Page 6 - aruba-today-20240412
P. 6

                       Friday 12 april 2024
            Vietnam sentences real estate tycoon Truong My Lan to death in

            its largest-ever fraud case

            By ANIRUDDHA GHOSAL                                                                                                 Vietnam  shed  its  state-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    run economy in favor of a
            HANOI,  Vietnam  (AP)  —                                                                                            more  market-oriented  ap-
            Real  estate  tycoon  Truong                                                                                        proach  that  was  open  to
            My  Lan  was  sentenced                                                                                             foreigners. She had started
            Thursday  to  death  by  a                                                                                          out  helping  her  mother,  a
            court  in  Ho  Chi  Minh  City                                                                                      Chinese   businesswoman,
            in  southern  Vietnam  in  the                                                                                      to  sell  cosmetics  in  Ho  Chi
            country’s  largest  financial                                                                                       Minh  City’s  oldest  market,
            fraud case ever, state me-                                                                                          according  to  state  media
            dia Vietnam Net said.                                                                                               Tien Phong.
            The  67-year-old  chair  of                                                                                         Van  Thinh  Phat  would
            the  real  estate  company                                                                                          grow  to  become  one  of
            Van  Thinh  Phat  was  for-                                                                                         Vietnam’s  richest  real  es-
            mally  charged  with  fraud                                                                                         tate  firms,  with  projects  in-
            amounting  to  $12.5  billion                                                                                       cluding  luxury  residential
            nearly  3%  of  the  country’s                                                                                      buildings,  offices,  hotels
            2022 GDP.                                                                                                           and shopping centers. This
            Lan illegally controlled Sai-                                                                                       made  her  a  key  player  in
            gon  Joint  Stock  Commer-                                                                                          the  country’s  financial  in-
            cial  Bank  between  2012                                                                                           dustry.  She  orchestrated
            and  2022  and  allowed                                                                                             the 2011 merger of the be-
            2,500 loans that resulted in                                                                                        leaguered  SCB  bank  with
            losses  of  $27  billion  to  the   Business woman Truong My Lan attends a trial in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on Thursday, April 11,   two  other  lenders  in  co-
            bank,  reported  state  me-  2024.                                                                                  ordination  with  Vietnam’s
            dia  VnExpress.  The  court                                                                        Associated Press   central  bank.  The  court
            asked  her  to  compensate  at  the  helm  of  an  orches-  ment  rights  of  individuals  saying.                  found  that  she  used  this
            the bank $26.9 million.      trated  and  sophisticated  and organizations but also  Her niece, Truong Hue Van,  approach  to  tap  SCB  for
            Despite  mitigating  circum-  criminal enterprise that had  push  SCB  (Saigon  Joint  the chief executive of Van  cash. She indirectly owned
            stances  this was a first-time  serious  consequences  with  Stock  Commercial  Bank)  Thinh Phat, was sentenced  more than 90% of the bank
            offense and Lan participat-  no possibility of the money  into a state of special con-  to 17 years in prison for aid-  a charge she denied  and
            ed in charity activities  the  being  recovered,  VnEx-   trol;  eroding  people’s  trust  ing her aunt.            approved  thousands  of
            court  attributed  its  harsh  press said.                in  the  leadership  of  the  Lan  and  her  family  estab-  loans  to  “ghost  compa-
            sentence to the seriousness  Her  actions  “not  only  vio-  Party and State,” VnExpress  lished  the  Van  Thing  Phat  nies,” according to govern-
            of the case, saying Lan was  late the property manage-    quoted  the  judgement  as  company  in  1992  after  ment documents. q

            Mexico wants U.N. to suspend Ecuador over its police raid on the

            Mexican embassy in Quito

            MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexi-                                                               defend its actions and said  police  restrained  him  and
            co’s president said Thursday                                                           an  apology  “is  not  some-  pushed him to the floor as
            his country wants the United                                                           thing that is under discussion  they carried Glas out.
            Nations to suspend Ecuador                                                             at this moment.”             A copy of Mexico’s formal
            from the world body as part                                                            The  two  countries  have  complaint filed with the ICJ
            of  a  complaint  to  the  top                                                         been  tussling  over  Glas,  a  said,  “Mr.  Canseco  was
            U.N.  court  over  Ecuador’s                                                           convicted criminal and fu-   violently  assaulted  at  the
            police raid last week on the                                                           gitive, since he took refuge  Embassy  library,”  adding,
            Mexican embass y in Quito.                                                             at Mexico’s embassy in De-   “This resulted in injuries to his
            Tensions  between  Mexico                                                              cember.                      arms, legs, face, back, and
            and Ecuador have soared                                                                Ecuador  has  argued  that  neck, as well as psychologi-
            since  late  last  week  when                                                          Glas  has  been  targeted  cal harm.”
            Ecuadorian       authorities                                                           for  crimes,  not  for  political  The  complaint  claims  that
            forced  their  way  into  the                                                          reasons,  and  that  Mexico  “a  member  of  the  United
            diplomatic mission to arrest                                                           should not have been con-    Nations  which  has  persis-
            Ecuador’s former Vice Pres-  Ecuador’s Vice President Jorge Glas speaks during an interview   sidering asylum for him. On  tently violated the Principles
            ident  Jorge  Glas  who  had   at his office in Quito, Ecuador, Sept. 12, 2017.        April  5,  Ecuadorian  police  contained  therein  may  be
            been holed up there seek-                                             Associated Press   scaled  the  embassy  walls  expelled from the Organiza-
            ing asylum in Mexico.        country.                     from the U.N. Security Coun-  and broke into the building.  tion.”
            Mexico  filed  its  complaint  President  Andrés  Manuel  cil.                         Roberto Canseco, Mexico’s  It  asked  the  court  “to  sus-
            Thursday  at  the  Interna-  López  Obrador,  at  a  news  López Obrador said Mexico  head of consular affairs and  pend Ecuador as member
            tional  Court  of  Justice  in  conference in Mexico City,  is demanding a public apol-  the  highest  ranking  diplo-  of the United Nations” until
            the Netherlands asking the  railed against Ecuador and  ogy  from  Ecuador  for  the  mat present since Ecuador  it  issues  “a  public  apology
            U.N.  to  suspend  Ecuador,  said that the court, “in ac-  raid, reparation of damag-  expelled  the  ambassador  recognizing  its  violations
            although a U.N. spokesman  cordance  with  the  United  es and a promise not to do  earlier in the week, tried to  to  the  fundamental  princi-
            in New York said it would be  Nations charter, should ap-  it again. Ecuadoran Foreign  keep  them  from  entering,  ples  and  norms  of  interna-
            up to other member states  prove  the  expulsion,  and  Minister  Gabriela  Sommer-    even pushing a large cabi-   tional  law”  and  agrees  to
            to decide on suspending a  there  should  be  no  veto”  feld said her country would  net  in  front  of  a  door.  But  reparations.q
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