P. 32

32                                                            AWEMainta                                          Diabierna, 26 Januari 2018

                “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada  I Will bless the Lord at all times: his Praise shall
              Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.          continually be in my mouth.                Gradicimento / Invitacion
                      E ta hibami na awa trankil,             My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the
                       Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                       humble shall hear thereof,
                            Salmo: 23                                                                       Pa medio di esaki famia kier a gradici tur esnan cu
                                                                           and be glad.                      di un manera of otro a mustra nan atencion y a
            Cu inmenso dolor na nos curason, pero conforme cu       Sing glory to the Lord with me,         duna nos sosten durante fayecimento y despedida
              Dios su boluntad nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:       let’s praise his name together!                     di nos defunto stima:
                                                                           Salmo 34:1-2
                                                            With sadness, but thankful for the years we spend
                                                            together we announce the passing of our beloved
                                                             mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, great grand-
                                                                        mother and friend :

            Rudolf Ronaldo Yrausquin                                                                                Filomena Isidoña
                    Cariñosamente yama: “Ronnie”                                                                   Solognier-Arends
                     *29-08-1952  -  †20-01-2018
           Na nomber di su:                                       Josephine (Ophine)
           Mama:          Juanita Rani                                                                     Masha Danki pa tur yamada y mensahenan ricibi.
           Esposa:        Lola Briceño                          Antoine-John Baptiste                       Boso presencia na e momentonan doloroso y
           Yiunan:   Gisela y Cedric Cheuz-Yrausquin           Aectionately known as “Mother” or “Mama     dicil aki tabata un gran consuelo pa nos.
                   Michael y Natasha Yrausquin-Werleman                                                     Danki for di profundo di nos curason.
           Nieto(a)nan:    Tiara Cheuz                                       Antoine”
                          Chantee Cheuz                              *27-08-1924 - †18-01-2018              Nos ta invita boso pa compaña nos na 3 Santo
                          Zoë Cheuz                         Husband:       †Giraud Antoine                  Sacricio di Misa cu lo tuma lugar diadomingo 28
                          Nathan Yrausquin                  Left to mourn are her:                          di Januari pa 6’or di atardi, diahuebs 1 di februari y
                          Zaretta Yrausquin                 Children:                                       diabierna 2 di februari 2018 pa 7’or di anochi na
           Rumannan:      Gloria Figaroa                    Veronica(Vero) Antoine and Family in St.Maarten  Misa Sagrado Curazon na Savaneta.
                          Edwin Yrausquin                   †Dr. Matthias and Jaenice Antoine and family in
                          Lourdes Flores-Yrausquin          Jamaica
                          Vivian Yrausquin                  Piola and Pedro van Heyningen and family in     Boso presencia lo ta altamente aprecia.
           Suegra stima:    vda. Fermina Briceño-Romero     Aruba
           Swa y cuñanan:       Patricio Flores
                                   Francisco Briceño y famia  Lucillia(Lucy) and George Irwin and family in
                                   Vidal Briceño y famia    Aruba
                                   Vda. Prisca Alvarez-Briceño y yiunan  Raphael(Niño) and Winia Antoine and family in St.
                                   Silvia Vingal y famia    Maarten
                                   Lydia Noguera y famia    †Raymond Antoine and familyin St. Maarten
                                   Olivia Maduro y famia    Joselyn and Edgar Oduber and family in Aruba
