr was leaving the admin-
            of  Congress  over  which  Vice  Presi-  lican by more than 7 million in the  while  keeping  track  of  the  running  istration  before  Christmas.  Barr’s
            dent Mike Pence will preside.       popular vote nationwide.            Electoral  College  tally,  according  to  departure comes amid lingering ten-
            For  all  Trump’s  unsupported  claims  California’s  55  electoral  votes  put  White  House  and  campaign  aides.  sion over Trump’s unsupported fraud
            of fraud, there was little suspense and  Biden over the top. Vermont, with 3  The president frequently ducked into  claims,  especially  after  Barr’s  state-
            no change as all the electoral votes al-  votes, was the first state to report. Ha-  the private dining room off the Oval  ment  this  month  to  The  Associated
            located to Biden and the president in  waii, with 4 votes, was the last.  Office to watch on TV, complaining  Press  that  the  election  results  were
            last month’s popular vote went offi-  “In this battle for the soul of Ameri-  that the cable networks were treating  unaffected by any fraud.
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