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P. 13
Monday 21 SepteMber 2020 LOCAL
Conferences will change; opportunity for the Caribbean
to be cancelled, I have de-
cided to make the begin-
ning of new communica-
tion platform in addition,”
says Slabbaert. “I consider
it a communication plat-
form without limitations. It’s
a logical development, not
an innovation. It is just do-
ing things differently that
make sense. We can now
have the presentations in a
conference setting, yet the
By Cdr. Bud Slabbaert asks for another appropri- meeting can be recorded
PHILIPSBURG, ST. MAARTEN ate platform. Worldwide, and put online. And I don’t new event concepts, the
— “Under the current cir- quick fixes and changes mean life streaming. The CARIBAVIA conference “Creating an event, where
cumstances, conferences were made by organizing presentation will be avail- will return next year June participants afterwards
will change. We have seen virtual conferences and able online as video-on- on St.Maarten. From the say that they want to re-
that a large number of ma- webinars. It is just not the demand. That means any- beginning, five years ago, turn next year because
jor conferences and con- same. one in the world, at any it was already concepted they loved it, is high prior-
ventions had to be can- suitable time can watch a to be different. Where ma- ity to me. There is quite a
celled. Disappointment is Currently, it has become conference presentation.” jor conferences have be- difference between ‘they
one thing, at what expense, clear that the planning of come events with industry loved it’ or ‘they had to’. It
is another,” says Cdr.Bud large major events is risky. The interesting thing of the palaces built in the exhibi- means that the investment
Slabbaert, Chairman and The planning of participa- model is that conference tion areas with the inten- to participate was worth
Coordinator of the Carib- tion either as attendee or and video-on-demand tion to show off; where it for attendees, speakers
bean Aviation Meetup exhibitor has become just platform go hand in hand. male representatives were and sponsors alike. What is
conference, or CARIBAVIA as difficult. It does have an Communication will con- all dressed up as lookalike wrong with an event that
for short. effect on budget prepa- tinue one way or another; penguins. They were held in feels like a retreat? I could
ration and spending, as conference cancelations convention halls or confer- even arrange for confer-
“There is much talk about well as on calendar is- or not. It can be done with- ence hotels that all similar. ence sessions at the beach
a ‘New Normal’. Even the sues for those attending or out any subscription or reg- Rush, pressure and tension. or swimming pool.” con-
‘New Normal’ will not be presenting. One may say istration. However, it will re- And at what expense? cludes Cdr. Bud Slabbaert.
forever. Yet, new confer- that things have become quire sponsorships to realize CARIBAVIA has developed
ence models may be de- confusing. Confusion and this. Yet, since the channel a different concept. The organizational advan-
veloped that will stay with us insecurity are not appreci- is wide open to watch, the tage of a conference like
for quite a while, because ated in business. However, sponsors will be exposed to “Let’s call it furthering the CARIBAVIA being held on
they make sense, are more the industry cannot stop audiences that are larger human effect in an inspir- an island, is that the local
flexible and more targeted. communicating with exist- than the attendees of any ing comfortable environ- tourism offices, airport and
The traditional major inter- ing and potential clients. major conference. Even if ment. If participants feel other stakeholders will do
national events will return, Smaller events have a bet- there is no conference go- well, they will communi- their best to support the
but a lesson will be learned ter chance in that regard. ing on, other presentations cate much easier, and in a event and go that extra
from the advantages that Smaller doesn’t necessarily can be recorded and put less artificial, and a friendlier ‘mile’ to provide a bit of a
the new model conferenc- mean becoming regional. online at any time. So now natural manner,” continues starry-eyed atmosphere,
es will bring.” It could be international, there will be a communi- Commander Bud as many because it promotes the is-
yet more targeted. It is very cation platform beyond call him. “They will get a land or region and is like an
The Caribbean Aviation much up to the industry to set dates, beyond any au- better impression of their invitation for participants
conference (CARIBAVIA) assist in shaping the smaller dience size, and beyond potential business connec- to return at some time for
also had to be cancelled events into an effective geographic borders. Spon- tion. They will recognize the a vacation with their fami-
this year, as most other communication platform sors may get more out of a difference between what lies or loved ones. Mind
events. But the need for for them. combined sponsorship. is an act, and what is for that for these Caribbean is-
communication in the in- real.” lands sometimes 80% of the
dustry remains and it just “After our own event had Regardless of possible Besides an increased infor- economy revenue comes
from tourism. Win-win op-
mality, the Caribbean of- portunities! q
fers an environment that
the region is famous for. About:
Previous CARIBAVIA wel- Cdr. Bud Slabbaert is
come dinners were held the Chairman and Co-
outdoors under a tropical ordinator of the Carib-
night sky with a free view bean Aviation Meetup,
over the waters. A series an annual results and
of sessions were held in solution oriented con-
an open hangar at an air- ference for stakehold-
port with a free view of the ers of ‘airlift’ in the Ca-
aviation activities at the lo- ribbean. Mr. Slabbaert’s
cation. It was also possible background is accen-
that a participant would tuated by aviation busi-
ask “Where were you to- ness development, stra-
day? I missed you.” And the tegic communication,
response was “I participat- and journalism.
ed in a mini-summit on the
neighbor-island St.Barth.”