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                                                                                         world news Diamars 8 Juni 2021

                              France fines Google for abusing 'dominant' ads position

            (AP)  —  Google  is  being                                                                                          vestigation  of  Google,  using
            fined  220  million  euros                                                                                          stepped up powers to scruti-
            ($268 million) by France’s                                                                                          nize digital giants.
            antitrust  watchdog  for
            abusing its ‘dominant’ po-                                                                                          The  German  competition
            sition  in  online  advertis-                                                                                       watchdog  said  Friday  that  it
            ing.                                                                                                                was examining whether con-
                                                                                                                                tracts  for  news  publishers
            The  search  engine  giant  is                                                                                      using Google’s News Show-
            also  promising  to  overhaul                                                                                       case,  a  licensing  platform
            the  way  its  platform  is  used                                                                                   launched  last  fall,  include
            for buying and selling digital                                                                                      “unreasonable conditions.”
            ads, at least in France, which
            could have repercussions on                                                                                         Google has been facing pres-
            its  ongoing  legal  fights  with                                                                                   sure  from  authorities  to  pay
            regulators  elsewhere  in  Eu-                                                                                      for  news  and  signed  a  deal
            rope,  the  U.S.  and  around                                                                                       earlier this year with a group
            the world.                                                                                                          of  French  publishers  that
                                                                                                                                paves the way for it to make
            Google’s advertising practic-                                                                                       digital copyright payments.
            es have harmed its competi-
            tors along with publishers of                                                                                       European  Union  regulators
            mobile websites and applica-                                                                                        have also charged Apple with
            tions,  the  French  Competi-                                                                                       stifling competition in music
            tion  Authority  said  Monday.                                                                                      streaming and accused Ama-
            The  authority  said  it  is  the  “I imagine that Google’s de-  to make the most of their ad-  ployed  more  broadly,  some  zon of using data from inde-
            responsibility  of  a  company  cision  to  settle  reflected  a  vertising space,” de Silva said.  of them globally, Gomri said.  pendent merchants to unfair-
            with a dominant market po-   judgment  that  it  could  live                           She  didn’t  specify  which  ly compete against them with
            sition  to  avoid  unfairly  un-  with  those  terms  even  if  it  Google  France’s  legal  di-  changes would apply outside  its  own  products.  They  are
            dermining its competition.   were forced upon it by other  rector,  Maria  Gomri,  said  of France.                 investigating  Google’s  data
                                         jurisdictions,” he said.     in  a  blog  post  Monday  that                           practices for advertising pur-
            Google,  based  in  Mountain                              Google  has  been  collaborat-  The  French  authority’s  in-  poses and recently opened a
            View, California, did not dis-  The  head  of  the  authority,  ing  for  the  past  two  years  vestigation  was  prompted  formal antitrust investigation
            pute  the  facts  and  opted  to  Isabelle de Silva, said the de-  with  the  French  watchdog  by  complaints  from  Rupert  into  Facebook’s  advertising
            settle  after  proposing  some  cision was unprecedented in  on issues related to ad tech-  Murdoch’s  News  Corp.,  practices.
            changes, according to a pre-  the way that it delved into the  nology, notably the platform  French  newspaper  group  Le
            pared  statement  from  the  complex algorithmic auctions  known  as  Google  Ad  Man-  Figaro  and  Belgium-based  In the U.S., the Justice De-
            Competition Authority.       that power Google’s business  ager. She wrote that commit-  Rossel  La  Voix.  Le  Figaro  partment and dozens of states
                                         selling online display ads.  ments  made  during  nego-   later withdrew its complaint.  brought  antitrust  lawsuits
            The  settlement  might  serve                             tiations would “make it easier                            against Google last year. They
            as a roadmap for other gov-  The fine, along with Google’s  for publishers to make use of  U.S.  tech  giants  have  been  are  seeking  to  prove  that
            ernments  that  are  scrutiniz-  commitment to changing its  data  and  use  our  tools  with  facing  intensifying  scrutiny  Google  has  been  methodi-
            ing  Google’s  market  power,  practices,  “will  make  it  pos-  other ad technologies.”  in  Europe  and  elsewhere  cally abusing its power as the
            said  Douglas  Melamed,  a  sible  to  re-establish  a  level                          over their business practices.  internet’s  main  gateway  in
            Stanford University law pro-  playing  field  for  all  players,  After  tests  in  the  months  Germany  became  the  lat-  a  way  that  hurts  consumers
            fessor.                      and the ability for publishers  ahead,  changes  will  be  de-  est country to launch an in-  and advertisers.

                       Greece says many migrants in Turkey could seek asylum there

            (AP)  —  Greece  on  Mon-    Union  member  Greece,  as  which, he said, would “force”                              to wealthier EU countries —
            day  designated  neigh-      it  would  allow  it  to  return  Turkey to crack down on ille-  Several human rights groups  flows have since been greatly
            boring  Turkey  as  a  safe  asylum-seekers  from  these  gal migration and smuggling  have  accused  Greece  of  il-  reduced.
            country  in  which  to  seek  countries to Turkey — which  networks.                   legally  deporting  some  mi-
            international  protection  itself has a huge migrant and                               grants to Turkey without let-  So  far  this  year,  just  over
            for  the  majority  of  asy-  refugee population.         Mitarachi added that the de-  ting  them  apply  for  asylum.  3,000  people  have  reached
            lum-seekers  departing  its                               cision “is fully in line with in-  Athens denies that.    Greece  from  Turkey,  mostly
            shores for Greece.           Nevertheless,  despite  pres-  ternational law and enhances                            by  sea  in  flimsy  craft.  Ac-
                                         sure  from  the  EU  and  Ath-  Greece’s legal arsenal against  Although  a  record  1  mil-  cording to the U.N. refugee
            A joint decree from the Greek  ens, Ankara has shown little  (asylum) requests by citizens  lion  people  entered  Greece  agency,  47%  were  Afghans,
            foreign and migration minis-  appetite  for  taking  back  mi-  of ... Syria, Afghanistan, Paki-  through  Turkey  in  2015  —  15%  were  Syrians  and  9%
            tries said the designation ap-  grants  who  reached  Greece  stan,  Bangladesh  and  Soma-  mostly  seeking  to  move  on  were Somalis.
            plies to asylum-seekers from  from  its  territory,  despite  a  lia,  who  objectively  have  no
            Syria,  Afghanistan,  Pakistan,  2016 Turkish-EU agreement  reason  not  to  consider  Tur-
            Bangladesh  and  Somalia.  It  that was meant to stem illegal  key a safe country.”
            said Turkey meets all criteria  migration into the 27-nation
            to  examine  asylum  requests  bloc.                      Greece  and  Turkey  are  his-
            from these nationals, as there                            toric regional rivals, and mili-
            “they  are  not  in  any  danger  Greek  officials  said  Athens  tary  tensions  rose  danger-
            ... due to their race, religion,  has so far this year asked Tur-  ously  last  year  over  marine
            citizenship,  political  beliefs  key to take back 1,453 people,  boundaries.  Athens  accuses
            or membership in some par-   without success.             Ankara  of  using  migration
            ticular social group, and can                             as a weapon, pointing to the
            seek  asylum  in  Turkey  in-  Nevertheless,   Migration  Turkish  government’s  failed
            stead of in Greece.”         Minister Notis Mitarachi de-  bid last year, before the mili-
                                         scribed Monday’s decision as  tary  tension,  to  wave  thou-
            That, in theory, could reduce  “an  important  step  in  tack-  sands  of  migrants  and  refu-
            migration flows to European  ling  illegal  migration  flows”  gees towards Greece.
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