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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 12 april 2024
            China sanctions 2 U.S. defense companies and says they support

            arms sales to Taiwan

            Associated Press                                                                                                    Kong.
            BEIJING  (AP)  —  China  on                                                                                         General   Dynamics    fully
            Thursday  announced  rare                                                                                           owned  entities  are  regis-
            sanctions  against  two  U.S.                                                                                       tered  in  Hong  Kong,  the
            defense  companies  over                                                                                            southern  Chinese  semi-au-
            what it called their support                                                                                        tonomous  city  over  which
            for  arms  sales  to  Taiwan,                                                                                       Beijing  has  steadily  been
            the  self-governing  island                                                                                         increasing  its  political  and
            democracy  Beijing  claims                                                                                          economic  control  to  the
            as its own territory to be re-                                                                                      point that it faces no vocal
            covered by force if neces-                                                                                          opposition and has seen its
            sary.                                                                                                               critics  silenced,  imprisoned
            The announcement freezes                                                                                            or forced into exile.
            the assets of General Atom-                                                                                         The two companies did not
            ics  Aeronautical  Systems                                                                                          immediately respond to re-
            and  General  Dynamics                                                                                              quests for comment.
            Land  Systems  held  within                                                                                         China  has  threatened  ac-
            China. It also bars the com-                                                                                        tion  against  foreign  com-
            panies’ management from                                                                                             panies  and  governments
            entering the country.                                                                                               that  aid  Taiwan’s  defense
            Filings  show  General  Dy-                                                                                         and  the  U.S.  military  pres-
            namics  operates  a  half-                                                                                          ence in the region, leading
            dozen  Gulfstream  and  jet   An MQ9 Predator drone is displayed at the Berlin Air Show ILA in Berlin, Germany, on May 30, 2016.   to  commercial  boycotts
            aviation  services  opera-                                                                         Associated Press   and diplomatic standoffs.
            tions  in  China,  which  re-                                                                                       China  banned  American
            mains  heavily  reliant  on  military.  Chinese  authori-  sales to China’s Taiwan re-  fled  amid  civil  war  in  1949  firms   Lockheed   Martin
            foreign  aerospace  tech-    ties  did  not  go  into  details  gion  seriously  violate  the  remain part of a single Chi-  Corp.  and  Raytheon  Mis-
            nology even as it attempts  on the company’s alleged  one-China  principle  and  nese nation.                       siles  &  Defense  from  the
            to build its own presence in  involvement with supplying  the  provisions  of  the  three  Sanctions   were   leveled  Chinese  market  in  retalia-
            the field.                   arms to Taiwan.              China-U.S.  joint  communi-  under   Beijing’s   recently  tion  for  the  use  of  one  of
            The  company  also  helps  Beijing  has  long  threat-    qués,  interfere  in  China’s  enacted  Law  of  the  Peo-  their  planes  and  a  missile
            make the Abrams tank be-     ened  such  sanctions,  but  internal  affairs,  and  under-  ple’s Republic of China on  to  shoot  down  a  suspect-
            ing  purchased  by  Taiwan  has  rarely  issued  them  as  mine  China’s  sovereignty  Countering  Foreign  Sanc-   ed  spy  balloon  that  flew
            to replace outdated armor  its  economy  reels  from  and  territorial  integrity,”  tions,  aimed  at  retaliat-   over the continental United
            intended  to  deter  or  resist  the  COVID-19  pandemic,  China’s  Foreign  Ministry  ing  against  U.S.  financial  States last year. Similar bal-
            an invasion from China.      high unemployment and a  said  in  a  statement.  It  in-  and  travel  restrictions  on  loons have frequently been
            General Atomics produces  sharp decline in foreign in-    sists that the mainland and  Chinese  officials  accused  discovered  floating  over
            the  Predator  and  Reaper  vestment.                     the island to which Chiang  of  human  rights  abuses  in  Taiwan and into the Pacific
            drones  used  by  the  U.S.  “The  continued  U.S.  arms  Kai-shek’s Nationalist forces  mainland China and Hong  Ocean.q

            Wife of Julian Assange says Biden’s comments mean case could

            be moving in the right direction

            By JILL LAWLESS              trove  of  classified  Ameri-  enough  is  enough,”  Alba-
            Associated Press             can  documents.  The  pro-   nese  told  the  Australian
            LONDON (AP) — The wife of  posal  would  see  Assange,  Broadcasting Corp.
            Julian  Assange  said  Thurs-  an Australian citizen, return  Assange has been indicted
            day  her  husband’s  legal  home  rather  than  be  sent  on  17  espionage  charges
            case  “could  be  moving  in  to  the  U.S.  to  face  espio-  and  one  charge  of  com-
            the  right  direction”  after  nage charges.              puter misuse over his web-
            President  Joe  Biden  con-  Officials have not provided  site’s  publication  of  classi-
            firmed  the  U.S.  may  drop  more details, but Stella As-  fied U.S. documents almost
            charges against the impris-  sange  said  the  comments  15  years  ago.  American
            oned WikiLeaks founder.      are “a good sign.”           prosecutors allege that As-
            It  came  as  supporters  in  “It  looks  like  things  could  sange,  52,  encouraged
            several  cities  rallied  to  de-  be  moving  in  the  right  di-  and  helped  U.S.  Army  in-
            mand  the  release  of  As-  rection,” she told the BBC,  telligence  analyst  Chelsea
            sange, on the fifth anniver-  saying  the  indictment  was  Manning  steal  diplomatic
            sary  of  his  incarceration  in  “a  Trump  legacy  and  re-  cables and military files that
            London’s  high-security  Bel-  ally Joe Biden should have  WikiLeaks  published,  put-  A Protester stands in front of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London,
            marsh prison.                dropped it from day one.”    ting lives at risk.          Thursday, April 11, 2024, where Wikileaks founder Julian Assange
                                                                                                   was arrested five years ago.
            Biden said Wednesday that  Australian  Prime  Minister  Australia  argues  there  is  a                                         Associated Press
            his administration is “consid-  Anthony Albanese said the  disconnect  between  the
            ering”  a  request  from  Aus-  comment  was  encourag-   U.S.  treatment  of  Assange  year  sentence  to  seven  nalist protected by the First
            tralia to drop the decade-   ing.                         and  Manning.  Then-U.S.  years,  which  allowed  her  Amendment who exposed
            long U.S. push to prosecute  “Mr.  Assange  has  already  President  Barack  Obama  release  in  2017.  Assange’s  U.S.  military  wrongdoing  in
            Assange  for  publishing  a  paid a significant price and  commuted  Manning’s  35-    supporters say he is a jour-  Iraq and Afghanistan.q
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