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                                                                                                        sports Diamars 8 Juni 2021

                       Spain again has to weather a storm before a major tournament

            (AP)  —  For  the  third                                                                                            The  Spaniards  had  an  even
            straight   time,    Spain's                                                                                         bigger  problem  to  over-
            preparations  for  a  major                                                                                         come  three  years  ago,  when
            soccer  tournament  have                                                                                            the  local  soccer  federation
            taken a hit just before it is                                                                                       fired  coach  Julen  Lopetegui
            set to start playing.                                                                                               two  days  before  the  team's
                                                                                                                                opening  World  Cup  match
            After  having  to  overcome                                                                                         in Russia after he took a job
            problems  ahead  of  the  2016                                                                                      with  Real  Madrid  without
            European     Championship                                                                                           properly  advising  federation
            and  the  2018  World  Cup,                                                                                         officials.
            "La  Roja"  enters  Euro  2020
            having to deal with the scare                                                                                       The firing left Spain's training
            of  a  COVID-19  outbreak                                                                                           camp  in  chaos,  with  sport-
            that could jeopardize its title                                                                                     ing  director  Fernando  Hi-
            chances.                                                                                                            erro suddenly taking over as
                                                                                                                                coach. Spain had been among
            Captain  Sergio  Busquets                                                                                           the title favorites at the time,
            tested  positive  for  the  coro-  The players arriving on Tues-  nificantly affecting the team's  first warm-up match on Fri-  coming  off  a  string  of  good
            navirus  on  Sunday  and  has  day  are  Rodrigo  Moreno,  preparations  because  every-  day,  a  0-0  draw  against  Por-  results under Lopetegui, but
            his participation in the tour-  Pablo  Fornals,  Carlos  Soler,  one else in close contact with  tugal  in  the  Spanish  capital.  it ended up being eliminated
            nament  in  doubt.  He  is  al-  Brais  Méndez  and  Raúl  Al-  him also had to isolate. Prac-  Spain  is  set  to  open  play  in  by Russia in the round of 16
            ready  set  to  miss  the  team's  biol. The federation said they  tice sessions had to be altered  Group  E  against  Sweden,  after winning only one of its
            opener  against  Sweden  on  will  not  have  any  contact  and  personalized  training  then face Poland on June 19  three group matches.
            June 14 after starting a 10-day  with  the  players  previously  routines were put in place so  and Slovakia on June 23. All
            period of isolation away from  selected  for  the  European  health safety protocols could  of its matches will be played  The controversy before Euro
            the team's training camp.    tournament.                  be observed, the Spanish soc-  in the southern Spanish city  2016  also  surfaced  shortly
                                                                      cer federation said.         of Seville.                  before the tournament, with
            There  were  fears  more  in-  "Taking  into  consideration                                                         starting  goalkeeper  David
            fections  could  be  detected,  the  possible  consequences  The  team  also  won't  get  to  Luis Enrique has until Satur-  de Gea having his name in-
            but no one else in the squad  that Busquets' positive result  play its final warm-up match  day  to  make  changes  to  the  volved  in  an  investigation
            tested  positive  on  Monday.  could  bring,  the  coaching  scheduled for Tuesday against  squad in cases of injuries or  into  a  Spanish  pornography
            Testing  was  set  to  continue  staff  has  decided  to  incor-  Lithuania.  Spain  will  use  COVID-19.  When  he  an-  filmmaker.  He  immediate-
            among  players  and  staff  in  porate  a  group  of  players  to  players  from  the  under-21  nounced  his  list,  the  coach  ly  denied  wrongdoing  and
            the  coming  days,  and  coach  complete training during the  squad, as well as its coach, for  said  he  would  probably  use  eventually was fully cleared.
            Luis  Enrique  called  up  five  next few days under Luis En-  the match in Madrid.    under-21  players  as  replace-
            additional  players  to  begin  rique's orders within a paral-                         ments  if  needed.  He  only  Then-coach  Vicente  Del
            practicing at the team's train-  lel bubble," the Spanish fed-  The  national  team  players  selected 24 players instead of  Bosque  also  couldn't  avoid
            ing  camp  in  case  they  were  eration said.            were  not  vaccinated  against  the  26  allowed  for  each  na-  the  subject  in  news  confer-
            needed as replacements. The                               COVID-19,  which  gener-     tional team, saying he didn't  ences. Spain got through the
            federation  said  others  were  Spain  was  yet  to  announce  ated some criticism as Span-  want  to  call  up  too  many  group stage but was eliminat-
            expected to be called up later  whether  Busquets  would  ish athletes competing at the  players who would not likely  ed by Italy, also in the round
            in the week.                 be  dropped  from  the  squad,  Tokyo Olympics have been.   be used at the tournament.  of 16.
                                         but his case was already sig-  Busquets  started  in  Spain's

