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                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper

            The Pentagon is seen from Air Force One as it flies over Washington, March 2, 2022.                                                 Associated Press
                                                                                                                                                    Page 2
            Reported sex assaults in the U.S. military have dropped.

            That reverses what had been a growing problem

            By LOLITA C. BALDOR                 by The Associated Press. Both are  At the same time, 8,515 sexual assaults  day to his military commanders, who
            Associated Press                    dramatic reversals of what has been  were reported last year involving mem-  were gathered at the White House.
            WASHINGTON (AP) — The number of  a growing problem in recent years.     bers of the U.S. military, a decrease  “I’m proud that for the first time in
            reported sexual assaults across the  More than 29,000 active-duty service  from 8,942 in 2022. And officials said  nearly  a  decade,  rates  of  sexual
            military decreased last year, and a  members said in the survey that they  the U.S. military academies also saw  assault and harassment are, within
            confidential survey found a 19% drop  had unwanted sexual contact during  fewer reported sexual assaults in the  the  active-duty  forces,  are  down.
            in the number of service members  the previous year, compared with  school year that ended last spring  They’re down. That’s because of your
            who said they had experienced some  nearly 36,000 in the 2021 survey, ac-  versus the previous year.        leadership,” Biden said.
            type of unwanted sexual contact,  cording to several defense officials.  President Joe Biden hailed the im-
            according to new figures obtained  The decrease is the first in eight years.  proved numbers as he spoke Wednes-            Continued on Page 2
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