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                                                                                          world news Diamars 15 December 2020

                               Polish leader hails summit deal on use of EU sanctions

            (AP)  —  Poland’s  conser-   PAP, in an interview with the
            vative  ruling  party  lead-  Gazeta  Polska  Codziennie
            er  says  the  compromise  conservative daily.
            struck at last week’s Euro-
            pean  Union  summit  that  Poland,  which  is  at  logger-
            limits  the  use  of  finan-  heads  with  Brussels  over  its
            cial sanctions is a “saber”  record on the rule of law, had
            protecting  the  country  together  with  Hungary  pro-
            against  any  potential  “at-  tested the sanctioning mech-
            tack” on the EU’s part.      anism  fearing  they  could  be
                                         its target.
            Jaroslaw  Kaczynski  said  in
            comments  published  Mon-    The  compromise  Thursday
            day  that  the  compromise  averted  a  veto  that  Poland
            struck  as  part  of  the  1.82  and Hungary had threatened
            trillion-euro  ($2.21  trillion)  against the package, but crit-
            budget for 2021-2027 and re-  ics  said  it  also  let  the  two
            covery  package  protects  Po-  countries off the hook.
            land's  national  interests  and  Kaczynski, the main architect  with   extraordinary   mea-  ski’s  right-wing  Law  and  the power struggle inside the
            secures the country’s share in  of  Poland's  politics,  argued  sures," he said.      Justice  party  took  power  in  coalition, as he tries to keep
            EU funds that it badly needs  the compromise secured Po-                               2015,  with  two  small  coali-  control of the radicals and the
            for a rebound from the pan-  land's  sovereignty  and  posi-  The deal ensures that the EU  tion  partners  ,  the  govern-  far-right wing and its voters.
            demic crisis.                tion in the bloc and strength-  executive body, the European  ment  has  been  in  conflict
            Under  the  deal,  the  EU  is  ened its budget.          Commission,  will  “stick  to  with  EU  ruling  bodies  over  The government is currently
            to  draw  up  precise  guide-  Poland is to receive some 770  the set rules” and the suspen-  its  gradual  taking  of  control  facing a wave of massive na-
            lines for when a new finan-  billion zlotys (173 billion eu-  sion of funds mechanism will  over  Poland’s  justice  system  tionwide  protests  that  was
            cial  mechanism  can  be  used  ros.)                     not be used on allegations of  and  media.  Warsaw  has  ar-  triggered  by  Oct.  22  court
            to  cut  funds  to  a  member                             any  breaches,  but  “only  and  gued  the  criticism  missed  ruling to further tighten Po-
            that violates democratic stan-  Minister  for  European  Af-  solely in the case of justified,  the point and the sanctioning  land's strict anti-abortion law
            dards, and what might trigger  fairs Konrad Szymanski told  proven, actual damages to the  measures taken were unfair.  but is now also condemning
            it.  Moreover,  Europe’s  top  the  Rzeczpospolita  daily  the  EU budget," Szymanski said                          other  decisions  by  the  rul-
            court would need to weigh in  deal  would  prevent  “arbi-  on               Commentators,  like  Michal  ing team, including the con-
            on the guidelines’ validity.  trary,  political”  use  of  the                         Matlak in Kultural Liberalna,  flict  with  the  EU.  A  nation
                                         withdrawal of financing as a  He said Poland “had no other  were  saying  that  this  latest  of around 38 million, Poland
            The “deal is like a saber that  means of putting pressure on  way but to enter that conflict”  showdown  with  EU  gov-  has  among  Europe's  highest
            we will be able to use in case  a member state.           over the financial mechanism  erning bodies and the threat  level  of  popular  support  for
            of an attack against us,” Kac-                            and obtain the clear-cut deal.  to  veto  the  financial  plan,  EU  membership,  currently
            zynski  was  quoted  as  saying  “This is an extraordinary sit-                        was another case of Kaczyn-  at over 80%.
            by  Polish  state  news  agency  uation  that  has  been  solved  Almost  from  when  Kaczyn-  ski using the EU as a tool in

                        1 dead, dozens wounded in tribal clashes in southern Tunisia

            (AP) — Tunisian authori-                                  The  inhabitants  were  fight-                            Tunisian  state,  without  pro-
            ties  ordered  a  curfew  in  According to the official TAP  ing  over  the  ownership  of  According to the official TAP  viding details.
            regions  in  southern  Tu-   news  agency,  the  curfew  an area called Aïn Sekhouna,  news  agency,  security  forces
            nisia  after  at  least  a  man  from 4 p.m. to 5 a. m., start-  which is located between the  backed by military units used  Meanwhile,  Mechichi,  on  a
            was  killed  and  dozens  of  ing on Monday, was decided  two and boasts a hot spring in  tear gas to disperse those in-  visit  to  France  on  Monday,
            people wounded, two seri-    by  governors  of  Medenine  the middle of the desert. The  volved, many of whom were  said  he  agreed  with  French
            ously, in tribal clashes that  and Kebili to prevent further  governorates  of  Medenine  armed  with  sticks  and  shot-  Prime  Minister  Jean  Castex
            broke out over a land dis-   violence.                    and  Kebili  are  close  to  the  guns.                   on the need for a greater co-
            pute.                                                     Libyan and Algerian borders.                              operation  between  the  two
                                                                                                   The  security  forces  union  countries  on  migrant  issues,
                                                                                                   reported  83  wounded  who  especially  through  develop-
                                                                                                   were  transferred  to  nearby  ment and investment policies
                                                                                                   hospitals  using  ambulances  in  Tunisian  regions  where
                                                                                                   from surrounding areas. TAP  people entering illegally into
                                                                                                   reported  that  four  security  Europe  come  from,  accord-
                                                                                                   officers  were  injured  in  the  ing to TAP.
                                                                                                   clashes and a security vehicle
                                                                                                   ransacked.                   France  said  the  visit  comes
                                                                                                                                out  of  solidarity  between
                                                                                                   Prime   Minister   Hichem  the  two  countries  following
                                                                                                   Mechichi  gave  instructions  an Oct. 29 Islamic extremist
                                                                                                   to the ministers of the inte-  knife attack that killed three
                                                                                                   rior and of defense to hold a  people in a Nice church. The
                                                                                                   crisis meeting in the hope of  chief  suspect  is  a  Tunisian
                                                                                                   finding a solution to the dis-  man  who  illegally  entered
                                                                                                   pute “by legal means.”       into Italy and then traveled to
                                                                                                   Tunisian President Kais Saied
                                                                                                   traveled by helicopter to the  Mechichi, who is on his first
                                                                                                   disputed area. He urged resi-  trip abroad since he took of-
                                                                                                   dents to make reason prevail  fice on Sept. 2, is scheduled
                                                                                                   over  violence  and  warned  to visit Italy on Tuesday.
                                                                                                   against internal threats to the
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