Page 5 - AHATA
P. 5

                                                                                                           local Thursday 16 May 2024

            Aruba is going to celebrate the 4th Multicultural Encounter in San Nicolas

            Once  again  this  year,  San                                                                                       creating a space where art-
            Nicolas will be the epicenter                                                                                       ists of all genres can demon-
            of art and culture in Aruba,                                                                                        strate their talent and express
            where on Sunday, May 19th,                                                                                          to the present audience, all
            it will start with a gastronomic                                                                                    the artistic potential that ex-
            fair and multicultural show,                                                                                        ists in Aruba.
            and on May 21st, there will
            be a Peace and Unity pa-                                                                                            Through  the  "Aruba  Multi-
            rade.                                                                                                               cultural Encounter", the De-
                                                                                                                                partment of Culture of Aru-
            This encounter is related to                                                                                        ba pushes to stimulate the
            the "World Day for Cultural                                                                                         people of Aruba to continue
            Diversity  for  Dialogue  and                                                                                       working, living, feeling, and
            Development" declared by                                                                                            preserving the cultural heri-
            UNESCO, the Ministry of Cul-                                                                                        tage, both material and non-
            ture of Aruba together with                                                                                         material. Protect the cultural
            the Department of Culture of                                                                                        heritage and legacy of each
            Aruba, the Consular Corps,                                                                                          nationality and thus create
            UNESCO Aruba, Artisa, and                                                                                           a space to share the cultural
            artistic groups, Cultural Folk-                                                                                     richness of all the people liv-
            lore  established  in  Aruba                                                                                        ing in Aruba.
            from different countries such
            as  Colombia,  the  Nether-  of  unity,  generate  integra-  lumbus Day'.              peaceful  coexistence  en-   The central theme this year
            lands, India, Italy, Jamaica,  tion,  and  share  with  each  Moreover,  it  is  a  platform  vironment,  where  respect,  is:  "Elevate  the  Aruban  to
            Peru, the Philippines, Santo  other the greatest richness  where every country has the  tolerance, and freedom of  the  height  of  his  culture
            Domingo,  Suriname,  Ven-    of Aruba, which is our multi-  opportunity to celebrate its  artistic and cultural expres-  and learn about others, the
            ezuela, and others besides  culturalism. In the past, it has  culture in a spirit of gratitude  sion are highlighted, to then  richness of our country is our
            Aruba, will bring their unique  already been celebrated for  and meet each other in unity  continue promoting this, pre-  multiculturalism."q
            presentations.               15 consecutive years under  and harmony contributing to  sented in combination with
                                         the  name  of  'Multicultural  the peace and unity of all  a  multidisciplinary  cultural  Photo  courtesy  of  the  De-
            This  project,  created  in  Fair',  which  took  place  on  the peoples of the world.  exchange  show,  a  gastro-  partment of Culture's Face-
            2021, aims to create bonds  October 12th, which is 'Co-   Likewise,  it  is  to  create  a  nomic and craft exhibition,  book Page.

            Lessons from our elders:

            Plants and fruits for medicinal use (part 2)

            (Oranjestad)—In last week’s edition, we shared with our readers some
            medicinal use for plants and fruits, passed down from our elders through
            generations. This week, we present two more uses of fruits and plants for
            medicinal use.

                                         Sweet potato

                                                                                    Pomegranates  are  also  one  of  the  easier  fruits  to  plant  and  harvest.
                                                                                    Originated from Persia, this plant can grow almost everywhere. In Aru-
                                                                                    ba, there are many homes that have a tiny or big pomegranate tree.
                                                                                    You may be wondering what the difference is between a small and big
                                                                                    pomegranate tree, for which the answer is based on harvest time. Tiny
            According to our elders, sweet potato is mostly useful for low blood pres-  trees produce tinier pomegranates that can be harvested early on. Con-
            sure.  People  who  suffer  from  low  blood  pressure  were  advised  to  eat  trarily, big trees produce bigger pomegranates, but they need enough
            sweet potato 2 to 3 times a week. However, if you have high blood pres-  time to fully ripen before harvesting, otherwise you might end up with
            sure, it is best not to eat too much sweet potato, as this raises blood pres-  bitter seeds. Pomegranate trees are also very easy to plant. In essence,
            sure. Sweet potatoes are also great for people who work hard labor jobs,  if you just throw the seeds on the ground, they could grow into a tree.
            and it’s been said to be aid blood circulation in the body, as well as help
            those with hemorrhoids or diarrhea.                                     In  terms  of  medicinal  use,  pomegranate  skins  are  said  to  have  a  few
            Many of our elders opted to plant sweet potatoes themselves, mostly  benefits for our health. According to customs, pomegranate skin tea can
            because of how easy it was to do so. Cut the end of a sweet potato  help those that suffer from diarrhea. Dried pomegranate skin tea is also
            let it sit in shallow water until it starts to sprout. Then you may plant it in  good for people who have worms. Pomegranate flowers can be boiled
            the ground. Sweet potatoes need plenty of water to grow, especially in  to make a drink and this can be used for irritated gums; just take a swig
            the first week in the ground. It was said that once you start to notice the  and let the tea sit in your mouth for a couple minutes. q
            ground  crack  underneath  the  flowers,  it  is  time  to  harvest.  This  should
            happen around month 3.                                                     Source: Remedi i Kustumber di nos Bieunan (Medicine and Customs of our El-
                                                                                                                                       derly) by Dinah Veeris
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