Page 7 - AHATA
P. 7

                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 16 May 2024

            In celebrating 200 years of Oranjestad...

            Learn about the history of the famous town hall!

            (Oranjestad)—If you’ve ever                               mansion for the first time, fur-
            taken a stroll through main                               nished entirely by her sisters-
            street Oranjestad, you may                                in-law.
            have stumbled upon a big
            green house with beautiful                                The mansion also contained
            colonial  design.  This  leg-                             the doctor’s office, as well as
            endary  house,  now  used                                 a pharmacy. After the death
            as a town hall for civil mar-                             of  Jacobo,  the  house  was
            riages, was once owned by                                 inherited by his son, an Aru-
            a wealthy doctor and formed                               ban dentist, who converted
            part  of  the  elite  neighbor-                           Jacobo’s office into his own
            hood in Oranjestad.                                       dental  practice.  Over  the
                                         by  architect  Chibi  Wever,  years, the house was rented
            Jacobo Eloy Arends was an  and constructed under the  and used by third parties, but
            Aruban  physician,  and  in  leadership of famous master  eventually fell into disrepair,
            lived  in  Oranjestad  during  carpenter, Dada Picus, who  as the maintenance cost be-
            the 1920s. In 1922, he mar-  was famous at the time for  came too high to cover.
            ried Maria Monica Lacle, the  his construction of beautiful
            daughter of well-known busi-  buildings.                  The land was sold to Land
            ness man at the time, Adri-                               Aruba in 1986, but it did not
            aan Lacle. The two lived a  The construction of the house  see a renovation until 1997.
            posh life in the city center,  started  once  Jacobo  and  Nowadays, it serves to host
            and their mansion—once the  Maria  got  engaged.  It  is  weddings, and is attached to
            center for neighborhood par-  said that during the time of  a modern building situated
            ties—now serves as a public  construction, Maria was not  behind—the Aruban census     by  Jacobo’s  brother  Fred-  in  ruins.  However,  the  Aru-
            town hall for civil marriages  allowed to see the building  office.                    erico  Maximiliaan  (Machi)  ban  government  recently
            and is a cultural monument  nor be anywhere near the                                   Arends. Frederico was mar-   announced  its  official  res-
            on the island.               construction  site.  It  wasn’t  Jacobo and Maria’s mansion   ried  to  Veneranda  (whom  toration, with plans to con-
                                         until  after  her  honeymoon  was situated in front of anoth-  the  mansion  was  named  vert  this  monument  into  a
            The  house  was  designed  that she saw the completed  er famous mansion, owned        after). Their house was also  governmental  office  and
                                                                                                   constructed by Dada Picus,  public  space  for  visitors  of
                                                                                                   utilizing Veneranda’s design  Oranjestad.
                                                                                                   vision that was inspired by a  Source and pictures credited
                                                                                                   house she saw in Cartagena,  to: “De Kolibrie op de Rots
                                                                                                   Colombia.                    (en meer over the geschie-
                                                                                                                                denis van Aruba)” by Evert
                                                                                                   Nowadays, this mansion lies  Bongers.q
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