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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 12 april 2024
            The Biden administration will require thousands more gun dealers

            to run background checks on buyers

            By ALANNA DURKIN RICHER                                                                                             stepping its legal authority.
            and COLLEEN LONG                                                                                                    Biden  administration  of-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ficials  said  they  are  confi-
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Thou-                                                                                             dent  the  rule,  which  drew
            sands  more  firearms  deal-                                                                                        more  than  380,000  public
            ers across the United States                                                                                        comments,  would  with-
            will  have  to  run  back-                                                                                          stand lawsuits.
            ground  checks  on  buy-                                                                                            The administration first pro-
            ers  at  gun  shows  or  other                                                                                      posed the rule in August, af-
            places  outside  brick-and-                                                                                         ter the passage of the most
            mortar stores, according to                                                                                         sweeping gun violence bill
            a Biden administration rule                                                                                         in  decades,  a  bipartisan
            that will soon go into effect.                                                                                      compromise  in  response
            The  rule  aims  to  close  a                                                                                       to  the  massacre  of  19  stu-
            loophole  that  has  allowed                                                                                        dents and two teachers at
            tens  of  thousands  of  guns                                                                                       a Uvalde, Texas elementa-
            to  be  sold  every  year  by                                                                                       ry school.
            unlicensed dealers who do                                                                                           That  law  expanded  the
            not  perform  background                                                                                            definition of those who are
            checks  to  ensure  the  po-                                                                                        “engaged  in  the  business”
            tential  buyer  is  not  legally                                                                                    of  selling  firearms,  and
            prohibited  from  having  a                                                                                         are  required  to  become
            firearm.  Gun  rights  groups                                                                                       licensed  by  the  ATF  and
            are  expected  to  fight  it  in   President Joe Biden’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives,   therefore  run  background
            court.                       Steve Dettelbach speaks during an event at White House in Washington, April 11, 2022.  checks.  The  rule,  which
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            It’s the administration’s lat-                                                                                      implements  the  change  in
            est  effort  to  combat  gun  the  job  and  pass  universal  of his administration and re-  that it is “already working to  the law, will take effect 30
            violence.  But  in  a  conten-  background  checks  legis-  election  campaign,  creat-  use all means available to  days after it is published in
            tious election year, it’s also  lation now.”              ing the White House Office  stop this unlawful rule.”     the Federal Register.
            an effort to show voters es-  The  rule,  which  was  final-  of Gun Violence Prevention  The   National   Shooting  There  are  already  roughly
            pecially  younger  ones  for  ized this week, makes clear  overseen by Vice President  Sports  Foundation,  an  in-  80,000  federally  licensed
            whom gun violence deeply  that  anyone  who  sells  fire-  Kamala  Harris.  Biden  also  dustry  trade  group,  also  firearms  dealers.  Admin-
            resonates    that  the  White  arms   predominantly   to  has urged Congress to ban  has warned of a court chal-    istration  officials  believe
            House  is  trying  to  stop  the  earn  a  profit  must  be  fed-  so-called  assault  weap-  lenge  if  the  rule  was  final-  the  new  rule  will  impact
            deaths.                      erally  licensed  and  con-  ons  something Democrats  ized  as  written.  Lawrence  more  than  20,000  dealers
            “This is going to keep guns  duct  background  checks,  shied from even just a few  Keane,  the  foundation’s  who  have  gotten  away
            out of the hands of domes-   regardless of whether they  years ago.                    senior  vice  president  and  with  selling  firearms  with-
            tic  abusers  and  felons,”  are  selling  on  the  internet,  The rule is likely to be chal-  general counsel, said Thurs-  out a license and perform-
            President Joe Biden said in  at a gun show or at a brick-  lenged  in  court  by  gun  day  that  the  organization  ing background checks at
            a statement. “And my ad-     and-mortar  store,  Attorney  rights  activists  who  believe  was  reviewing  the  regula-  places like gun shows and
            ministration is going to con-  General  Merrick  Garland  the Democratic president is  tion  after  contending  pre-  over the internet by claim-
            tinue  to  do  everything  we  told reporters.            unfairly targeting gun own-  viously  that  the  Bureau  of  ing  they  aren’t  “engaged
            possibly  can  to  save  lives.  Biden  has  made  curtailing  ers. The National Rifle Asso-  Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms  in  the  business”  of  firearm
            Congress  needs  to  finish  gun violence a major part  ciation said in a statement  and  Explosives  was  over-    sales.q

            Tennessee lawmakers send bill to ban first-cousin marriages to governor

            NASHVILLE,  Tenn.  (AP)  —  In  a  previous  committee  ban same-sex cousins from  public  health  issue  with  a  ed  down  Bulso’s  amend-
            The Republican-led Tennes-   hearing  on  the  bill,  Bulso  getting   married,   saying  male  marrying  a  male  first  ment  and  approved  the
            see  Legislature  has  over-  lightheartedly shared a sto-  that would run afoul of the  cousin?” Bulso said. “And I  ban  proposed  by  Demo-
            whelmingly  voted  to  send  ry about how his grandpar-   U.S.  Supreme  Court’s  gay  think the answer is no.”     cratic  Rep.  Darren  Jerni-
            GOP Gov. Bill Lee a propos-  ents were first cousins who  marriage decision.           Ultimately,  lawmakers  vot-  gan. q
            al that would ban marriage  came to the U.S. from Italy  He also couched his argu-
            between first cousins.       in the 1920s, then traveled  ment  by  saying  that  he
            The House cast a 75-2 vote  from Ohio to Tennessee to  thought the Supreme Court
            Thursday  on  the  bill  after  get married. He and other  decision  on  gay  marriage
            the  Senate  previously  ap-  lawmakers  laughed,  and  was  “grievously  wrong.”
            proved  it  without  any  op-  Bulso  voted  for  the  bill  in  Bulso  has  supported  legis-
            position.                    that committee.              lation aimed at the LGBTQ
            But a particularly vocal op-  Then during Thursday’s floor  community.  That  includes
            ponent,  Republican  Rep.  debate,  the  socially  con-   a  bill  he  is  sponsoring  that
            Gino Bulso, took up most of  servative  attorney  argued  would  largely  ban  display-
            the debate time, as he ar-   that  the  risk  of  married  ing  pride  flags  in  public
            gued for an amendment to  cousins having a child with  school  classrooms,  which
            allow  first-cousin  marriages  birth defects does not exist  civil  liberties  advocates
            if  the  couple  first  seeks  for  gay  couples.  He  con-  have contended runs afoul
            counseling  from  a  genetic  tended there is no compel-  of the U.S. Constitution.    The Tennessee Capitol is seen, Jan. 8, 2020, in Nashville, Tenn.
            counselor.                   ling government interest to  “The  question  is,  is  there  a                                    Associated Press
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