                                Russia chafes at Ukrainian team's shirt for Euro 2020

            (AP)  —  A  tense  tug-of-   Andrii Pavelko, the president  spokeswoman  Maria  Zakha-  Another  Russian  lawmaker,  in  place  since  2014  to  sepa-
            war  between  Russia  and  of  the  Ukrainian  soccer  as-  rova scoffed at the design as a  former  professional  boxer  rate  the  two  countries'  na-
            Ukraine has spread to soc-   sociation, presented the new  "desperate" gesture.        Nikolai  Valuev,  also  con-  tional  teams  and  club  teams
            cer, with Russian officials  uniform  on  Facebook  on                                 demned  the  Ukrainian  uni-  prevented  them  from  being
            and  lawmakers  denounc-     Sunday, hailing it as a symbol  She  also  ranted  against  the  form as an "unseemly attempt  drawn together.
            ing  the  design  of  the  of the "single and undivided  Ukrainian national slogan —  to politicize sports."
            Ukrainian national team's  homeland"  that  would  in-    "Glory  to  Ukraine,  glory  to  "They can dream about what  The  tournament  draw  also
            shirt for this month's Eu-   spire players to "fight for en-  the heroes!" — written on the  they want," Valuev said, "but  prevents Ukraine and Russia
            ropean Championship.         tire Ukraine."               uniform. Zakharova charged  Crimea is part of the Russian  from facing each other in the
                                                                      that  the  rant  was  used  by  Federation and it's not up for  round of 16.
            The yellow-and-blue Ukrai-   Pavelko  is  a  member  of  the  Ukrainian nationalists, some  discussion."
            nian  design  features  a  map  executive  committee  of  Eu-  of  whom  fought  against  the                       Russia  will  host  seven  Euro
            of  the  country  including  ropean  soccer  body  UEFA,  Soviet  Union  alongside  the  Ukraine  and  Russia  both  2020 games in St. Petersburg.
            Crimea,  the  Black  Sea  pen-  which signed off on the de-  Nazis in World War II.    qualified  for  the  24-team  None will involve Ukraine.
            insula that Russia annexed in  sign for the tournament.                                tournament but a UEFA rule
            2014 following the ouster of                              Several  Russian  lawmakers
            its  Moscow-friendly  presi-  "The  shirt  of  the  Ukrainian  also lashed out at the Ukrai-
            dent.                        national team (and of all other  nian uniform's design.
                                         teams) for UEFA Euro 2020  Dmitry Svishchev, a member
            Most of the world hasn't ac-  has been approved by UEFA,  of  the  Russian  parliament's
            knowledged  the  annexation  in  accordance  with  the  ap-  lower house, denounced the
            and  international  law  still  plicable  equipment  regula-  Ukrainian uniform as a polit-
            recognizes Crimea as Ukrai-  tions," the Switzerland-based  ical gesture designed to draw
            nian territory. Russia also has  organization said.       sports into politics.
            cast its support behind sepa-                             "It's  setting  the  stage  for  a
            ratists  in  eastern  Ukraine,  Russia  quickly  reacted  with  conflict  using  the  uniform,"
            where seven years of fighting  dismay.                    he said. "Sports arenas aren't
            has killed more than 14,000.                              for political declarations."
                                         Russian  Foreign  Ministry
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