                                   Mirla Lue y famia        Sonia and Henk Knol and family in Aruba
                                   Sandra Briceño y yiunan  Grandchildren:                                         “Bou di alanan di Dios mi ta sigur”
                                   Sylvia van der Linde y yiunan                                               Abo ku ta biba bou di amparo di Altisimo,
           Subrino(a)nan:    Milton Figaroa y famia         Banjamin(Benchi), Tony(Jackie), Johan, NikkaG. ,   ta hospedá den sombra di Dios Omnipotente,
                          Liliana Yrausquin y famia         Corali, Priscilla, Patrick, Joël, Janila, Jordan and            bisa Señor:
                          Dillon Maduro y famia             Jonathan                                                 “Mi refugio, mi forti, mi Dios,
                          Reinier Flores                    Great grandchildren:
                          Rebecca Irausquin y famia         †Khimouy, Mykela, Kyan, Keathan, Rignald and          den kende mi ta pone mi konansa”
                          Ryan Yrausquin y famia            Anisha, Ky-mani, Kymora and Kailanny                           Salmo 91:1-2
                          Jeamy Yrausquin y famia           Brother and sisters:
                          T-J Yrausquin y famia             Joseph and Julie John-Baptiste and family in          Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curazon
           Tanta y omonan:    Dito y Nilda Rani-Nicolaas y famia  Houston                                         nos ta participa fayecimento di:
                          Vda. Beta Ras-Rani y famia       Mathilda Felix and family in Dallas
                          Roque y Jacenta Yrausquin y famia
                          Pepeya Solognier y famia          †Chrisina John-Baptiste and family in St, Croix
                          Vda. Lucia Jacopucci y famia      Iona Celaire and family in Enland
           Su bon amigonan:   Rosario Maduro                Close friends in Aruba: Anna Yearwood, Norma
                          Dolto Croeze y famia             Martijn-Stevens
                                                            She served as member of:The Prayer Group “ Hesus
           Primo y primanan na Aruba, Curacao, Hulanda y Sint   Misericordioso”, Blue army, Lady of Laselatte, Coro
           Maarten                                          Grandi Fatima Church of Dakota.
                                                            Friends and relatives in : Dominica, England,
           Demas famia, bisiñ y conocirnan: Yrausquin, Briceño,   Jamaica, USA, Trinidad & Tobago, St. Maarten en
           Cheuz, Werleman, Rani, Figaroa, Flores, Maduro,   Aruba (to numerous to mention)                        sra. Maria Editha
           Irausquin, Nicolaas, Ras, Solognier, Jacopucci, Wernet,
           Kock, Lopez, Adoptie (Curacao), Panneek, Croes,   She was related to : Antoine, John-Baptiste, van   Mackintosh-Geerman
           Romero, Alvarez, Obando, Quandt, Vingal, Noguera, van   Heyningen, Johnson, Irwin, Lourens, Bardouille,   mihor conoci como “Editha”
           der Linden, Maduro, Lue, Mathilda, Geerman       Oduber, Jacobs, Laclè, Geerman, Petronia, York,          *16-09-1943 - †23-01-2018
                                                            Eustace, Felix, celaire, Toussaint, Eduardo, Correa,
           Nos disculpa si den nos momento di tristesa nos por a   Florant, knol, Arman Trading              Oportunidad pa condolencia dialuna 29 januari
           lubida un of otro famia.                         Opportunity for condolences :  Saturday January   2018 di 7’or pa 9’or di anochi na Aurora Funeral
                                                            27th, 7:00pm to 9:00pm at Aurora Funeral Home.                   Home.
           Ta invita pa e acto di despedida cu lo tuma lugar   The funeral will take place on Monday January
           diasabra 27 di januari 2018 di 9’or pa 11’or di mainta na   29th , 2018. The body will be laid out from 2 pm to
           Aurora Funeral Home.                                                                             Acto di entiero lo tuma lugar diamars 30 di januari
                                                            4:00pm at the Fatima Church in Dakota, service   2018 di 2’or pa 4’or di atardi na misa Inmaculada
           Oportunidad pa condolencia: diabierna 26 di januari   will start at 4pm. Followed by the burial at the   Conception na St.Cruz. Despues lo sali pa Santana
           2018 di 7’or pa 9’or di anochi.                  Catholic  Cemetery Caya Ernesto Petronia                   Catholico na Sta.Cruz.
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