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a8    local
                    Thursday 15 June 2023

            The Ostrich Farm

             Matividiri– One of the most entertaining
             vacation activities is a visit to the Ostrich
             Farm, a popular stopover on most island
             jeep tours.

             Locals  and  visitors  enjoy  the  guided
             ostrich  tour  at  the  farmand  features  a
             well-stocked  locally  crafted  and  pro-
             duced Art Boutique. The highlight of the
             visit  is  always  the  fun  interaction  with
             the resident ostriches and emus, includ-
             ing a trip to the incubators and the bird   her wings and also poked around, be-
             kindergarten,housing  baby  ostriches,      fore collapsingon the ground in a heap
             baby  emus,  chicken  and  ducks,  and      of feathers, allowing him to mount her,
             even a land turtle!                         shaking, winding and spiraling his head
             It was a National Geographic moment         in all direction!
             when  on  cue  Mr.  Ostrich  flapped  his   Mr.  Ostrich  concluded  his  unexpected
             wings excitedly and poked around the        performance  with  a  loud  honking,  his
             ground  with  his  bill,  triggering  Mrs.  Os-  eyes rolling, then got up in a huff to non-
             trich who ran around in circles, flapped    chalantly  strut  away,  leaving  his  wife
                                                         and the scrutiny of our cameras. It was
                                                         a  surprise  reality  TV  moment,  and  not
                                                         usually included in the regular program.
                                                         Feeding the Ostriches is however always
                                                         on the program, and they are eternally
                                                         hungry, and fun!
                                                         Tours are available daily every half hour
                                                         from 10– 3pm. No reservations needed
                                                         for small groups. q

                                                         Matividiri 57, Open daily
                                                         from 10:00 AM till 4:00 PM
                                                         Telephone: 5859630
                                                         For more information go to the website:

                                                                      Hammerheads Hang in the Balance:
                                                                      Why These Sharks Deserve a Helping Hand

                                                                      these sharks at the species  have a negative impact on  with the Republic of France
                                                                      level complicated.  This has  these animals.              plan  to  submit  a  proposal
                                                                      resulted  in  varying  success                            during the next conference
                                                                      for management and con-      Protection                   of the parties for the Carta-
                                                                      servation  actions,  allowing  There  are  many  organi-  gena  Convention  (COPS)
                                                                      loopholes  for  unwanted  zations     and    individuals  to  upgrade  these  sharks
                                                                      hammerhead  shark  mor-      working  to  protect  ham-   to  the  Annex  II  list.  This  will
                                                                      talities to continue.        merhead  sharks  and  their  allow  for  these  species  to
                                                                      (Hammerhead)  sharks  are  habitats  in  the  Caribbean.  receive   additional   pro-
                                                                      apex    predators,   which  A significant milestone was  tection  moving  forward,
                                                                      means that they are at the  the  establishment  of  pro-  ensuring  these  sharks  are
                                                                      top  of  its  food  web  and  tected  areas  such  as  the  free  to  roam  the  Caribbe-
                                                                      have  no  natural  preda-    Yarari Marine Mammal and  an  waters  and  contribute
            (Hammerhead) sharks play  will  give  the  Dutch  Carib-  tors. Sharks help keep their  Shark  Sanctuary  between  to  healthy  ecosystems  for
            an  important  role  in  main-  bean  the  tools  they  need  prey  population  healthy  the  BES  islands.    However,  years to come.q
            taining  healthy  oceans,  to further protect these vital  by  eating  the  sick  and  in-  additional  efforts  are  cru-
            which  is  important  for  the  sharks moving forward.    jured,  while  also  affect-  cial to create more marine   Photo  credit:  Ben  Phillips  (all
            fisheries and the economy                                 ing their prey’s distribution.  protected  areas,  reduce   rights reserved)
            of  the  Caribbean  islands.  Hammerhead  sharks,  Ge-    In  healthy  oceans,  sharks  pollution in the ocean, and
            Later  this  year,  the  Dutch  nus  Sphyrna,  are  found  all  help to maintain stable fish  promote sustainable fishing
            and  French  governments  around the world. Three of  stocks  and  healthy  coral  practices.
            will  officially  propose  that  nine  world’s  species  can  reefs  and  seagrass  beds,
            three  species  of  hammer-  be  found  in  the  Carib-   which  is  important  for  the  In   2017,   hammerhead
            head  sharks  are  added  bean,  including  the  scal-    fisheries and the economy  sharks  were  added  to  the
            to  the  SPAW  Protocol  An-  loped  hammerhead,  the  (tourism)  of  the  islands.  Annex  III  list  of  the  SPAW
            nex  II  list  during  the  next  smooth hammerhead, and  (Hammerhead)         sharks  Protocol,  but  this  has  not
            Conference  of  the  parties  the  great  hammerhead.  are  vulnerable  to  human  resulted  in  the  desired  re-
            for  the  Cartagena  Con-    These species have a simi-   threats.  Overfishing,  pollu-  covery of their populations.

            vention  (COPS)  on  Aruba.  lar  overall  appearance,  tion,  and  climate  change  Therefore,  the  Kingdom
            This  increased  protection  which  makes  identifying  are  all  factors  that  can  of  the  Netherlands  along
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