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A28 u.s. news
Diamars 8 Juni 2021
Boston police commissioner ousted over domestic abuse claims
(AP) - Boston’s police commis- tions about allegations found in court Walsh has insisted that he had no pri-
sioner was fired Monday follow- documents from 1999 that White White has vehemently denied ever or knowledge of the accusations and
ing a bitter battle to keep his job pushed and threatened to shoot his engaging in domestic violence, and would never have picked White if he
after decades-old domestic vio- then-wife, a fellow police officer. accused his ex-wife of lying to get a did.
lence accusations came to light. financial advantage in their divorce.
An investigative report released by the But Gross said in an affidavit filed in
Acting Mayor Kim Janey announced city last month said witnesses alleged “I am a Black man, who has been ac- court that Walsh, now secretary of
Dennis White’s removal as the city’s that White’s ex-wife was subjected to cused falsely of crimes, I have not yet the U.S. Department of Labor, was
top cop, four months after White was “physical and mental abuse.” Among been given a fair trial, and I’m on the briefed on White’s internal affairs
placed on leave over the allegations the allegations included in the report brink of being convicted, or termi- history when White was promoted
just days into his new job. is that White burned her hair, put her nated which is the equivalent here,” to the department’s command staff
face to a stove and threw a television White said during his termination in 2014, and therefore was aware of
White had tried to go to court to block at her. A judge issued a restraining hearing, according to a statement the allegations before picking him as
his firing, calling the allegations false order against White in 1999, ordering provided by his lawyer. “As you know, police commissioner.
and saying the mayor has no cause to him to stay away from his wife and that is a pattern that has been repeated
terminate him. During a hearing held children and surrender his service in this country for centuries. I believe White also said in a video released by
last week, White told Janey: “I am in- weapon. it will be bad for Boston if that pattern his lawyer that he told Walsh about
nocent and I ask that you not convict is repeated here with me,” he said. the restraining order against him over
me.” The city’s report said White was “false allegations.” White said that
also involved in what he described White, who served as Gross’ chief of Walsh “was very sympathetic to what
White — a 32-year veteran of the as a “heated fisticuffs” with a young staff, was swiftly chosen to lead the was going on with me as I was about
department who replaced William woman in 1993. White admitted department by then-Mayor Marty his past and how we had overcome
Gross, the city’s first Black police striking her with a full swing of his Walsh. At the time, Walsh called some hurdles in our lives to move
commissioner — was suspended af- arm and open hand, but says he was White a “proven leader who is trusted on.”
ter The Boston Globe raised ques- acting in self-defense, the report said. and respected in the community.”
Cleared Chicago priest holds first Mass since reinstatement
(AP) — An activist Roman because I’m stronger, I’m back.” Among those in at- presidential campaign when police haven’t presented any
Catholic priest cleared by better and I’m wiser. ... The tendance was filmmaker he mocked Obama’s primary information for her office to
an Archdiocese of Chicago last five months have been a Spike Lee, who is friends opponent Hillary Clinton. review or determine if crimi-
investigation into claims roller coaster of hurt and an- with Pfleger and whose 2015 nal charges are appropriate.
that he sexually abused ger and depression and pain movie “Chi-raq” featured a Ordained in 1975 and as- Illinois has no statute of limi-
several boys decades ago and not knowing what peo- character inspired by Pfleger signed to St. Sabina, Pfleger tations for filing charges in
returned to the pulpit of ple are thinking about you,” and played by John Cusack. became pastor six years later major sex crimes.
his longtime church on he said, his voice breaking at and lived at the nearby rec-
Sunday for the first time times. Pfleger is known for his an- tory until earlier this year, The Illinois Department of
in five months. ti-violence activism and for when he temporarily moved Children and Family Services
To support Pfleger, church bolstering neighborhood de- to an apartment during the completed its review in Feb-
“It’s good to be home,” the members have held rallies, velopment in the largely low- investigation. ruary, concluding there was
Rev. Michael Pfleger repeat- flooded archdiocese phone income neighborhood sur- no credible evidence of child
edly told congregants of the lines, threatened to withhold rounding the church. He’s Police have said their in- abuse or neglect. The agency,
Faith Community of St. Sa- church dues and launched a also been in the spotlight for vestigation remains “open which doesn’t investigate al-
bina, describing his time letter-writing campaign. On clashing with church leaders, and active,” but they haven’t legations of abuse by an adult
away during the investigation Sunday, some wore T-shirts having been suspended twice provided any details about victim, focused on whether
as a “painful nightmare.” featuring the priest’s photo before this year, including in it. Cook County State’s At- children were currently at
and the message “Pfleger is 2008 during Barack Obama’s torney Kim Foxx has said risk.
Pfleger, 72, was placed on
leave in January amid allega- During Sunday’s service,
tions from two brothers who Pfleger talked about street
said Pfleger sexually abused violence in Chicago. He also
them as children starting in acknowledged the damage
the 1970s. A third man lat- that the abuse allegations did
er also alleged that Pfleger to his reputation.
molested him once in 1979
when he was 18. Last month, He didn’t talk about the al-
the archdiocese concluded legations in detail, aside from
there was “insufficient rea- saying the false accusations to
son to suspect” that Pfleger “destroy his character” began
had abused children. A police with an “extortion letter.”
investigation remains open. One of the brothers, who
are in their 60s, has acknowl-
His first service back at the edged that he asked Pfleger
largely Black church on for a $20,000 payment in De-
Chicago’s South Side was as cember.
spirited as ever, with live mu-
sic, dancing and reenergized “I know my name will be
congregants who have fierce- damaged for the rest of my
ly backed their priest. Pfleger, life,” Pfleger said as congre-
who is white, thanked con- gants booed. “But most of
gregants for supporting him that is by people that hated
and vowed to resume his ac- me anyway. There are people
tivism, especially against gun watching today that are not
violence, with even more happy that I’m back. But take
gusto. off your party hat and blow
out the candles. I’m back.”
“I’m going to fight harder,