Page 10 - AHATA
P. 10

                                                                                                           local Thursday 15 June 2023

            Lessons from our elders:

            Plants and fruits for medicinal use

                                                                      sold as a powder or whole.
                                                                      It is said that you can take
                                                                      arrowroot   powder    and
                                                                      make a “shalup” (porridge)
                                                                      for  stomach  pain  or  when
                                                                      you’re  feeling  weak.  You
                                                                      can  make  it  with  milk  too,
                                                                      but  it  is  advised  to  best
                                                                      use  just  water.  You  can
                                                                      also add prunes for a bit of
                                                                      sweetness.  Arrowroot  sha-
                                                                      lup is also good to treat an
                                                                      unhealthy  gut  or  for  diar-
            (Oranjestad)—Though  tion on the ovaries or uter-         To make arrowroot shalup,
            western  medicine  is  now  us.  This  gets  rid  of  irritation  boil a bit of water and add
            widely  used  for  common  and inflammation.              one  tablespoon  of  arrow-
            illnesses  and  to  keep  our  When the fruit is unripe and  root  powder  and  stir  con-
            bodies healthy and happy,  green, this can be used to  tinuously  until  you  reach
            it  is  still  very  common  in  stimulate menstruation flow  porridge consistency. If you
            every  household  in  Aruba  in  women.  This  also  stimu-  make  a  shalup  with  milk,
            (and  around  the  world)  to  lates  the  passing  kidney  add  a  pinch  of  salt.  Raw
            have  staple  home  rem-     stones. When ripe, the fruit  arrowroot  powder  can  be
            edies  that  is  passed  on  can be used for poisoning  used to powder babies.
            through  generations.  Here  in  the  gut  and  can  help
            are  some  tips  that  our  el-  treat  rheumatic  diseases,  Eggplant/Aubergine
            ders have passed on to us  like arthritis.                Eggplants,  or  aubergines,
            over the years.                                           are  easy  to  find  in  super-
                                         However,     breastfeeding  markets  around  the  world
            Pineapple                    women  who  cannot  pro-     and can be grown all year
            Pineapple  has  more  uses  duce  much  milk  are  ad-    round on the island. Relat-
            than  topping  it  on  your  vised  not  to  consume  too  ed to potato and tomato,  make  sure  to  drink  slowly;  ternally to treat arthritis.
            Christmas  ham.  According  pineapple,  and  people  eggplants  are  good  to  let it mix with your spit and   *warapa: term referring to
            to elders, the skin of a pine-  with acid reflux are recom-  calm nerves. It can also be  then swallow.             a water and sugar solution,
            apple is great to use to re-  mended  to  not  consume  used  to  lower  blood  pres-                               a.k.a simple syrup.
            fresh your body. Clean the  any pineapple at all.         sure, by steeping its leaves  Eggplant  kataplan*  can  *kataplan:      porridge-like
            skin  thoroughly  and  make                               in  boiled  water  and  drink-  also  be  used  to  treat  skin  mixture   used   externally
            tea or warapa* with it. It is  Arrowroot                  ing  it.  You  can  also  make  tumors,   abscesses   and  for  wounds  or  parts  of  the
            said  that  this  tea  can  also  Arrowroot is native to tropi-  eggplant juice to help puri-  hemorrhoids. Eggplant kat-  body  that  are  painful  or
            be  drank  after  an  opera-  cal  America  and  can  be  fy your blood. However, do  aplan can also be used ex-    swollen.q

            George Forbes: Father of the “Parke Curason”

            ORANJESTAD  -  For  many  years,  job, and then there are those who  weekends."
            sports  enthusiasts  have  had  a  make a difference in how they do
            unique  place  dedicated  to  their  their job. Mr. Forbes makes a differ-  Every country and every age is rep-
            activities. The biggest park on the  ence when you visit Parke Curason.  resented; indeed, this is a multicul-
            island, “Parke Curason*” in Jaburi-  He greets visitors, walks around to  tural  and  multigenerational  park.
            bari is a well-rounded park, featur-  help  a  child  fix  their  soccer  ball,  According to Mr. Forbes, the park
            ing a covered basketball court, a  or assists a jogger on the path. He  has been in existence for 14 years,
            soccer field, a BMX racing track, a  even  takes  care  of  the  cars  that  as it was there from the beginning.  Jaymer Carolina was a profession-
            skateboard park, exercise stations,  enter and directs them to a nearby                                     al BMX rider, and he confirms the
            a children's garden, and a 750-me-  parking spot. For many people, he  "The  park  looked  fantastic  back  importance of this park for his sport.
            ter asphalt path. But one of the best  is the face of the place, and we of-  then,  everything  was  new  and  in  "The park was my training ground. I
            parts is the dedication of the park's  ten forget to thank people like Mr.  good shape. More and more peo-  trained here six times a week, from
            'tata' (father): George Forbes.     Forbes, who stand out in this way.  ple come nowadays; Arubans love  5 to 7 in the evening." He was part
                                                                                    sports more now, and that's great.  of  Rough  Riders  Aruba,  where  he
            The Face of the Park                150 visitors per day                Compared to the past, it's better,  competed  in  the  17-24  age  cat-
            There are people who just do their  Linda  Reijnders  spoke  with  Mr.  so we need to focus on maintain-    egory.
                                                Forbes.  "I've  been  working  here  ing  the  park,"  Mr.  Forbes  explains.  The park is not only for BMX groups
                                                since I was 13 years old, and I cher-  He enjoys sports himself and always  but also for basketball teams, soc-
                                                ish everything about my work. I'm  walks around to assist both young  cer  groups,  skateboard  enthusi-
                                                a  supervisor  and  security  guard.  and  older  people.  "I'm  not  some-  asts,  young  children,  and  people
                                                People come here every day, and  one  who  sits  in  a  corner  to  make  who  enjoy  jogging  and  walking.
                                                the  connection  I  have  with  them  money.  There  are  many  things  to  Additionally,  it  serves  as  a  social
                                                makes  me  happy."  He  explains  consider to prevent accidents."       gathering place.
                                                that the park receives around 150
                                                visitors every day. "That's the aver-  BMX Training Spot                *”Parke Curason” translates literally

                                                age, and it can be even more on  Before moving to the Netherlands,  to “Heart Park”q
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